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-   -   Ideas of Places to Sell Cards (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/ideas-places-sell-cards-418806/)

tractorchick03 02-12-2009 06:29 AM

Ideas of Places to Sell Cards
I really like to make cards, but my family is being overrun with cards. I would like to sell them, but it is a pain to sell on ebay. My stampin up demonstrator and her SIL have a business in town so I don't want to compete with them :( I don't even mind donating cards if anyone has suggestions. THANKS!:-D

peebsmama 02-12-2009 06:41 AM

If you want to donate the cards, there are several places to do that. First, check out Cards For Heroes (cardsforheroes.com). They collect cards to send to the troops in Iraq and Afghanistan (and I'm sure other places) so that they can send cards home to their friends and family. I have donated hundreds of cards to this organization since I found out about it.

Another thing I do is take extra cards to the nursing home. I drop them off at the activities director's office and she makes sure that resident's who don't have family get cards on their birthdays or "just because". I'm told it really brightens their day to get a card. No tax deduction, but still worthwhile.

I'm sure other posters will have other suggestions.

Personally I haven't tried to sell my cards. I think the angel policies of some of the companies are just too much bother to make it worthwhile to me.

NWstamper 02-12-2009 06:51 AM

Etsy.com is another option for selling cards and I've heard of folks keeping cards at their desk at work and selling to co-workers.

tractorchick03 02-12-2009 07:11 AM

suggestions :-)
Thanks for the suggestions. I didn't even think about the angel policy. I just know that a lot of my cards are cased and I don't want to violate copyrights. I have sent one box to cardsforheroes. I am happy to be able to support our troops. I didn't know if there were other places out there to donate to. Thanks!

jazzytobi 02-12-2009 07:45 AM

i approached a local flower shop on sunday about selling my cards there, and by tuesday I had dropped off 60 cards!

i got in just before valentines, so hopefully i'll have a bunch of sales..

just FYI, i'm selling on consignment. They are selling in the store for $5.95, and I get $3.50 for every card.

mbm103 02-12-2009 07:57 AM

Hi. Try ETSY.com to sell your cards. Also, if you want to donate cards my BFF and I have a card ministry called "Envelopes of Love" by the SONshine Sisters. We are just getting it off the ground. We sends cards of encouragement to those in need of some. We are making a website (currently under constructions) and meeting with churches to get the word out. Anyone can request a card for someone in need of encouragement, and we'll send it out. No strings attached!

We would love to have some cards from you, or anyone, (hint-hint) for that matter, as we launch this ministry. There are lots of places that send cards to ill children, military, cancer patients, etc., which is awesome, but there is a real need to send cards of encouragement to teenagers, pre-teens and the eldery.

For more infor email me at: [email protected]. If you need info on ETSY, you can email me on that too. Good luck!

sprtchick 02-12-2009 08:57 AM

If you want to sell A LOT of cards...you can contact your local community centers and offer to do fund raisers for groups. That is one of the ways that I sell so many. I provide a couple thousand each, each year for two swim teams. They sell the cards at whatever they want to and pay me only for what they sell. Since I am constantly producing cards anyway, I always make like 24 or 36 and sometimes even 48 of each card so I can put some aside for the two swim teams, put some in the soldier box and provide some for my hubbys desk basket. If you are making large quantities all year long, come fall fund raising season you can have quite a few built up. I only ask the teams to pay only for what they sell, and they return what has not sold. those either go into the box for next year or go to the troops, hubbys desk or church bookstore to sell. It is a good process that I have set up and as I said, I sell thousands of cards every year. You could even contact the local schools to see if they would put you in touch with organizations or teachers in the schools that need assistance with fund raising. Do this only if you want to sell huge volumes of cards because once people see the cards they normally sell like wildfire. I have been doing this for 3 years now and I see no end in sight. Especially these days with so many schools losing their funding for sports teams and the like. Good luck.

tractorchick03 02-12-2009 10:28 AM

wow you really make a lot of cards. Thank you for your suggestions. Do you send your cards independently to the troops or through some group?

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