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kaclarke 08-02-2005 07:59 AM

Need opinions on these 2 cards
I am participating in my first card swap and have made these 2 cards for the 2 groups I am in. Do these cards need anything else? Would you want to receive these from a swap?

Group 1 - Thank You:

Group 2 - Kid Girl Birthday:

TIA for any advice.

mcpaige 08-02-2005 08:05 AM

These two cards are great and I would love to receive either (or both!!)


avonlea 08-02-2005 08:30 AM

Me! Me! I want to receive these!!!
These are wonderful! And I would love to receive these!!! :D But I'm not! *cries*


I can't think of a way to enhance your thank you card; I really like the colours and the layout. And the DTP on the greeting is perfect! And the ribbon is the perfect touch. :)

For your birthday card, again, I like the layout and the colours and your choice of stamps! Woot! The only thing I can think of to enhance it is to colour in (watercolours or SU! pastels, for example) the cake. You could either colour in all parts of the cake (using your pink and purple colours) or just 'highlight' 2 or 3 things on it. Maybe add some glitter to the candle?

Bottom line; great cards!!!! :cool:

christyl 08-02-2005 10:00 AM

I think both cards are great!!! I like them both.

If you are wanting to add something to either of them, the only suggestions I could think of is on the first one maybe crinkle the bravo burgendy and then put it on the bottom.

The birthday card is great as it, except I like ribbon so I would probably add some if it were mine, but that is just me.

Great work!!!

Lisa Loiselle 08-02-2005 01:05 PM

Both cards are so pretty!! I agree with Avonlea - I might add some color to the cake, maybe some random positively pink, and/or glitter. Nice job!

stampinCPA 08-02-2005 01:34 PM

Karen, Nice job on both. The only I can think of to add to the first would be a corner punch maybe, like notched or rounded or slit punch. The colors on the birthday card are great! I too would add some color to the cake, either pastels or pencils. And the idea of sparkly candles is a great one too.

mightymouse 08-02-2005 03:21 PM

Very nice cards. You did a great job they don't need a thing.

peasoup 08-02-2005 03:29 PM

I love the layouts of both cards. The colors are also great choices. If you are looking to spice them up a bit I just have a few humble suggestions.

I think the bottom portion would really look great with a little texture - either crinkle it a bit and then flatten it back out or tear it.

On card #2 the cake would really pop with some color. A little glitter too, maybe?

Even if you leave them alone I would still love to get these in a SWAP!!!

cpstamper 08-02-2005 03:33 PM

Love the cards!!! If anything, I'd say add a little color to the cake here and there and a touch of glitter or liquid applique.

stampin'momof3 08-03-2005 04:23 AM

#1 - Yes!

#2 - Yes! Only as suggested, I would add some colour to the cake with chalks or something.

Need my addy? ;) LOL!!! They're lovely cards! I'm sure everyone will be pleased!!

pamw 08-03-2005 04:49 AM

very nice!
I would be very pleased to receive either of these cards in a swap. Great job!

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