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-   -   Layering question...how do you do it? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/layering-question-how-do-you-do-81762/)

twinkle 08-28-2005 07:41 PM

Layering question...how do you do it?
I hope this isn't a silly question, but I am just wondering how others do this. When you do layering on a card, "how" do you do it? Do you have pre-cut/pre-measured pieces that you stamp and then layer on another pre-cut piece? Do you just stamp and then cut a piece just slightly larger, then layer? I love to do layering, it just seems to add so much to a card, but looking for some tips from others.


anniem888 08-28-2005 07:49 PM

If I'm making multipals of one card, lets say a swap, I cut all my card then stamp then glue. I use an old pottery barn (or the like) when I'm glueing. I use the glue, turn the page then flip the cardstock over on the clean page, and keep flipping. this has decreaced my glue mishaps. When I'm designing I do it the other way around I'll stamp images, then cut, you get the idea.

twinkle 08-28-2005 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by anniem888
I use an old pottery barn (or the like) when I'm glueing.

Okay, now I feel really silly...what is "an old pottery barn"? :confused:

anniem888 08-28-2005 08:14 PM

oops sorry catalog. lol

Rainsong 08-28-2005 08:18 PM


Originally Posted by anniem888
oops sorry catalog. lol

Glad you clarified that. I've heard of cow tipping, but never barn tipping :D


anniem888 08-28-2005 08:20 PM

ps. sweet dog!

twinkle 08-28-2005 08:25 PM

Thanks! I kept thinking, okay, I know Pottery Barn is a store, BUT is there some new stamping tool called a pottery barn?!?!

Also, thanks for telling me my dog is sweet! She is my baby and very spoiled!!

Shanon 08-28-2005 08:39 PM


Originally Posted by Rainsong
Glad you clarified that. I've heard of cow tipping, but never barn tipping :D


Sairabee 08-28-2005 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by twinkle
Do you have pre-cut/pre-measured pieces that you stamp and then layer on another pre-cut piece? Do you just stamp and then cut a piece just slightly larger, then layer?

I do both. :) There are a few card styles that I tend to use more frequently, and for those I have the measurements that I need for each layer written out and taped to a storage bin that sits above my stamping area. If I'm trying a new card style, I generally stamp the image, then cut the paper down to fit that image. Then I cut each layer between 1/8 and 1/4" larger than the stamped image. Some times I leave the bottom or sides a little longer depending on if I want to tear, or add ribbon, brads, etc.

laurakj 08-29-2005 05:48 AM

I can't stand to measure! So I stamp my image/s on a piece of CS and then use the edge of the ruler on my trimmer as a guide. I line up the very edge of the stamped image with it and trim, then when I add a layer to the back, I cut the layer close to the right size but not perfect and use the edge of the ruler to get a perfect layer each time. It's hard to explain, but I find that if I try to measure, my matt will always look "off" somehow.

outsiderartist 08-29-2005 06:11 AM

Has anyone bought that layer set that is in the Holiday mini? I am curious about that.

KTstamper 08-29-2005 07:39 AM

"The Fingernail Method"
I hate measuring, so I use what I call "the fingernail method." I stamp, trim, then lay the trimmed piece over my layering color of cardstock how I want it (assuming the scrap has a square corner, those two sides are the distance I want for the layer) and use my thumbnail or fingernail (depending on recent nail biting) to mark the edges were I'll cut for the other two sides. The nail mark then gets lined up with the groove in my cutter when I go to cut. I hope that made sense.


JRstampers 08-29-2005 10:26 AM

I purchased the layering set the QVC offered a couple weeks ago on Scrapbooking day. It looks just like what is in the "mini". It works great. I found with the old way even if I cut the layers just right, I could never glue them exactly right. This new system is much better. And much faster also.

CowgirlCreations 08-29-2005 05:37 PM

how does new system work?
How does the new layering system work? I'm challenged ;-)

skkirts 08-31-2005 09:23 AM

Perfect Layers in the Holiday mini - TERRIFIC!

Originally Posted by outsiderartist
Has anyone bought that layer set that is in the Holiday mini? I am curious about that.

I've always been pretty good at just eyeballing layers and using my cutter, but I've got to admit that the PL rulers allow me to work much quicker with even better "perfect layers".

I love using them.

Sheriyanne 08-31-2005 09:50 AM

Made sense to me...that's exactly what I do most of the time too! ;)

Also, LOVED the idea of using the old pottery barn (aka: catalog) as a base for gluing! Thanks to the person that shared that.


Originally Posted by KTstamper
I hate measuring, so I use what I call "the fingernail method." I stamp, trim, then lay the trimmed piece over my layering color of cardstock how I want it and use my thumbnail or fingernail to mark the edges were I'll cut for the other two sides. The nail mark then gets lined up with the groove in my cutter when I go to cut. I hope that made sense.

twinkle 08-31-2005 03:31 PM


Originally Posted by skkirts
I've always been pretty good at just eyeballing layers and using my cutter, but I've got to admit that the PL rulers allow me to work much quicker with even better "perfect layers".

I love using them.

Could someone explain what the "Perfect Layers" is? I don't have a SU! catalog :confused: and I am not sure what this is. How does it work? How much is it?

Thanks so much!!

twinkle 08-31-2005 07:40 PM

Perfect Layers "link"
Since someone else was asking about this Perfect Layers "thingy", I figured that I would "Ask Jeeves". This is the link that I found with some reviews about it (not sure if this is the same "Perfect Layers", but figured I would share what I found)


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