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hedgiemama 04-03-2006 10:24 AM

monogram on computer
In a thread in the general stamp talk, someone mentioned that they can duplicate the look of the new SU monogram stamps, on their computer. Can anyone explain to me, the novice, how to do this? Do you use your word program, or certain software? How fun to pop in a piece of printed or plain paper and get a large letter to use...;)

riemomof2 04-03-2006 01:18 PM

Creating Monogram "Look" using c/s and a printer
Using Microsoft Word, make sure to select the Times New Roman font. Increase the font size to 400 by overwriting the little number in the font size drop down menu on the toolbar at the top of your page.

To print only the outline of the letters select the Format drop down menu at the top of your page. Select the Font option, a pop up box should appear. Using your mouse select the outline box. Then click on the OK button at the bottem of the pop up box.

Send some cardstock through the printer, cut out the letter then stamp away to create coulour and texture!

If you switch your page set up to Landscape and reduce your margins you can get two letters per 8 1/2 X 11 cardstock.


randie58 04-03-2006 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by riemomof2
Using Microsoft Word, make sure to select the Times New Roman font. Increase the font size to 400 by overwriting the little number in the font size drop down menu on the toolbar at the top of your page.

AnneMarie, thanks so much for explaining this. I, too, have wanted to do this. One problem I'm having is that my font size will not stay at 400. I type the 400 in the box, but as soon as I try to type the letter on the screen, the size changes back to 72. Is there a trick?

Again, thanks, and Breathe, thanks for asking the question! :)


cre8nart 04-03-2006 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by randie58
AnneMarie, thanks so much for explaining this. I, too, have wanted to do this. One problem I'm having is that my font size will not stay at 400. I type the 400 in the box, but as soon as I try to type the letter on the screen, the size changes back to 72. Is there a trick?

Again, thanks, and Breathe, thanks for asking the question! :)


Hi Randie,

Once you type in the desired size in your font field, hit 'ENTER', and this will set the size for you to use.

Thanks to Anne Marie for giving us the instructions. Since I don't plan on investing in the monogram stamps, this will provide an excellent alternative.

altds34 04-03-2006 04:26 PM

Thanks for the info...can't wait to try this! :)

hedgiemama 04-03-2006 05:44 PM

Thank you so much for the information! I am excited to try this out. Also, I found out that the stamps themselves are rather large, and are bigger than the usual card I make (4 1/4 x 5 1/2). So this gives us a way to adjust the size for various uses.... I will try it right now! Thank you! You saved me the price of a K, J, G, and P....= more than I want to spend!

randie58 04-03-2006 06:27 PM

Thank you to everyone once again. You gals are just the gr8est, sorry, I couldn't resist, (that was for cre8n)! I just got some letters done and hitting enter did the trick. Hopefully, I'll be able to add to my gallery. Many thanks!

GarnetJ 04-03-2006 10:17 PM

One "handy household hint"...
Not sure if this is available for those using MSWord. I use Adobe InDesign - it used to be called Pagemaker.
After I create the letters the size that I want I choose another option... "Flip Horizontal." This causes the entire monogram to print backward so that I can print it on the back side of printed paper abd cut it out leaving no little black edges. Even on cardstock, I print them backwards, stamp all over the front and then cut out.

riemomof2 04-04-2006 08:26 AM

Printing Reverse Images in WORD
OK so in Word in order to print on the back side of cardstack (VERY GOOD IDEA BTW)
1. Select the print option from the File drop down menu at the top of your page (Note it is important NOT to select the little print icon on your toolbar)
2. When your print pop up box apprear select the properties button using your mouse.
3. Using your mouse select the Layout tab at the top of the pop up box
4. using your mouse (again LOL!) check the mirror image box
5. Click to OK button then OK again.

I Never thought of it but this would be especially helpful when using patterened paper.

The other great thing about this is by adjusting the size slightly you could print PERFECT matting for the letters!

PS - don't forget to disengage this option when you are finished printing otherwise your next document will print that way too (I found this out the humourous way LOL!)


vcr 04-04-2006 06:10 PM

WOW those instructions are great everyone. Thanks so very much for sharing. Had to try it out and it works awsome.


stampencamper 04-05-2006 06:31 AM

I agree, thanks for sharing all this information Carolyn

stampkinz 04-05-2006 08:27 AM

It's fun to try with other fonts, too, like Curlz MT (although cutting the letter out is a little trickier).

webseitler 04-05-2006 09:00 AM

THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! This is great info.

Just so you know, the directions for MS Word also work in MS Works (which is what we have on our home computer. :D

jill031070 04-06-2006 03:02 PM

Thanks so much-- this is great-- I too was considering investing in tons of letters-- a less expensive alternative! great instructions.

allidee 04-07-2006 07:39 PM

A giant sized THANK YOU for posting all these instructions...(aka bump this up to the top so no one misses it!)

tlw411 04-07-2006 08:45 PM

I too have been wanting to do this and just tried it...sooo easy and I'm not a computer geek! Instructions are great... :)

HRSECRZY 04-08-2006 05:36 AM

I tried this to put a monogram cover on one of the mini-journals, and it looks GREAT! Thanks for the advise!

heatherjb 04-08-2006 06:01 AM

Oh--this SO needs a ------BUMP-----

Thanks for the great instructions. My DH thanks you too--LOL!!

imastampin 04-08-2006 06:03 AM

Just adding my THANKS for these great instructions. I love it!


sparkscrapper 04-08-2006 06:03 AM

Thanks too! I did not know that that outline option was there. Now to try it....

hedgiemama 04-08-2006 11:20 AM

Thank you again Anne Marie for the excellent response to my question. I am having a great time with the letters. Stampin Up may be a little mad at us. :cool: But, exchanging ideas and information is what this site is all about!

Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!:D

gerrier2 04-08-2006 02:58 PM

Monograms using Wordperfect
Same directions as for Microsoft word except you need to click Format on the tool bar and then click font. That is where you have to overwrite the size of the font.

StampinMeHappy 04-08-2006 06:42 PM

Great information! Thanks!!

eslkerry 04-09-2006 06:20 PM

Here is another little trick if you are printing on the front of paper, you can adjust the color to be just a hair darker than the paper and you can still see it to cut on, but not so much that it jumps out if you don't cut neatly...which it does if you print in black. ANd using the RGB codes that I got from somewhere on this site, I can even make the letters in color to match the SU inks.

heatherjb 04-09-2006 06:45 PM

RGB codes? What? Colors that match SU inks? How cool! I must have this information!! Can anyone help me out? TIA...

heatherjb 04-09-2006 06:56 PM

Ok, just did a search and found out what RGB codes are! Here is the thread with all the codes and instructions for those who were in the dark like me--

Thanks again!

stampsinblue 04-10-2006 08:46 AM

Heather, thanks for posting the link to the RGB codes! That is awesome & will save me SO much time!

jpmayo 04-10-2006 09:01 AM

I tried this over the weekend and it worked really well. I made an "M" for my sis. I messed up by not reading far enough in this thread to see that I should have made the outline in a lighter color because it was a little hard to cut all the black outline off so I just flipped the M over and used the other side and no one will know except me (and all you stampin' monogram experts)...I uploaded my "M" this morning.
Question: Where did most of you upload it too? I didn't know if I should put it in the "Monogram" gallery so I put it in the Looks Like Spring since I used that stamp set, too.

webseitler 04-10-2006 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by jpmayo
Question: Where did most of you upload it too? I didn't know if I should put it in the "Monogram" gallery so I put it in the Looks Like Spring since I used that stamp set, too.

I think that since it is a faux monogram, it works best in the Looks Like Sping category. I think you made the right choice. :)

chattiekathie 04-11-2006 10:24 PM


Tanneb 04-12-2006 07:49 AM

Yes, I can't see buying these when it's so easy to create on the computer. I'd rather spend the money on other stamps!

angelanne21 04-20-2006 04:07 PM

Wow! Now I will have lots more money to spend on other stuff! I was seriously considering buying all the monograms & now I won't have to buy any!

sunnywl 04-23-2006 04:37 AM

This is a wonderful tool to help us who cannot justify purchasing the Monogram stamps!

My question is... how do you print on patterned paper? Does it have to be 8.5x11 in size? Pardon my ignorancy. Thanks for your help!!

Palapala 04-23-2006 05:24 AM


Originally Posted by GarnetJ
Not sure if this is available for those using MSWord. I use Adobe InDesign - it used to be called Pagemaker.
After I create the letters the size that I want I choose another option... "Flip Horizontal." This causes the entire monogram to print backward so that I can print it on the back side of printed paper abd cut it out leaving no little black edges. Even on cardstock, I print them backwards, stamp all over the front and then cut out.

Thanks! What an awesome idea! I would've spent HOURS grumbling about the "stupid little black lines....";)

Cynthia Wilson 04-23-2006 12:18 PM

Yup- using the computer ran right through my head when I saw the Monograms in the spring catalog. I'm a teacher and I alread use MSWord to create letters for signs and bulletin boards. Here is a thought for those of you who have computer phobias- go to a teacher store ( or check out a teacher catalog ) and get letter stencils- they come in many sizes,fonts, are made of thick cardboard ,and can be used over and over again. I have had my sets for years -plus they save ink.

Happy Heart 04-23-2006 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by webseitler
I think that since it is a faux monogram, it works best in the Looks Like Sping category. I think you made the right choice. :)

I did that and the gallery administrators moved it to the Monogram gallery!

Meema 04-23-2006 04:22 PM

Stampin Up paper jams my printer
Has anyone had this problem? The stampin up cs is too thick and jams my printer, so I use "cheap" white cs and use the RGB colors. That works very well, but I would like to be able to print on SU cs. Thank you very kindly for any help. :)

Koda's Mom 04-24-2006 10:05 AM

I can't wait to get home to play! :)

stuckonstamping 04-24-2006 11:32 AM

This is great! Thank you very much!

heatherjb 04-24-2006 11:38 AM

Does anyone know whether or not this will work on a Mac (using AppleWorks 6)??

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