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-   -   I will never make another mat board journal! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/i-will-never-make-another-mat-board-journal-19702/)

stampcrazygirl 12-11-2004 07:43 PM

I will never make another mat board journal!
I just made 8 of them (well, they aren't quite finished yet), and I have 2 more to go. Plus I have 2 to finish up that I just can't get to look the way I want. That's 12 journals in one day! :shock:

I am so tired of making them..I'm doing them in an assembly line. The people I'm giving them to better LOVE them! They are turning out nice and I decided to do them all similar,but different colors. I don't usually do that because I like to make everything different.

Anyone else just get really tired of stamping when you HAVE to make something by a deadline? I think after the new year I'm going to have to take a break from stamping! (I can't believe I just typed that!)

Why do we do this to ourselves???/ :roll:

athena308 12-11-2004 07:55 PM

step away from the stamps, pads and cutters....

count to ten (thousand) and go back, everything will be okay

a break from stamping? do you have a fever?

dylbrett 12-11-2004 08:23 PM

A break from stamping!?!?! :shock: You must not be feeling well. Yeah, that's it. Get a good night's sleep & check back in the morning. Everything will be fine. :wink:

I just spent most of the day making Christmas cards. 55 to be exact. Once I figure out how to download them, I will post a couple. Finally got a digital camera. :D

Shell 12-11-2004 08:49 PM

Re: I will never make another mat board journal!

Originally Posted by stampcrazygirl
Anyone else just get really tired of stamping when you HAVE to make something by a deadline? I think after the new year I'm going to have to take a break from stamping! (I can't believe I just typed that!)

Why do we do this to ourselves???/ :roll:

Yeah, I get tired of it when I *have* to do it. I feel like my creativity flies out the window on those occasions, too. I love to stamp, but it is much easier when I *want* to do it and don't have to do it.

I haven't had time to stamp much lately, and when I do, it is 'have-to' stamping. I've made 16 paint cans in the last few days. I will be glad to get them FINISHED!! LOL! I have several cards to make this week .... but I have to wrap gifts, too. Ugh ... toooooo much to do. :roll:

I need some 'no-brainer' stamp time. LOL!! Hmmm...maybe after the 25th .... 8)

maslex 12-12-2004 12:53 AM

I think I must be in the minority here. I usually do some of my best work when I *HAVE* to stamp. But if I'm downstairs just fooling around and trying to come up with something, I find myself in a funk. Although, people say I'm not too normal anyways.


LunarLana 12-12-2004 04:41 AM

Christmas deadlines!
Oh I hear you! I have had fingers with callusses on them for the last 4 weeks. I kid you not! I have had to wrap up my fingers so that I could color more stamped images! But you know what. . . I love making things for people and I had a blast. Sore fingers or not!

jstarbright 12-12-2004 04:43 AM

My friend ordered 4 ( 4piece) tumbled tile coasters from me, using a stamp with 3 snowmen. Let me say by the time I finished 60 orange noses, I knew I could never work in an assembly line. They turned out really cute and she loved them so it was worth it

rreinhardt 12-12-2004 04:50 AM

The stamping part I don't mind, it's the finicky stuff like measuring, cutting, pasting - ugh! And then cleaning up the mess when it's done :shock: I'm always amazed at how much mess I make for even the simplest projects. I would be thrilled if I could hire someone to clean and put away my stamps and file my paper scraps...hmmm, I guess that's what kids are for - I'd better start training them :wink:


pigfingers 12-12-2004 05:06 AM

Oh I know what you mean! Every month when I used to go to my uplines meeting we had to bring swaps, and I dreaded it! I didn't dread the meeting, I dreaded having to make swaps!!! I never had the creative time to do a whole bunch of them, and the pressure killed me! I am no good when I have to do stamping, it sucks the joy right out of it!

I have enjoyed making presents for people, but only if I do it and then give it to them -- I made the unfortunate mistake of telling my sister at the beginnning of the year that I was working on something for her .... for her April birthday... and it still isn't done!!!! A scrapbook, and now the pressure is there since she thinks it took so long it MUST be gorgeous!!! I hate myself!!! I am about 75% done but now that the pressure is there I want to throw up every time I take it out, I want it to be so perfect!

Your story about doing the journals reminded me of when I used to do cross-stitch though -- I did a wedding invitation one for a friend of mine, and that was the last one I ever did, it took so long.. was beautiful, but I said if I never did another one...

Sarah 12-12-2004 05:08 AM

I know the feeling, I just got done doing 60 Christmas cards. Nothing like waiting till the last minute. LOL

sleddy 12-12-2004 05:32 AM

I haven't yet finished my Christmas cards, have teachers gifts to finish, need to have Wedding invitation ideas tomorrow and joined two swaps that I need to complete. When should I start Christmas shopping?


jul80566 12-12-2004 06:01 AM

I'm with you! I finally finished my Christmas cards and have been working on 10 calendars since September. I have two months to go and just can't get motivated to finish them. Thats actually why I'm here right now, to get some ideas....I'm fresh out!!!!!


scrappinchick 12-12-2004 06:03 AM

I felt that way when I had to do alot for a craft fair. I almost resented the fact that i LOVED the hobby!!! lol BUT, after I cleaned it ALL up, and put it ALL away, within a few days i was "itching" to get it all out again...and now I am making some neat things again!! Sometimes taking a small break gives you a clearer head!!!! :D

Chrissyd723 12-12-2004 06:34 AM

Christmas Deadlines
All last week, I spent HOURS each day getting ready for family Christmas which we had yesterday at my house. Only to have my family only stay for TWO hours because they were tired and wanted to go home. I have four children, 13, 3, 4 and a 6 week old baby and they were tired? I was so disappointed last night since I worked so hard to have a nice Christmas for my side of the family and then to have them leave so early I just felt crushed. I guess after talking about it I still am feeling sad and disappointed.
Anyways, with that being said I am choosing to make 30 snowman soups and I want to finish my Christmas cards but being so bummed now I don't even want to look at them. I think I need to crank some Christmas music, have a good cry and get it over with. I just got my SAB stamps and I am ITCHING to play with those!

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