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-   -   Need quick ideas for invitations, please help! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/need-quick-ideas-invitations-please-help-119894/)

SkisInOkinawa 02-10-2006 05:13 PM

Need quick ideas for invitations, please help!
I am in desperate need of your generous help. After hours of researching here, I'm lost.

I need a quick simple girlie card for a 6yr. old birthday party invitation. I was thinking of a template of some kind, nothing intricate. I was thinking of a Lips/Kiss template so that I could somehow make them Bratz, which she loves.

My kids' birthdays are a week apart. I've been going nuts getting my son's party done this week and with Valentine school parties coming up, it's crazy. Either I buy hers invites or try something quick this weekend to have her invites ready to pass out on Monday.

Any suggestions, templates, or links would be so very greatly appreciated!

Swamped mom here!;)

ScrappingCuriousGeorge 02-10-2006 05:27 PM

How about just some bright colors with ribbon one one of the sides on the outside, the number of her upcoming age and on the inside a "You're invited" in cardstock matching ink?

deannanb 02-10-2006 06:04 PM

you could stamp something on the front of the card and then type something up for the inside.

I did that for both of my son's bday invitation.

you can fit 4 inside greetings on one piece of cardstock.

Soni B 02-10-2006 06:32 PM

need quick ideas
my secret sis just sent me a card with a simple background stamp like curly q's and then stamped the girl from girlfriends and cut her out... said sometimes she did this and used stickers..or how about a frog in place of the girl???

StampinStacy 02-10-2006 06:33 PM

Hey there, Diana~ I just went to the gallery and under "search" I typed in "lips." There were quite a few cards that came up showing "lips" and also the "Totally Cool" set (the ones with the girls that look like Bratz dolls to me - ha!). Anyway...if you don't have a lips stamp or the Totally Cool set, maybe you could put some lipstick on your lips and "kiss" your cards and try setting them with some sort of clear sealer and/or hairspray. If you put eyeshadow and/or blush on your lips (powdery) it might seal even better (like the chalks/powder consistency).

If those ideas don't appeal to ya, at least check out the AWESOME layouts which might help to spark some ideas (again typing in "lips" under "search" in the gallery). Hope this helps! Have fun and hang in there, girl!! Post your invitation when you're done, as we'd love to see it!

lindalee 02-10-2006 06:51 PM

Speaking as a mom first and a stamper second--if you are stressed, go buy something and stop making life harder than it has to be. Stamping is supposed to be fun, not stressful! If you are going to feel guilty about something, let it be over eating a whole tub of Ben and Jerry's--not birthday invitations. :D

SkisInOkinawa 02-13-2006 02:36 PM

Well, this is what I came up with!:D


Thank you so much for your suggestions and help. I really appreciate it.

Lindalee, I see your wisdom and agree, icecream would be much more tasty. LOL. But as a busy mom of 3 I know no other state of being. ;) The thing that's throwing me off this year is that now that 2 kids are in school, they have 2 parties, one at school and one at home. I overcame and did the invites and am happy for my DD cuz she is so thrilled over them.

lindalee 02-13-2006 02:50 PM

Very Cute! You're a very good mom and she's lucky to have someone so talented.:D

jailbirdstamper 02-13-2006 03:33 PM


Originally Posted by SkisInOkinawa
Well, this is what I came up with!:D


Thank you so much for your suggestions and help. I really appreciate it.

Lindalee, I see your wisdom and agree, icecream would be much more tasty. LOL. But as a busy mom of 3 I know no other state of being. ;) The thing that's throwing me off this year is that now that 2 kids are in school, they have 2 parties, one at school and one at home. I overcame and did the invites and am happy for my DD cuz she is so thrilled over them.

Diana those are too darn cute!!!!

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