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-   -   My dh gave me the best compliment! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/my-dh-gave-me-best-compliment-269587/)

craftycrunchymama 07-17-2007 10:01 AM

My dh gave me the best compliment!
I am very new to stamping and have only colored two images so far. So to practice, I stamped a baby tiger image and used my Prisma colored pencils to color it in. He told me that it looks better than the actual image!! :)

jdmeeks 07-17-2007 10:03 AM

That's really sweet!

sharondh 07-17-2007 10:06 AM

What a great thing for him to say! Hope you'll start a gallery soon. Sounds like we'd all enjoy seeing the things you create.

look-inkgood 07-17-2007 11:25 AM

Sounds like you found a supportive mate! Good for you. Keep creating!

squirrellyshirley 07-17-2007 01:38 PM

Load it up, girl. Lets see it!!

Colleen Schaan 07-17-2007 01:44 PM

So...start your gallery! Isn't it great when he "gets it"? Congrats!

Cathy H 07-17-2007 01:52 PM

Yep - we wanna see it !!!! We can be supportive too, you know !

dianerh 07-17-2007 02:16 PM

How sweet of him! Sounds like he's a great guy and supportive of your oncoming addiction, um, I mean hobby. ;-)

craftycrunchymama 07-17-2007 04:51 PM

Right after he said that I said, "So it's okay if I go and spend $50 today on just stamps?". He said Sure!! What a guy.

You all are so sweet. When I get up enough courage I'll post to the gallery.

lcmdws 07-17-2007 05:33 PM

You found and kept a winner - lucky you!! Give him an extra hug from me.

dianerh 07-17-2007 05:42 PM

Way to work it!!! ;-)

mcpaige 07-17-2007 06:30 PM

What a great DH! Keep him!!

brooklynsmom 07-17-2007 06:39 PM

hehe.........i had to laugh, my DH jokingly said its the 'only' thing i'm good at! how about that!? sounds like you are having fun creating, i just started too, a few months ago....its a blast!:)

MzPenny 07-17-2007 06:49 PM

I Love it when my DH says something nice like that!!

bcgal00 07-17-2007 07:07 PM

Isn't he sweet! You must be very proud...you have to upload it so we can all see it too!

scrappersister 07-17-2007 08:01 PM

What a sweet husband you have. The only way my husband will say any thing about the cards that I make is when I shove them in his face. Ha-ha. He is very supportive of my stamping and scrapbooking so I am very grateful for that. :) I hope you start a gallery very soon.


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