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charmedvixen 10-06-2005 07:56 PM

Need advice..
Ok I posted in the demo only section when it occered to me that demo's from other companies may not have access so here is my post:

I guess this is a vent/advice needed kinda thing.

I have been a demo for about 7 months now and I have to say I LOVE Stampin' Up! But I have to say that lately I have considered demo'ing for another company. The area I live in has a bunch of Stampin' Up! Demo's and we are all in the same group (Uplines/sidelines). Anyway I have noticewd lately that they came be a little witchy. My own upline has had me in tears! I'm just stuck I don't know if I should quit being a SU demo and sell my stuff to demo for another company, or do I ride it out and hope that it gets better? Any ideas? And has anyone been a demo for another company? Any info on how or if you enjoyed it?


AnnetteMay 10-06-2005 08:04 PM

Life is too short to spend it with miserable people - I say get out and find a group of people you can enjoy working with. Don't know how big/small your area is - maybe there's too many SU and a little conter competition would help? But you should enjoy doing what you do - HTH

charmedvixen 10-06-2005 08:10 PM

I know you're right!! I just have to decide what company to go to. I don't want to stop being a demo all together!

Anyone out there a TAC or CTMH demo and want to tell me the pro's and cons? The closest demo to me is about 40 miles away!


GarnetJ 10-06-2005 08:39 PM

My Humble Opinion

Originally Posted by charmedvixen
........ I have been a demo for about 7 months now and I have to say I LOVE Stampin' Up! ...... The area I live in has a bunch of Stampin' Up! Demo's and we are all in the same group. Mercy

Perhaps the group is just too "tight." Rather than quitting after only 7 months, another possiblity would be to take a really deep breath (for bravery) and go out looking for new and different people who you can show the SU products to. Think of any other connections you may have from former jobs or long lost friends. Make a list of anyone you can think of no matter how remote the connection. Make contact. You may be surprised by a few positive responses. Those responses might lead to more contacts. That's the way the "home demo" system works best, no matter which company it is. Otherwise, if the Demos become to "tight" in one small group they only have each other to sell to.
God's blessings whatever you should decide...

Korillian 10-07-2005 03:46 AM

I agree! There's no reason that you have to keep hanging around people you don't particularly like, but that doesn't mean that you have to quit SU. Heck, I never see my upline!

I think you need to decide which company's products you like the best and go from there. If you like TAC or CTMH stuff better, then you probably are better off switching. But you became an SU demo for a reason, right? So don't let a few bad apples ruin things for you. If you like and believe in SU products, then stay a demo -- just start looking around for a different group of people to stamp with.

speale 10-07-2005 04:09 AM

I switched to CTMH and love it! I found an amazing upline and that has made the switch so much fun! My SU! UL signed me up and then disappeared.

I saw either let your demoship go inactive for 6 months and find a new UL with SU! or see if there is another company that looks interesting to you.

Life is too short to be miserable! Especially when stamping is involved!!!

Boulderstamper 10-07-2005 05:03 AM

I went through this same dilemma 3 months ago. I had 4 girls that I had recruited which made it an even more difficult decision. I couldn't make my quarterly minimums. I was struggling with my SU business and had been for over 6 months. None of my downline attended meetings I held so I was frustrated both with sales and motivation. The area I am in is over saturated with SU demos...there are at least 4 within a mile of me! Then a friend asked me to sell some of my cards and other handstamped items in her store. Obviously, you can't sell SU in fixed retail locations so I was stuck. But it was close to being the last straw....the other thing was that my upline did something that I thought was very unprofessional and that sealed the deal. I switched over to TAC and haven't looked back.

Don't get me wrong, I love SU and I think every stamp company has something to offer, so switching isn't a decision to take likely. I got both a TAC catalog and a CTMH catalog before deciding. I went through them, checked out the Angel policies and was just going to become a regular stamp customer. But then my friends (also SU customers) started looking at the TAC catalog and told me that they wanted to purchase from it. They encouraged me to sign up as a demo, so I did.

I had a VERY successful open house with almost $200 in sales (which is good since there were only 9 people that came) and I sold all but one a catalog. I have 2 workshops in the works for the next month and a third for January. I have my first class with the new company on Monday night and have 4 of 6 spots filled. So I am happy to say that things worked out well with the switch. People were excited about TAC and many have commented how they can't even compare the stamp styles with SU because it is soo different.

I think you need to decide what is best for you. You are familiar with the SU requirements....here are the TAC ones:
Sign Up - They have 3 levels of signing up....paper work only $75, seasoned stamper $150, and successful start $300 (this has everything from a heat gun to decorative scissors).
Quarterly Mins - $100
Commission - 25% (checks are cut 2 times a month)
Special Discount of 40% off on Stamps for your birthday!!! (they also do this when you sign up to help get you started.)
Other things I like include: You can buy a ticket for the cruise and participate in most of the activities even if you don't earn it free.....they are working on a new computer system where people can shop online at your TAC website and order directly from you there and be able to take credit cards for multiple customers at a workshop.....Free stamp to ANYONE who purchases $30 or more in stamps so the hostess isn't the only one who gets something at a workshop.....and I love the basic grey papers they sell.

I also have the CTMH info, but am not as familiar with it. I am sure someone else who is more familiar with it will post that information. Good luck with your decision and if you have other questions, feel free to PM me. :)

jenny09125 10-07-2005 06:15 AM

I'm a TAC consultant..I was a SU consultant before i found TAC.
1. have to sell $100 within a 4 month period to stay active
2. they are totally an angel company..you can sell anything you make with any of their stamps.
3. 30% discount on demo orders
4. 40% off stamps only coupon when you sign up and also when it is your birthday
5. 25% commisson on personel net sales
6. there ain't that many TAC demos out there(at least that is my experience)
7. not sure if this is still true(they have changed some of their policies) once an angel always an angel.

1.they don't have it set up yet to be able to order online yet(as a demo) so you either have to fax or email your order in. they are developing a way to be able to order online instead of having to send it to them.
2. you can't have your own website...but they are making it so you can get one thru them...it is in the works.
3. if you go inactive you ahve to put in a workshop party to become active again.
4. they don't let you know when your order is shipped...but you can call and find out...they do email when they receive the order though.

I think that is it...if you have anymore questions just let me know..

patcreates 10-07-2005 06:17 AM

I switched over to TAC after being with CTMH for over 2 years. I was finding it more and more difficult to be a hobby demonstrator with them. Also, my upline is out of state, so I was basically without a team. There are 2 other consultants in my town, but I was never able to really "connect" with them.

If you are really unhappy with SU, I think you should take the time to look at what all the companies have to offer: product line, demonstrator benefits, minimums, demonstrator support, etc.

I joined TAC for a lot of the same reasons as Michelle....the product line, the angel policy, low quarterly minimums. They also have excellent demonstrator support and they seem to value ALL of their demonstrators, whether you are in it for the hobby or career. I have only been a demo for just over 2 weeks and have already sold 5 of my catalogs and had a customer put in a book party and have a possible recruit.

Good luck with your decision.

PaperRapt 10-07-2005 06:25 AM

Something as fun as stamping shouldn't become "misery" for any reason. I've noticed in some recent craft magazines and on a few craft industry newsletters I subscribe to that there is a new home-based crafting business opprortunity available. It is called http://purpletree.com . It is brand new--just out of the gate several months ago--started by experienced craft execs with $ to get a business of this size off the ground. The concept is about bringing all types of craft projects (stamps/beads/yarn) into the home party environment. It is potentially the SU/Pampered Chef of 15 years ago. I haven't looked into the "requirements" of it as I've started my own home-based business, but it sounds wonderful and could be a great growing business as it is a ground floor opportunity. FYI


dianerh 10-07-2005 06:47 AM

As much as I love TAC I'd say that if it's SU products you're sold on, you should stick with that and find a new group of gals. No need for stress and tears! If you're not that gung ho on the product, then do your research and possibly switch. My TAC team is great--wonderful upline, great team meetings, helpful and encouraging Angels, etc.! :-)

HTH and have a great weekend.

Taishea 10-07-2005 07:36 AM

Don't Quit
Hi there! I too became a SU Demo around7 or 8 months ago. It had been a struggle to maintain. Also have 2 other demo within 3 miles, my upline being SIL. I have had to become creative and step out of the box persay. I made a flyer to have a Stamp Camp near my home, but it is also close to 2 larger towns. I have emailed the other workshop people that have been to previous shows and some friends and family. So far it is very hopeful that I can have a profit. we will make 5 cards, decorate a chubby notebook, make 2 12x12 scrapbook pages and a cool "gift bag" form a 6x6 page protector. The Stamp Camp will cost $30. This way people can still stamp or just experience the joy without the cost! I am still making out though. Concider something similar to this. Do it far from the "CIRCLE" of witches as you lovingly call them. lol. I understand your struggle, I am there too! Taishea ;)

AGMommyof2 10-07-2005 07:52 AM

I just signed up as a Su demo, but the month before I decided I checked out CTMH & TAC as well & I must say that TAC was VERY VERY tempting - primarily because there are very few demos in my area - so if I was interested in doing workshops it's definately the one I'd have gone with - however - I am not interested in doing workshops, (plus there are lots & lots of SU demos in my area too). I love the CTHM stamps - but they are stressing so much scrapping stuff in their new catty - that I was just scared to join them - also, although I like their papers (w/ the white core) they have a very chemically smell that I can't stand :-(

What made me decide on SU was that I had already a lot of SU stamps & with the discount I could easily make my min each quarter. I still order from both CTMH & TAC...- but just not Micheals or Recollections anymore ;-)

So, I'd recommend you hold tight & get a catty from any of the other companies that you might be interested in - try to figure out how many other demos there are in your area & then make the decision that is best for you...

Suzastampin 10-08-2005 07:52 AM

I'm a CTMH Director now and never regretted my decision to sign with CTMH. Thankfully, there are no where near as many CTMH consultants as there are SU, so we're not having to compete with each other. Thus, the CTMH consultants are so willing to share all their ideas with others.
Our quarterly quota is $300. We have a Jr. program in case someone has something happen where they aren't able to make the $300. A jr. needs to only do $100 per quarter. Our commission is 22% at the time of sale and an override check comes the following month for anything over $99 in sales. That can range from 1.5% to 12%. A Jr. consultant gets a 10% discount.
With CTMH, we can sell and advertise online..that was my biggest reason for signing with CTMH. And, because we carry both a large scrapping and stamping line, we have something for just about everyone.
We have a rewards program in place for the first 90 days you are a consultant.
Also, we have new websites with online catalogs.
CTMH is having a sign up special right now. Each new consultant gets 2 freebies...either a stamp set or a My Reflections Kit. You can chose one of each or 2 of the same. Plus, I'm offering another sign on bonus in addition to these.
If anybody would like any more info, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]

CTMH Director

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