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-   -   To Keep or Not To Keep... (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/keep-not-keep-144145/)

chef2die4 05-07-2006 09:55 AM

To Keep or Not To Keep...
That is the question!!!

I have just rearranged my background stamps. I took them out of their cases, turned them on end, and put a label on the side to store them in less space (it worked marvelously, by the way).

The question of the day is: do I keep (or not) the cases from the stamps? If I trade, the case is nice to send to the next owner. If I don't, the case is going to sit in my craft closet, taking up that space....SOOOOO, do I keep them, ladies, or put them up on the BST?

JJStamper 05-07-2006 09:57 AM

I am interested in what people have to say b/c I was just debating this yesterday!

steph772 05-07-2006 09:59 AM

I save mine FOR SURE!!! never throw those jewels away! I use them to store unfinished card kits, send Invite orders in through the mail.... I can keep going if you want!!

MSBetsyZ 05-07-2006 10:23 AM

I use mine for storing other things. Bulk embossing powder, beads, bits of ribbons, pre-cut/colored images (I used to like to do these at night in front of the tv), etc. There's LOTS of different ways to use these, and the fact that they are uniform in shape make them easy to stack!

Then, when/if you ever decide to sell or trade, the box is still available, as you say.

jess_witty 05-07-2006 10:27 AM

Keep! I agree with everyone else - they're handy for scraps, EP, etc. And they're clear so you can see what you've stored.

MaggieMay 05-07-2006 10:31 AM

I use the cases for other storage - like all the tags etc... that you acquire from the specialty box kits. I have one labeled for each Colour Family and when I use a purse, tag or other kit I punch out all the small pieces and put them in a case for future use.

astraea54 05-07-2006 10:32 AM

I read on here about someone who put a color family of spots in the case from her bg stamp. I think there's lots of possibilities so I say hold on to 'em. If you've got a bunch, you could hold on to a few and get rid of the rest...

ajcmeyer 05-07-2006 10:40 AM

I may be the only one that disagrees here. I am in the military and live a very minimalist lifestyle. Less is more. I did the same thing with my bacgrounds and traded the boxes off right away. I just don't have the room to store extra unneeded stuff. Plus it makes me very unhappy to have lots of clutter around.

souljah 05-07-2006 10:41 AM

keep it. For sure. Keep it.

stampinformom 05-07-2006 11:01 AM

I just took my BG stamps out of their boxes and am using the boxes for my loose stamps that I buy. (i.e. hero arts, inkadinkado, stampendous, etc.....) So keep them!!!

chef2die4 05-07-2006 12:13 PM

Thank you for all your input! I really appreciate it, and I think that I will go with majority vote, and keep the boxes for now. If I don't use them, then I will trade them, but for now....

Again, THANKS! :D

jailbirdstamper 05-07-2006 12:26 PM

keep them!

ch 05-07-2006 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by ajcmeyer
I may be the only one that disagrees here. I am in the military and live a very minimalist lifestyle. Less is more. I did the same thing with my bacgrounds and traded the boxes off right away. I just don't have the room to store extra unneeded stuff. Plus it makes me very unhappy to have lots of clutter around.

I'm with you and I'm not in the military! Enough stuff!!! I keep a few for the obvious needs but I didn't need as many as I had! So I just sent a bunch to goodwill--to bless someone else!!

pigfingers 05-07-2006 12:53 PM

Keep them for putting card kits in them. Premake cards so you have them ready to go in different colors - I did one box with white and one with confetti white so that was one less thing I had to do to make a card, was very much a timesaver.

I always use one for putting cards in progress, projects in progress, etc. Fit an ink pad and some c/s for your tote bag in the car for on-the-go projects.

PaperRapt 05-07-2006 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by MaggieMay
I use the cases for other storage - ....

I used mine to organize cookie cutters (along with some of the other listed craft uses).


ajcmeyer 05-07-2006 09:42 PM

My thinking on passing them along is if you can't think of what to do with them pass them along to some one who can. I traded mine for the Birthday greetings set. I have always wanted it. So I see it as a win win situation.

keecrazy 05-08-2006 05:10 AM

I keep my markers by family in them- keeps them organized nicely!

Vee 05-08-2006 05:30 AM

No No No, don't keep them-trade them to me! hehe I have 16 backgrounds and seem to have used up the boxes for other things. I display all my BG on 1 inch archetectural molding which I made into little "shelves" for them on the wall.

plwwolfe 05-08-2006 05:30 AM

I keep mine to store ribbon scraps, tags, etc. I also use some of them to store my kids' puzzles. DS has several puzzles that came in cheap paper boxes that always get crushed, bent, etc. so they never close properly. I cut the picture off the box, taped it to the inside of the stamp case lid and put the puzzle pieces in the case. I also use them to hold my kids' card games (old maid, go fish, etc.).

Works great!!! I'm so happy I saved those stamp cases! :-D

LateBlossom 05-08-2006 05:50 AM


Originally Posted by ajcmeyer
I may be the only one that disagrees here. I am in the military and live a very minimalist lifestyle. Less is more. I did the same thing with my bacgrounds and traded the boxes off right away. I just don't have the room to store extra unneeded stuff. Plus it makes me very unhappy to have lots of clutter around.

Another military person here--who's getting ready to move and purging everything in sight! If you have the space, keep them; if you don't, get rid of at least most of them. Keep a few just in case because, as almost everyone else says, you can use them for all sorts of things and might regret tossing them all.

Just my two cents!

Tanneb 05-08-2006 07:51 AM


Originally Posted by stampinformom
I just took my BG stamps out of their boxes and am using the boxes for my loose stamps that I buy. (i.e. hero arts, inkadinkado, stampendous, etc.....) So keep them!!!

That's what I do too!

pinkhedgehog 05-08-2006 07:55 AM

If you don't want to use them to store other stuff, you can open them all and stack them up, the way SU ships them when they sell them out of the catty.

My vote is save them!

amysings 05-08-2006 08:06 AM

Two families of spots (mine are craft) fit in one BG sized box! Hurray!

Dotty 05-08-2006 08:18 AM

keep them! as stated above for those reasons and you can also use them to do the marble background technique! if you want to toss them, you can toss them my way ;) !

Movin'Mel 05-08-2006 10:04 AM

Military here too. Keep them! We're presently preparing for move #15. I am big on purging, but anything that can be used for storage always gets kept...especially when they can be stored/stacked within one another like the SU! cases can.

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