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-   -   Looking for a Back To School Project (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/looking-back-school-project-369309/)

kristransue 08-02-2008 09:12 AM

Looking for a Back To School Project
Hi All,

My oldest will be starting Kindergarten in just over a week *wowsers*. I remember seeing a back to school album here on SCS where the mom made a 6X6 album and had all sorts of pages where she would ask her kids questions and they would answer (favorites, what they are looking forward to, things like that)

It may have been a dirty dozen thing. I had thought that I saved it to my favorites, but I just searched through couldn't find it. I am a fan club member.

If anyone knows what I am talking about I would love to see the project again. Thanks!

GarnetJ 08-02-2008 10:16 AM

I have searched the gallery for all sorts of combinations of words...

...school book
...school project
...school favorite
...school questions
...school album.

Cannot find the one you are looking for. Perhaps it was in a blog that someone had linked here?

kristransue 08-02-2008 12:02 PM

Thanks, I had tried variations in the search too, I am wondering if the project was removed by the person who created it for publication or something like that.

I really don't think it was a blog, but I'll go search things I have bookmarked! I hadn't considered that. Thanks!

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