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-   -   Was this inappropriate? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/inappropriate-25639/)

Samscoup 01-24-2005 03:39 AM

Was this inappropriate?
I was in michaels this weekend and I bumped into this lady who had a CART full of stuff. I noticed the crazy amount of stamps she was buying..well, to make a long story short I started telling her about Stampin up and the great deal you get on one Set of stamps vs One or two stamps at Michaels. She seemed somewhat interested in stamping and what the workshops were all about and she lives no more then 5 miles from my house.. So I gave her my number and email and said she is more then welcome to email me if she was intersted in either a catalog, workshop or even hosting a workshop (her friends like to scrapbook).
So, was that too pushy or inappropriate?

stepheb 01-24-2005 03:43 AM

No, it wasn't inappropriate - you were just making her aware of a better and cheaper source for her hobby.

Did you get her number? I would follow up with her in a few days - it sounds like she is interested and it would be terrible to lose a potential hostess by just waiting for her to call you!

I wish I could speak up more - I don't know why I clam up about SU instead of "selling" myself!

Good job!

Kerilou 01-24-2005 03:44 AM

I don't think it was inappropriate at all...how did she react? I think a lot of it depends on how you come across...if she had a cart full, then I am sure she didn't mind...I can't imagine you were pushy, so I am sure it was fine!

marlenepgibson 01-24-2005 03:45 AM

I don't think so. One of my customers is still learning what she can/should buy or not buy from stores like Michaels. I give her my thoughts/suggestions but let her choose. So far, she has done well.

NavyWyf 01-24-2005 03:50 AM

That is EXACTLY how I met one of my customers, so of course I don't think it is inappropriate! :lol: I never tried to tell her NOT to buy from anyone else, but I showed her the back of the background stamp she had in her hand, and explained how the image wouldn't come out like the picture. I showed her some better ones in the store, so she wouldn't think I was just trying to sell Stampin Up, but gave her a card and she came to a couple of functions I had before moving down here to Florida. I have no doubt that she's with another demonstrator back in Virginia, happy with her stamps, and still shopping with that coupon at Michaels occasionally!

stampoholicsunanimous 01-24-2005 03:50 AM

NETWORK!! You were not inappropriate. She she had said "no thanks" and you kept going on, maybe...but that's not what happened. Great way to build your business.

Samscoup 01-24-2005 03:51 AM

Thanks.. I don't consider myself a saleswomen but I can go on and on about a good deal.. and I know Stampin up can save her SO much money.. I think she was interested. I gave her my info so, if she really wants to-she'll call. THe funny thing is that I just signed up to be a demo on friday.. I Can't wait to get my stuff.

bambi64 01-24-2005 04:00 AM

Way to go. I hope she calls you. I don't think it was inappropriate at all. In fact one day a few years ago I was in Joanns looking at stamps etc and there was a lady there from my child's storytime looking too. I really didn't know her then but I told her about my SU demo and how great SU was etc etc. Gave her the name of the demo and she called and booked a party!

karinlm 01-24-2005 04:45 AM

No, I don't think that was inappropriate :)

About 5 years ago when I was in Walmart I started talking to a woman who was a CTMH consultant. She gave me a catalog right at the store! I've stayed in touch with her although I have never gone to a workshop (wish I had!). Come to find out she knows the majority of the people I've met in my years of stamping just by casual intro's at stores and friends houses :)

spammie 01-24-2005 05:20 AM

My demo has been known to pass out the SU technique booklets in Michaels (with her demo info on the back) when people are looking at stamps and are the chatty types or don't seem to know what they're looking for! And I was in Mike's the other day & saw a college student who was going to buy the 120-ct. box of Prismacolor pencils & told her that she could get it cheaper online.

BUT if you do this, I think you need to keep in mind that you're in somebody else's place of business & be discreet! If I were a demo, I wouldn't like somebody piping up in the middle of my workshop to say, for example, that they could get something or other cheaper at Michael's!

DebbiS 01-24-2005 05:22 AM

That was ABSOLUTELY NOT inappropriate. You were doing her a favor.

meldan 01-24-2005 05:47 AM

Totally not inappropriate! In fact, you're my hero! LOL! :D

XcessStamps 01-24-2005 06:22 AM

Way to go! I did the same, and I'm not even a demo. (I gave her the name and number of my demo.) I've found the ladies in the stamp aisle are always ready to talk stamping! :lol:

Rox71 01-24-2005 06:22 AM

Remember the golden rule
I’m going to tell you what a store owner told me about a year ago.

During a workshop in her store a SU demonstrator brought out her catalog and started passing it around pushing for orders. The store owner was gracious and didn’t say anything to her but was terribly offended by the act. You see it’s her store and her way of making a living. I can certainly see her point in being offended. I’m sure most of those who read this would agree.

Michael’s is a very large chain of stores and what you did probably won’t make a dent in their profits but I certainly wouldn’t go into a privately owned stamp and scrapbooking store and offer SU information.

Just stop and think if you would be offended if someone pulled out a Hero Arts catalog at one of your workshops? If not, then I guess you did nothing wrong but it sounds like your questioning your actions. Maybe you should ask the owners of your company what they feel is appropriate.


Kar 01-24-2005 06:38 AM

The ladies in the stampin aisles are always chatty I find... For some reason stamping can bring out the "talker" in all of us!! ;) I would do the same thing, in fact I now carry my business cards with me to help with the business... I really want to make this work so my DH doesn't keep rolling his eyes and say "So did you make anything on that??" He is very supportive but we joke to each other all the time because his "Hobby" doesn't make any money just keeps costing us money (he builds and refinishes guns, but with that hobby comes buying shells for them too :( )

kelwil 01-24-2005 06:44 AM

I agree with Rox. Although I have talked to a woman about stamping in Michaels, which finally lead to me mentioning SU, it wasn't the first thing I talked to her about.
It is exactly like when someone starts talking about Michaels and buying things with a coupon when at a workshop. Everyone has one at their workshop, 'you could get this at Michaels cheaper with the coupon'. And it irks us all. If you are going to do it be discrete, the manager is more than right to ask you to leave if she finds out because you are trying to promote your business within her business.
That being said, if it hurts their sales at all, I don't mind, I used to work there and it was awful.

Wenfaye 01-24-2005 06:50 AM

My Goodness, that is too funny because I was at Michaels on Saturday and as I was looking at scrapbooking stuff a gal came over and started with " I don't know if this is in appropriate but ... " She was telling me about being a CM demo and the specials they have etc. Although I thanked her for the info and told her it was not inappropriate at all but that I get most of my stuff from SU although I appreicated her coming over to mention that. I thought it was great !! Any info on scrapbooking or stamping is great !!


Inky Paws 01-24-2005 08:10 AM

Good for you, I wish I had the guts to do that! I do agree thought that I would not do that at any locally or privately owned scrapbook store.

JanTInk 01-24-2005 08:47 AM

My local scrapbook/stamp store owners know that I am a SU! demonstrator and their attitude has always been "There's so much business out there there is enough to go around." Refreshing. However, I don't go looking for customers in their store. I figure if someone comes in looking for SU! stamps, they may just possibly recommend me, but I usually keep my mouth shut inside the store.

I have talked to people at Michael's and Joann's, though I have a funny story. The other day, my downline and I were shopping at Michael's and there was a lady in the scrapbooking aisle shopping for scrapbooks. She was holding up a Pioneer one and saying, "What about this one?" to her friend. I just quietly said, "If you have kids, you might want to reconsider that one. They have a tendency to fall apart after a while if your kids love to look at their books, like mine do. It's worth spending a little more to get something that will last longer." She said, "Oh, thank you!" I said, "You're very welcome!" Then I walked away.

My downline said, "WHY DIDN'T YOU GIVE HER A BUSINESS CARD?!?!?" Well, the store clerk was standing in the next aisle and I knew that. You just can't be sure who is listening! :lol:

Samscoup 01-24-2005 01:44 PM

well, the funny thing is that a couple years ago, when I was really into Scrapbooking but not stamping as much I was at Joanns looking for stamps and markers.. well the lady that works there told me about Stampin Up and how she has workshops.. Of course she had me in the back isle but either way-I thought that was funny. I'm dont think I could succeed at being pushy.. I just LOVE stampin up and stamping and I like to tell everyone about it and show them the cool things we can make..

That sales lady-still works there.. Can you imagine how much she is discretly networking.. But I agree .. Pushy or intentionally soliciting michaels/joanns customers would be wrong.. but casual conversation is harmless.
I give them SO much business anyways. I make up for whatever customer purchases I take from them. he he he

spicychickie 01-24-2005 01:57 PM

Way to go!
Hi There:

I'm glad that you were bold enough to help out that poor woman from making a huge mistake. I wish I had bumped into someone like you before. I have a shoe box full of miscellaneous that I only use once in awhile to stamp. I wish I would have known about "Stampin Up" a long time ago.

Great job!!

Ana Malick ')

jennifernelson 01-24-2005 01:58 PM

I dont think you were doing anything wrong but we must always be careful not to violate any " NO SOLICITATION" signs. She will most definitly appreciate the good deals SU has to offer if she takes you up on a workshop . Good Job at being a go getter!!

Samscoup 01-24-2005 02:00 PM

Actually you make a good point.. I think if I ever see a stamper in distress in michaels or joanns.. I will just invite them to a workshop and make no mention of the stamps (while i'm in the store) then They can see at the workshops all the great deals and products our Stampin Up family has to offer them! :) Now, if my demo stuff would just pop in my mail. i'd be in a happy WARM (FL) Place!

stampin2day4ever 01-28-2005 09:07 PM

You should have pushed her down and kicked her for being so foolish..LOL No really I go to Michaels and I find a lot of cost. I really love to go get the deal for my 40% but I reall look for people who need me when I go in.LOL I just love the SU items and find people do to ...Oh I carry a mini caddy at all times in my purse so I can show just how nice and you get the drift.also I haev the SAB and I give little goodies for guest from Michaels and Joanns that come to stamp!!! I give them a FREE stamp for comming to a W/S and they get extra goodies for hosting...Works for me I will show someone the light in a heart beat.LOL
Stamp into the light............ :P

mommamea 01-28-2005 09:50 PM

I actually gave a women a mini in a craft mart in our town. We talk for quite some time. A lady that worked there was frowning at me but thats the way it goes. I was actually helping her with sizzix and stamping came up on here part.

gottascrap 01-29-2005 03:34 AM

Go figure!
I'm not a demo for anyone but two years ago I gave an independent creative card making classes at Hobby Lobby. They asked all teachers to do a free demo one Sat morning in their store. They sit us up tables in the isles and I just happened to be across from a lady who holds crop classes on Friday nights. I had never met her before as my classes were on Sat mornings. Our table was getting quite a few ladies because we were doing make n takes of tags and showing them how easy it was to make a card with them. She was just sitting at her table looking at her scrapbooks. Next thing I knew the crop lady (who after listening to her talk also was a CM demo) came over and starting making her pitch about CM to our ladies trying to take them back to her table to see her work in her scrapbooks. Needless to say that's why I'm not a demo for any company. I thought she was very rude and if Hobby Lobby knew she was pushing some other org products I wonder how they would feel about giving her that free space to hold her crops. :shock: Pam from Bama

citadella 01-29-2005 04:37 AM

I met my demonstrator in Michaels - I was helping a poor lady who had been terribly misled by a salesperson about how to do heat embossing. I was also just a customer at Michaels, but couldn't bear to see her go away with misinformation. Anyway, after I helped her, another lady said "I can tell you like stamping, have you heard of Stampin' Up?".

That was almost 1 1/2 years ago and I joined her stamp club that fall and then signed up as a demonstrator this past July. I am so glad that she approached me!!

StampAddict 01-29-2005 04:46 AM


Originally Posted by spammie
If I were a demo, I wouldn't like somebody piping up in the middle of my workshop to say, for example, that they could get something or other cheaper at Michael's!

I have this friend that will say stuff like that during a demo. Not mine of course, because I haven't had one yet. LOL BUT it does scare me that she will do it when I finally DO have one. I'll have to have a talk with her...LOL

row4d 01-29-2005 06:31 AM


Originally Posted by jennifernelson
I dont think you were doing anything wrong but we must always be careful not to violate any " NO SOLICITATION" signs.

I always thought that meant no fundraising on their property (Girl Scout cookies, kids with those sales packets they got from school, etc).

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