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PrairieRose 01-21-2006 07:42 AM

Does anyone have the template for a little purse that holds one nugget? ;)

jailbirdstamper 01-21-2006 11:45 AM

I couldn't find a template for a purse. Hope this helps - it's the template for a box

kimreid_stamper 01-21-2006 12:28 PM

Here are instructions from cuccicoo1002:

Party Favor Purse
Cut Strip of cardstock 5" X 1 1/2"
Score this strip at:
1 1/2 "
1 1/2"
Fold at all the score points, you will see the purse take shape.
Use the deckle edge scissors on one edge.

Cut second piece of cardstock 1' X 1 1/2 "
Using deckle edge scissors to cut along the 1 1/2" side.
Place this piece under the top fold.
Use Mono adhesive

Add a silver or gold brad on the small piece in the center.

Before you close your purse punch 2 holes with your 1/16" punch in the top of the purse to insert you handle.
I use hemp as it is stiff and stands up all by it self.

Place one Hershey Nugget in bottom of purse, attach with Mono
Seal your purse! Your Done!!!

and a pic:


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