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-   -   Need a gift idea for 14 people... HELP! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/need-gift-idea-14-people-help-209417/)

mcpaige 12-29-2006 12:16 PM

Need a gift idea for 14 people... HELP!
I'm going off of our church vestry this year and would like to make a little something for the 14 people that I have served with.

My budget is small, and I wondered if you all had any ideas.

There are 14 gifts needed, and there are men and women on the vestry.

TIA for any ideas!!

ladybugstamper2 12-29-2006 12:53 PM

Our church recently had a staff appreciation week and members were encouraged to send a card one day, a little gift another day, etc. Well there were 10 people and like you money was tight.
I made little nugget boxes, just 3 candies each person and I could use papers that reflected male or female tastes. Since mine wasn't the "main" gift, but one of many, it was just right.
Maybe that will help.

Also, this time of year, a snowman soup type idea would work.

Have Fun

sarah9678 12-29-2006 12:56 PM

what about those magnetic tear off calendars...they look great and are easy

jcardi73 12-29-2006 12:57 PM

A decorated photo book.

mcpaige 12-29-2006 01:04 PM

Guys, these are great ideas! Any others willing to share their thoughts? Thanks!!

Frenchy 12-29-2006 01:36 PM

Coasters. I made coasters for all the adults on my xmas list this year and everyone (except my crotchety old great aunt) loved them. They turn out very nicely.

Scrapping&Stamping 12-29-2006 01:40 PM

Altered frap bottles with candy...
Altered clipboards (cheap clipboards at Walmart for about a $1)

wendalyn 12-29-2006 01:53 PM

You could decorate bottles and fill with candy - You could use the plastic photo frames that you can get at Walmart for under a buck and decorate a card for the inside and then put post it notes on the outside for a desk - Good for guys or gals - Alter Address Books good for either - Alter Composition Books add a pen with it. Calendars -

wendalyn 12-29-2006 01:54 PM

Almost forgot look thru the gallery and check out the section that is anything other than a card type thing this should give you several ideas..

manybooks 12-29-2006 02:13 PM

How about a bookmark? Very inexpensive. You can put a biblical verse on it and it is something they can use everyday.
An option to this is you could make it a calendar bookmark - print out the calendars that Cat so graciously posted in the downloads forum. There was also a swap with these recently, so you could find some great ideas in the gallery! I've been giving out bookmarks lately and people seem to LOVE them!

psychkim 12-29-2006 04:30 PM

How about covered post it notes, trail mix with a cute topper, mini legal pad decorated or a RSVP pen with some saying put on the inside of the pen?

mcpaige 12-29-2006 06:35 PM

thanks so much for ALL of the ideas!!! I'm so grateful, and now have some decisions to make!!

Mahloumel 12-29-2006 08:34 PM

We didn't have much of a budget for Xmas material gifts this year, so to our friends I decorated a variety of tea tins. We put all the different kinds of Hershey's kisses in them; they're the latest additions to my gallery if you're curious. For another group of small gifts (also in my gallery if you're curious), we made pillow boxes with the Coluzzle template and put Swiss and hot chocolates from Costco in them, tied the pillow boxes together with ribbon, and placed a metal thank you tag on them.

(I still worry those gifts were a little dorky but everyone seemed to appreciate the thought.)

mcpaige 12-31-2006 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Mahloumel
We didn't have much of a budget for Xmas material gifts this year, so to our friends I decorated a variety of tea tins. We put all the different kinds of Hershey's kisses in them; they're the latest additions to my gallery if you're curious. For another group of small gifts (also in my gallery if you're curious), we made pillow boxes with the Coluzzle template and put Swiss and hot chocolates from Costco in them, tied the pillow boxes together with ribbon, and placed a metal thank you tag on them.

(I still worry those gifts were a little dorky but everyone seemed to appreciate the thought.)

Thanks for these ideas too! I really appreciate it!

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