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-   -   Need tips for stamping on acetate -- Help! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/need-tips-stamping-acetate-help-318911/)

tmac96 01-26-2008 10:06 AM

Need tips for stamping on acetate -- Help!
Hello! I am new here! I have been lurking for awhile and have enjoyed reading the posts from everyone and checking out the gallery. Great inspiration there! I am hoping all you friendly people can help me as I try some new things. Today's adventure -- stamping on acetate.

Today, I decided to try the acetate cards I saw in the gallery. I am facing a huge problem though -- I can NOT get a clear stamped image to save my life! :mad: If I press too hard, the stamp slides and the image smears. If I press too light, some of the stamped image doesn't come out. GRRR, I can't get it right! I've been using my Staz-on cleaner to clean the acetate when I mess up, but still, I have wasted so much ink and tissues just trying to get ONE card done. Please help!

Stampingmathilda 01-26-2008 10:17 AM

Have you tried to wait a little while after inking your stamp? This should make it less slippery.

MSBetsyZ 01-26-2008 10:18 AM

Hi, welcome to SCS! Acetate can be a booger to stamp on! May I ask what ink you're using? You'll have the best results by using an ink meant for non-porous surfaces, like Staz-On, Brilliance, etc.

tmac96 01-26-2008 10:21 AM

As far as ink, I am using Staz-On.


Originally Posted by Stampingmathilda (Post 8523477)
Have you tried to wait a little while after inking your stamp? This should make it less slippery.

Hmmm, I will have to give that a try!

Poekietoe 01-26-2008 10:24 AM

I don't push too hard, but I push the stamp for a while (longer than on paper) on the acetat.

1flourish 01-26-2008 10:26 AM

Tips for acetate
I suggest that you place a piece of fun foam under you acetate before you stamp. This may help absorb some of the pressure. I second the idea of waiting just a moment before stamping the newly inked image. Keep the faith once you get the hang of it you will be hooked. Let me know if I can help you further.

ruby869 01-29-2008 12:17 PM

Acetate is a problem surface to get a good image. The only thing that works for me is to have the inked stamp facing up and putting the acetate onto the inked stamp, hold the acetate down with one hand and rubbing the acetate with the other hand. You can see the ink transfer to the acetate so you will know where you need to rub. Vioila, a perfectly stamped image on a difficult surface. I hope this helps.


Debra Cherney 01-29-2008 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by ruby869 (Post 8566537)
Acetate is a problem surface to get a good image. The only thing that works for me is to have the inked stamp facing up and putting the acetate onto the inked stamp, hold the acetate down with one hand and rubbing the acetate with the other hand. You can see the ink transfer to the acetate so you will know where you need to rub. Vioila, a perfectly stamped image on a difficult surface. I hope this helps.


I've done this quite a few times. I've also done this when an image didn't full stamp. I've turned the stamp over, inked it and then carefully placed the stamped acetate on the stamp. I've applied pressure to the areas that weren't inked.

jukie 01-29-2008 11:50 PM

you could try some talcum powder - is that what you call it over in the US? you know the stuff you put on babys after a bath...it takes the slip out of the acetate

bwstamper 01-30-2008 04:08 AM

I did acetate Christmas cards last year. I always use a piece of fun foam to stamp on and I had no problems with slipping on the acetate. The card I did is in my gallery.

Cutietoots 01-30-2008 04:26 AM

I draw on acetate, using technical pens. The very bst ink you can use is Koh-I-Noor Acetate OHP Ink a fast-drying, black India ink. Google it and you'll find it at art stores on-line. However...I can't say I've ever tried stamping with it. All I know is the ink dries quickly and sticks well, creating vivid blacks. But...it only comes in black, too...Not sure if this helps?

Babsnelson 01-30-2008 05:23 AM

I have found that I can get a decent image with my White Staz-on, but not my Black. Dunno why.....

diannep575 01-30-2008 06:02 AM

I can never get a good image on acetate no matter what I try. I have access to a copy machine at work so I stamp my image on regular cs and run the acetate through the copy machine.... Perfect image every time.

scrapamiga 01-30-2008 06:28 AM

I've done the same thing (run through copier) -- works perfectly!

helmts1981 01-30-2008 12:26 PM

I found it nice to not use so much ink since it has nothing to soak into like cardstock and to go straight up and down and you do NOT need to push down at all. HTH

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