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-   -   Mom/daughter demo-help? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/mom-daughter-demo-help-31365/)

caspen1973 02-24-2005 02:49 PM

Mom/daughter demo-help?
I am a demo doing a demo tomorrow night where there will be 9 mother daughter teams. The daughters are about 10 years old.

If you have ever attended a demo like this, what did the demo do that worked well for ALL of you-easy enough for the kids to do but interesting enough for the moms to do.

I really would like the moms to have a good time so some will book demos. Thanks!


stephleider 02-24-2005 04:36 PM

Be careful
I did this a few weeks ago and wished I had been more explicit when I told them not to change the colos for the stamped images. They demolished my Summer Sun and VersaMark pads! I also found that the girls ended up at one end of the table and the mothers at the other. I think they would have been a lot easier on my supplies if the mothers and daughters had stamped as a team as it sounds like you're envisioning. It probably would be a good idea to be explicit about that too. Good luck!

janz 02-24-2005 04:53 PM

Everytime I go to a workshop, or host one, I bring my 9 year old daughter with me. She's been stamping with me for a couple of years. Because she knows her stuff, it's not a problem. But with new stampers it might be a little more difficult. I would recommend passing stamp pads with the stamps, rather than having a free for all in the middle of the table. Also, avoid doing things that need to be colored in, because that will take the kids too long. The eyelets are fun for everyone, and easy for the kids to do too. DEFINITELY require that the mothers sit with their daughter to help them if needed. That's way better than having you spend all your time helping the kids and not encouraging the moms to buy stuff or book their own workshop.

Dejah (janz)

pigfingers 02-25-2005 03:43 AM

Well, definitely I can say emphasize the no switching between colors without cleaning, and demonstrate the cleaning and make sure you have eye contact, to be sure they are seeing what you are doing --- my DD knows now how to use the scrubber, but before she watched me a few times, she was "tapping" the scrubber just like the ink pad, and she had to do it a few times before she got the hang of it.

Not sure what you have planned for a project -- is that what you are asking about? I know that scrapbooking has been really popular iwth the kids, you could do something like tags, that is something you could demonstrate as they could add to a card or to a scrapbook page, or use it as a bookmark. I found that the stamps you color in are a hit with the kids, even the parents admitted to me they liked to color, LOL (I do it watching TV, it is relaxing) and something they can do with the kids. Just a black stamp and a bunch of colored pencils or markers and that is all set. OR the 2-step stamping is always fun too -- Fresh Flowers type of set where the flowers and the centers and the leaves are all separate -- the kids and the moms liked to do those when I did a class. Something they liked for that was we did a half-sheet of confetti white (you could do US white or vanilla or natural also) and then they could either fold in half for a card or cut up for tags, bookmark, part of another card, etc. Kind of like a mini double-time. Moms could help with the cutting when they are done -

Mom/daughter sitting together I agree with.

I just reread your post and while I said above the coloring, I agree with the above poster -- I realize you have 9 teams and that might take too long, so probably the 2-step or another type of stamp would work better. I also thought of a project being a small goody bag - they could stamp the "topper" and then fill with jellybeans, that would be something the kids would think would be fun as well as the moms getting ideas for them to do goody bags for parties instead of buying them.

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