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-   -   Which inkpad color family? Bold Brights and ?? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/inkpad-color-family-bold-brights-114064/)

StampinStacy 01-21-2006 11:35 PM

Which inkpad color family? Bold Brights and ??
Hi there~

I'm buying the Bold Brights Classic inkpads and I have the "moolah" to buy 1 additional color family plus 6-8 additional inkpads from the remaining color families. Make sense? Also, I'm getting the markers and the watercolor crayons, as well. I'm just not sure I like (or would use) ALL of the ink pad colors, plus I'll have the markers and crayons to choose from.

Thanks so much for your help!!


SkisInOkinawa 01-22-2006 01:46 AM

Stacy, I'm voting for Earth Elements. I just love those colors. Ok, I went and grabbed my catty. Here are my other suggestions for ya...

A must have* craft white and basic black in full size.

Bravo Burgundy
Night of Navy
Ballet Blue
Certainly Celery
Perfect Plum

BUT if I were you instead of buying another set of 6 or 8, I'd just get the spots of the whole group. For just a few dollars more you could get both sets of spots and be totally covered! -- You're going to come across the need for those additional colors someday. Then later if you see you use certain colors a lot, then go back and get it in a larger pad. Especially since you're getting the markers and the watercolor crayons!

I just bought 2 sets of spots cuz I can't store that many pads right now. I'm going to get all 4 color groups in the spots and then go from there. Plus I figure when I travel to friend's houses to stamp I can tote all my spots with me.

Just my 2 cents. :)

Good luck! Sounds like you're gonna be a stamping queen when all that stuff comes in! Woo-hoo!

Ally 01-22-2006 02:40 AM

Hi Stacy,
I voted Soft Subtles just because it is coming up to Spring and so soft subtles are the spring colors, but I have to confess that EE are my favorites. I use Old Olive, Really Rust and Ruby Red all the time.
I do find though that at this time of year I wish I had the soft subtles ink pads so I have the classic soft subtles on order. HTH! :)

clognmom 01-22-2006 04:10 AM

I voted for EE. I use mine all the time. I am getting Soft Subtles this month as my "hostess bonus" and I already have the Bold Brights.

I have decided to order the Spots in the Rich Regals so I have those colors. I agree with SkisInOkinawa the spots are great way to go instead of the larger sizes until you see what you will use of them. I like buying the whole color group (larger pads) at once since you get one free and the box to store them in.

I have also seen some really cute cards using the DTP with the spots. I plan on getting all the spot sets over the next couple of months just because of that.

It sounds too like you will have enough for hostess goodies too so you could get the craft white pad for free!


ssummerer 01-22-2006 06:28 AM

I voted for Rich Regals because I love love love the following:

Ballet Blue, Always Artichoke, Regal Rose, Rose Red, So Saffron, and Elegant Eggplant

A close second would be Soft Subtles for me. I couldn't stamp without

Certainly Celery, Bashful Blue, Apricot Appeal and Almost Amethyst (looks great with Eggplant)

I guess I'm not much help. I have all the colors in full size pads and now I'm working my way through the craft pads as well. :)

Mamadukes 01-22-2006 07:17 AM


BUT if I were you instead of buying another set of 6 or 8, I'd just get the spots of the whole group. For just a few dollars more you could get both sets of spots and be totally covered! -- You're going to come across the need for those additional colors someday. Then later if you see you use certain colors a lot, then go back and get it in a larger pad. Especially since you're getting the markers and the watercolor crayons!
I definitely second this suggestion. This is a smart way to have the colors to play with, but not have so much invested in colors you seldom use. When you don't have all the colors it seems like the one you really want is the one you don't have yet.

Kelann13 01-22-2006 07:34 AM

I voted for Soft Subtles because Spring is coming!

laurakj 01-22-2006 07:44 AM

It's so funny to see everyone's different tastes :) If there was one color family I could do with out, it would be Bold Brights. In fact when the craft spots were on sale, that was the one family I didn't get :) But, I can't live without Rich Regals or Soft Subtles :)

Since you are getting the markers, and will have all the colors, I would go for the Rich Regals full size pads.

Ellibelle 01-22-2006 07:49 AM

I have all the inkpads (old colors) I find myself using earth elements, soft subtles and rich regals the most. I don't use the brights that much.

StampinStacy 01-22-2006 08:40 AM

Hi Ladies~ Love ALL your suggestions!! Now I'm rethinking a little bit about getting bold brights (although I LOVE LOVE LOVE Real Red), and I'm such a "bright color" gal.

Diana....I LOVEEEEE your idea about getting the spots for the remaining 2 color families - terrific idea!! And...that would be almost exactly the same cost of buying 6-8 of the fullsize pads plus I'll have all 48 colors that way. I was going to start out getting all the spots first (and I may still do that), but my only hesitancy is that I have several background stamps and I thought the spots might be more difficult to use for those. I do love that they're portable for traveling, though. Oh, geez......I WANT IT ALL - haaaaaaaa!!

Ally....Love your idea about the craft white and basic black pads. The only SU inkpad I have is craft white, so I'm covered there. Also, I was leaning towards getting the soft subtles, too, because of spring coming. That's partly why I was thinking of getting Bold Brights because of summer after that, and I thought Soft Subtles (being pastel colors) would be a good complement to Bold Brights (being primary colors).

Keep your votes and suggestions coming!!! I love hearing all your brilliant ideas!!


laurakj 01-22-2006 09:13 AM

I only have the full size pads in Black, White and Vanilla. I have all the spots :) I use them with the background stamps with no real trouble. On stamps like Just Jeans, you just have to be careful to ink it up really well and go over it 2 or 3 times in different directions (or use your brayer) to get an even coat. With other bkgs, it's not as big a deal.

Laurie FW 01-22-2006 09:56 AM

I think you *need* bold brights, too! Summer is right after spring, right? And, if you already like the bright colors, you should go for them if you can afford them, BB is my favorite group! I would get RR or SS next and a few from each of the ones you didn't get in your favorite colors. Good luck deciding! BB was the group I got first and I have never regretted it!

jen9853 01-22-2006 10:51 AM

Earth Elements all the way!

StampinStacy 01-22-2006 12:14 PM

Thanks Laura for commenting on the spots for the background stamps! I just ordered the Punch box tag kit and Print Pattern (should be here next week). Anyway, after your post it dawned on me that I can try the 3 stamping spots (that come in the kit) on my Print Pattern stamp to see how I like working with them. I'll let you know how it goes. Thanks again!!

Looks like Earth Elements is most popular at this point. Anyone else care to vote or comment?? Thanks again everyone!!

Belle 01-22-2006 12:33 PM

I have all the colors of the old style pads. The last colors that were out in each family...I find that when I want a softer color for a card I just 'stamp off' on a scrap paper (or another card front that I want to make bolder) and then I have a coordinating color that really matches. I rarely have grabbed for one of the soft subtle pads (I am not a pastel person). Only got them because I paid 99 cents to a $1.50 for them over time on e-bay. Thought if I had them I would use them but I don't. Even with spring I just stamp off Lovely Lilac or one of the other colors. EE and RR are definitely my favs. Do use my BB too though. Sorry, that was no help at all ! ;)

stu 01-22-2006 06:17 PM

Earth Elements got my vote--those are my favorite colors! I also only have the spots (except for basic black) but have been able to use them on the background stamps without too much trouble--you do have to go over the stamp a few times and check the stamp out carefully to make sure it's fully covered, but it works. HTH.

hotflash 01-22-2006 06:23 PM

I'm an "earthy" kind of girl!!

lrbean37 01-22-2006 06:27 PM

Hands down...earth elements! Can't do without them!

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