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-   -   Looking for PSX catalog (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/looking-psx-catalog-613660/)

Ellibelle 10-17-2016 03:22 PM

Looking for PSX catalog
I am looking for a PSX stamps catalog at a reasonable price. I have recently discovered their stamps and would love to see a catalog.

Going to post this in the BST forum too, but hope it's ok to ask here, because I am not sure if everyone is visiting that forum.

JBgreendawn 10-17-2016 04:22 PM

they have been retired for so many years. I would say hunting for a catalog would be like looking for a unicorn. ( probably the only people who had them were the store buyers)

Ellibelle 10-17-2016 04:47 PM

Thanks Stacy, I thought they might have been available for the public to buy at stamp shops, but I guess I was wrong :-( Maybe I'll start my own PSX stamp catalog board on pinterest with what I find online :-) Just started my PSX stamp collection a couple weeks ago, they are such pretty stamps!

fionna51 10-17-2016 04:56 PM

You might even check Pinterest for PSX and see if you can find other people interested in them, and start a group board for the stamp images.

You might also google PSX stamps and look at some sites that resell, or list for people...other than ebay. I'm thinking webstore.com or sierra-enterprises.com or similar.

Addicted to Rubber Stamps also has a bunch that are for sale right now too.

fionna51 10-17-2016 05:19 PM

I think I would be negligent if I didn't say that there will be a LOT of stamps on your board. ;)

Ellibelle 10-17-2016 06:55 PM

Great ideas Diane, I now own 9 of their stamps, a few more on the way. Will check out the other sites too, although I probably should take a break from buying more stamps until next month, and just start a wish list :-)

pepperann 10-17-2016 08:35 PM

...and they used to have the BEST embossing powder too! I still have a few jars I hoard very carefully... ;)

shazsilverwolf 10-18-2016 01:57 AM

I've always been a little shocked that no-one bought the rights to their images. They were so popular, would be a best seller for someone.

dini 10-18-2016 03:18 AM

ATRS sells them:

Addicted to Rubber Stamps

wavejumper 10-18-2016 09:49 AM

ATRS has a limited range but their prices for new are generally better than on ebay.

Just FYI...be careful about sizes. PSX could make the same image in more than one size and you want be very clear about that before you get smaller stamps than you expected. Ask me how I know. As I understand it, the letters are the tip off if you can figure that out. If you look at the ones you have you can start with that.

uncbballfan 10-18-2016 10:12 AM

PSX did have catalogs available for purchase by the public. So don't give up hope! Someone may have one they're willing to sell.

I remember when I saw my first catalog, I wondered why anyone would buy one. This was early in my stamping days!

JBgreendawn 10-18-2016 10:16 AM

I have a fairly large collection. a very small part of it I used to a long time ago horse trade images here in the PIF threads so, some of the stamps I photographed here on a stamp blog. ( I don't have time to do that kind of thing much anymore)
I am in the middle of transferring these stamps to an evernote sheet and I have no clue how to "share" evernote info but, at this time the PSX stamps are still visible on that particular blog. (so, posts are gradually disappearing from this blog)stamps were photographed on a 1" square grid cutting mat to give you size ideas.

Ellibelle 10-18-2016 12:47 PM


Originally Posted by pepperann (Post 21342338)
...and they used to have the BEST embossing powder too! I still have a few jars I hoard very carefully... ;)

A couple years ago I found a little crafting lot at goodwill, one of the things inside was clear embossing powder by PSX. It still embosses beautifully even though it is so old!

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