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-   -   Need ideas for kids cards with no layers (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/need-ideas-kids-cards-no-layers-87505/)

deeth1 09-20-2005 09:32 AM

Need ideas for kids cards with no layers
Can anyone help me with some cards ideas for kids that don't have layers or other costly embellishments on them? Maybe with shadow stamps as the background or sponging.

I like to make cards for the Keiki kids charity, but my budget is tight these days and I don't have extra funds to spend on mono adhesive or ribbons. I am looking for ideas that just use stamps and ink on cardstock without layering.

With all the talented ladies on this website, someone is bound to have some fun ideas of what I can make for the kids with a single layer of cardstock a few stamps and some creative thinking.

mrussom 09-20-2005 09:54 AM

kids cards
I made cards on black paper, using white ink and stamps with kids on it (jumping rope, birthday party kind of stuff). Looks like a chalk board and they turned out very cute, if I may say so myself, very easy and very kid-like. I also did it on red paper and they turned out cute too.

jksteve1 09-20-2005 06:59 PM

Use Crayola kids from SU!. Punch a square or circle, insert sun on inside. On front, I put girl in Real Red, Clouds in Brilliant blue, grass and flower stems in Glor Green, and flowers in purple. Real basic, real cute and easy!!!

addicted2cards 09-21-2005 11:18 AM

crayon kids
I also used the crayon kids, but used black ink on white paper. On the envelope (back flap) I stamped with small alphabet "color me"

Here is a link to the person I cased it from...


This is a great set. I use it a lot and in my opinion, definitely worth the investment!

PaperRapt 09-22-2005 05:51 AM

The basic design I use for my kiddo's cards they send out is 1/2 of an 8 1/2 x 11 sheet. Once I fold the card in half, I then cut an inch off the front letting the bottom inside of the card show. On that bottom edge we stamp or write the sentiment: Hello, Happy Birthday, Thank You, etc. Then we place images on the front flap. Sometimes one in the center, 3 in a line or random all over. We use stamped images, stickers, craft foam shapes or die-cut felt pieces, faux jewels--pretty much anything that has a shape! They have a blast making these types of cards.


DancingRain 09-24-2005 01:43 AM

May I suggest checking out the "Resources" by clicking HERE?

Baby wipe backgrounds (as well as several other backgrounds) looks nice with an image stamped over the top...

Crayon resist can be created in such a way that you only need the card base...

Joseph's Coat.. or any variation.. can work well without layers...

DPT around the edges of your card, with an image stamped directly on the card front looks good... and you can color the image with any medium of your choice... or leave it as a color book image and allow the child to color :)

Retiform (Grid Technique) works well without layering...

Stamp your image on the card front... mask over it with a circle/square/rectangle/oval/etc. and create your background on the rest of the card.

Cut/Punch a window in the card front... decorate the front of the card and then place an image on the inside of the card so that it shows through the window.

Just a few suggestions that I hope will help.

Giving of your heart is a most wonderful gift, and I'm sure these kids will appreciate your kindness no matter how you choose to bring a smile to their little faces.

Dancing Rain

itsme 09-24-2005 07:18 PM

what about plain cards, just stamped with black ink so they can color them themselves? If you would like I would be glad to send you some supplies just email me with addy and I can put something in the mail. I have lots of paper and I have LOTS of adhesive squares that I would gladly share. [email protected]

jukeboxgraduate 09-25-2005 04:01 PM

I stole this idea out of the gallery last week and made a quick, simple card, that was cute and clever, a smiley face stamped w/three stamps:

Use a flower center to stamp two eyes (the DD sunflower works well for this)
Below, a small script stamp, like "friends" for the nose
A half of an outline circle for the smile, or a flower stem will work too.

I had some shaggy fringe-type ribbon, and I glued that across the top for bangs.

I think I might be able to find a photo ( I already mailed it off) if your interested, PM me.

It was really easy and cute, and good for a laugh.


Bosco&Me 09-26-2005 07:18 PM

Try the shaving cream technique.

skittlebrow 09-27-2005 01:32 AM

what about using the masking technique? I did a masking/omitting card for the first time during sept VSN and really liked how effective it is for filling up a card without having to build up the layers as I usually do. take a look at your existing stock of stamps and get out a post-it pad and scissors and go to town! btw, don't forget to store the post-it image you've cut out with your stamps for next time. :)

Rox71 09-27-2005 05:57 PM

I didn't see this thread until tonight, I guess I haven't made it into this forum for a while.

I have some ideas for you right from the supply of Keiki birthday cards. I got them ready to send out to all the Keiki kids today for October.

But first - This one is my find at a dollar store � two way tape the thin style (not the foam, I hate cards with foam unless they are shakers). Look for it in the auto and hardware section. It�s usually 1� wide and you can take the time to cut it to your length. It�s all I use now and it sure beats the expensive stuff. It's hard to find so when you find it buy lots! I got 18 rolls when I found it the second time. It has sixty feet to a role. Bazic is this brand.

I also use Aleene�s tacky glue a lot and just put a very thin layer with a larger straight pen (like a corsage pen). This works great and saves money.

If you�re running low on papers the dollar store papers are sometimes a great find in the tablet form. I don�t mean the ones that look like school construction paper, they do have better stuff with textures.
Also ask a local printer if they could save you some scarps of any size. That is how I get most of my c/s for Keiki. Just be prepared to use white, A LOT!

These cards are right here beside me from donations, so here goes:

Regular side fold, the front opening edge is cut with decorative scissors and trimmed in gold pen about 1/8�. The design is then added and it�s just enough to dress it up.

Not my favorite, a doily as the layer glued on with Button Bear glued on top. I�d use tacky glue; her blue glue stick just came undone! More work for me! If you have background stamps use them before the doily goes down. I�ll do that also!

Here�s one with embossing for the main image and colored in on white c/s the long message waves across the bottom but the cool thing that dresses it up is that it�s done by using four colors of embossing powder like a rainbow. The only thing I�d do different is to stamp a border down each side or around the edge for a layered look. It�s a top fold style.

Use your stamps to make borders such as a teddy bear design with the paw print stamped on the entire edge and it gives the layered appearance.

Mask off the edge and make faux borders. I like using the blue masking tape painters use or post its. The blue tape works best if you stick it to the table top and rip it off a few times to actually pick up some dust so it isn�t so sticky. I know they sell stuff in the card section of craft stores but I�d bet it 2 to 3 times the amount of money too.

My faux border card

One layer card

Another one layer card

Scenery one layer

You can always make it look like layers by putting a post over the center then decorate the card background, remove the post it and stamp your main design. I did that with the flowers in the squares.

I hope this helps and I'm certianly glad to see you helping out Keiki. Annette the director really appreciates all her volunteers. Have fun! I'm going to check out your gallery now!

Rush'd Lady 09-29-2005 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by addicted2cards
I also used the crayon kids, but used black ink on white paper. On the envelope (back flap) I stamped with small alphabet "color me"

Here is a link to the person I cased it from...


Thanks for the compliment! I have several other cards in my gallery -- such as a Teddy Bear card I used as an example of a Bible Memory postcard for my Bear Buddies Scout troup.

I also work on a budget. I buy my white cardstock by the ream at Walmart, then cut down as needed. I also try to purchase cardstock and other things at Dollar Stores, thrift shops, on clearance when I can, etc. I also have a couple of generous friends whose relatives own print shops and give them discards which they share with me. Also my friends will trade.

I also buy double face tape & use quick-drying glue for embellishments. I collect those freebie sheets from the hobby stores on different stamped card ideas & store them in a notebook. Handy when you can't get to the internet to look up SCS and need a quick idea.

The bubble technique is good also for filling in background and since I don't have many special background stamps, it's amazing what creative ways you can find to use a regular stamp to make a background. I've made several homemade stamps using SU scraps that friends give me. Also check out my color block cards. I've had fun making those! :)

I usually make my own colored brads using those brass brads you find in the stationery section at any discount store and heat embossing powder. First hold the brad in a pair of tweezers, heat with embossing gun or iron, dip in the embossing powder, and reheat until melted.

Brayer cards with rainbow pads are nice and colorful, then stamp in a background scene with black. I have several of those also and a bookmark to match in my gallery. I don't use Stickles, but regular Crayola Brand glitter glue.
I hope this helps give you some more ideas! :)

Rush'd Lady 11-29-2005 04:43 PM

I just put in a one layer Christmas card idea into my SCS gallery.

I also have several one layer cards in my "Christmas" album at the Yahoo Gallery.

Go check them out! :)

DancingRain 11-30-2005 11:57 PM

First, I want to thank you for your kind efforts in helping to put a smile on these special kids faces. You are very much appreciated.

Just remembered an idea that might be helpful for you. Create your own shape cards... and then decorate. I have seen them done in the shape of many things kids love.. frogs.. cats.. dogs.. cowboy boots... barns with the card opening in the center like barn doors... the list is limited only to your imagination.

Not sure exactly where to find the templates.. but it might be worth a search. Maybe someone here has a few sites to help?

Dancing Rain

Rush'd Lady 12-07-2005 01:55 PM

Simple coloring books or quilting patterns might have shapes to use as templates or tracing around die-cuts and leaving one folded edge to serve as the "hinge" of the card. Our local teacher's store has large die-cut shape paper notepads for sale.

deeth1 12-07-2005 04:00 PM

Thanks for the great ideas! I appreciate them very much!

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