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-   -   Never been on a cruise--- (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/never-been-cruise-51933/)

Inkalicious 05-15-2005 04:20 PM

Never been on a cruise---
---SU! or otherwise.:( We are going on a 7 day Carnival cruise to the Mex Riviera.:D :D
(next May) I know, its a ways off!!! Its a family cruise, 12 of us going (and what, 1000 other people?? lol) I know there is lots to do, but would you take some stampin supplies (instead of clothes lolol)?? not much, but I might go thru stampin withdrawals!!
What do you think?

katiestamper 05-15-2005 05:24 PM


I brought some things in December for the same length cruise and never got to it. You are pretty busy, plus there isn't much room to spread out unless you go into a public area. HTH

Mary Kay

a_place_for_ink 05-15-2005 06:08 PM

You don't need to bring any stamps.
I have to agree - we just returned from a cruise to Alaska and I am soooo glad that I didn't add any stamps to the luggage. Not only is there no time, but you will have PLENTY to do to keep you away from stamping....Our cruise had about 3,000 passengers and it didn't seem crowded at all...it's amazing how big the ships are!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful time!!! :)

bestefan 05-15-2005 06:25 PM

Leave the stamps at home. You will be so busy, and everything will be so exciting, you won't find time to stamp. It is a waste of luggage space. Just spend your time enjoying yourself and picking up things to put into a scrapbook. You can use your stamps when you get home.

Bethhartley 05-15-2005 06:50 PM

The above are all right...y ou'll be begging for the bed at night.....and there is NO room to spread out in the rooms.....it's pretty tight living. BUT.......Don't forget the camera and lots of film if you don't have a digital. You'll want tons of pictures for scrapping when you return. Relax and ENJOY!!!

maklady 05-15-2005 06:58 PM

I haven't cruised since I joined SU! but have done some photo albums (can't say scrapbooks) of trips. Make sure you collect everything!!! I used tons of things. Last summer we went to Alaska with my mom and my DH dad. I'm still working on scrapbooks for both of them. I made sure I got extra copies of the daily newsletter, handouts about the ports of call, etc. I even tried to pick up the free maps they had at each location to use. They are going to be nice when they are finished. Remember to save your ticket stubs too! Don't worry, May will be here before you know it. As a travel agent too, I'd suggest, booking your excursions before you go too at least the ones you REALLY, REALLY want. They do book up fast.

karrieg 05-15-2005 06:58 PM

Cruising is the best possible vacation! We have been 10 times over the past 15 years and are scheduling one for January to the Carribbean. Take lots of photos and leave the stamps at home.

Karrie G

afancycat 05-15-2005 07:02 PM

If you dislike incredibly beautiful ocean beaches and water, sightseeing, shopping, catching a little sun, eating until you can pop, fun art auctions, dancing, etc. then take your card making and scrapping supplies!! Leave them at home! You'll never get it all out....there is not enough time!

Have fun!
Julie C.

11Valerie11 05-15-2005 07:12 PM


LEAVE IT HOME, WOMAN!! :D Enjoy the cruise and your family. While I've never been on a cruise, it's on my master list of things to do someday, I do know plenty who have been on one, and the days are pretty filled. How much fun to have something like that to look forward to for a whole year!!!!

Shanon 05-15-2005 08:30 PM

A big ole huge DITTO to all of the above....go and enjoy yourself and be sure to post pics when you return!!!!!!!!!!:p

Inkalicious 05-15-2005 11:16 PM

THANKYOU THANKYOU!!! I know its a year away, but I just thought of that question, and had to ask!! OK, OK, OK!!! NO STAMPS on a cruise!!! LOL:)


NancyL2648 05-14-2006 08:21 PM

Soooo curious minds want to know....how was the cruise????
If you didn't go you...when do you leave for your piece of heaven?

Inkalicious 05-14-2006 09:36 PM

OMGosh how did this get dug up!! BAH-HA-hahaha
Actually, unfortunately, my oldest brother got a new job, and he is low man on the totem pole, so he didnt get his asked for vacation time-meaning our cruise!!! So he will find out in Sept if he gets the dates he wants, and I hope my Mom is going to reschedule the cruise!!!! lol

Jami 05-14-2006 09:39 PM

This is too funny Tandra!!!!!:eek:

MaryRay 05-15-2006 04:36 AM

I vote for leave the stamps at home.. If you feel like it bring a stamp/scrap book or magazine for when you're lounging on deck....

We cruise alot and a great website to get info on excursions etc is www.cruise.com

You'll love cruising!!

scrapmo 05-15-2006 05:20 AM

If you like to gamble I have a tip:

Gamble on the way out, but not the way back. A very experience cruiser told me they change the odds so people win at the beginning, and the ship takes it all back on the return. Don't know if it is true, but he swears by it.

I agree, leave the stamps at home.

etsdas 05-15-2006 06:58 AM

Just a bit of a hijack - there is a great website for anyone thinking of a cruise. It is www.cruisecritic.com
There are reviews of ships, but the best part is the forum (message boards?) section - just like SCS. Cruisers post questions, opinions, ideas for shore excursions, etc. There is a roll call section for people planning specific cruises.

I hope you do get to go eventually.

suchaladie 05-15-2006 08:12 AM

I agree witht the ladies, you will have NO Time to stamp! You'll be too busy doing all the other wonderful things the cruise has planned for you. Have fun and enjoy:)

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