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-   -   I think I'm weird... (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/i-think-im-weird-58442/)

kelsluvs2scrap 06-10-2005 08:50 AM

I think I'm weird...
I was so excited to get all of my SU stamps, ink, and paper after my party. I've downloaded tons of ideas from this site. I've made the post-it note holder and pen and the fruit cans for gifts. But, other than that, I don't know where to go from here. Cards intimidate me b/c mine are never as pretty as what I see in the gallery. And, if they were as pretty, I wouldn't want to send them! So, I guess I need some advice as to where I should go from here. What should be my first step to get use out of my wonderful SU products? TIA!

serialpurrs 06-10-2005 08:54 AM

I know the feeling, but I'm trying not to worry too much about it. Just stamp, play with coloring and eventually you'll get something which will be worth turning into a card.

avonlea 06-10-2005 09:00 AM

I don't think you're weird at all! *Kudos* to you for sharing your inhibitions with us and being honest!! Sounds like you're feeling a bit intimidated and overwhelmed... which happends to me from time to time, too.

Three things that help me get the ball rolling are...
  1. I glance through my favourites to pick out cards which jump out at me right then and there and I use them as inspiration. Now, I might be inspired by the layout, the use of the stamps or the colours.
  2. Colours. Sometimes I start by picking 2 or 3 colours to figure out the 'mood' for my card.
  3. The Splitcoas Challenges Forum!!! I suggest looking at the Card Sketches sub forum.
  4. EDIT:One more! Patterned paper! Draw your colour or "mood" inspiration from it! :)

Above all....

Keep It Simple, Stupid!

Melissa 8791 06-10-2005 09:08 AM

You have already received some great advice. Everybody starts as a beginner & improves the longer that they stamp. Don't worry about your cards--the people who receive them, will *love* them because they were made by YOU!

Let's see some of your stuff, girlie!


ADBTHEROUX 06-10-2005 09:08 AM

I would have to agree *even though I don't upload them* the card challenges are truly what has helped to inspire me to think outside the box. The sketch challenges really help me to see more uses for my stamp sets. Practice, practice, practice. I've been a demo for about 4 years now and I am just starting to feel comfortable with the outcome of my stampin.

KountryKorners 06-10-2005 09:16 AM

Here's a new focus for you.. repeat after me...
I can do it!

Cause you can!!!

and for not wanting to send them away.. make 2 of them and keep one.. or do what I do scan everything so you can make it again later.
Have fun!!

gv-copperdog 06-10-2005 09:34 AM

Don't worry. You're not weird. I have been there. For the projects that you love, I suggest making two. I have changed because I used to want to keep everything, but when you stamp a lot, it will drive you crazy! Now I am used to just giving tons of things away, knowing I have that wonderful stamp set at home and ideas pop in my head a lot now. It never bothers me when people throw my cards away, unlike many of the posts I've seen. (Stamping is not for everyone, and they can't understand why we are so into it.) Most people don't just automatically throw them out, but they end up going later. That's okay. I don't keep everything either.

kelsluvs2scrap 06-10-2005 10:18 AM

I really, really appreciate your words of encouragement. I didn't even know about the sketches. I love using sketches for my sb pages so I bet I'll love the card sketches as well. But...it seems I can't view them. Does anyone know why? There is a word document but when I click on it, it takes me to a blank page vs. giving me the option to save. And, when there is a space to view attached thumbnails, that section is blank. Any ideas as to why?

avonlea 06-10-2005 10:22 AM

Hmmm...sounds like a browser issue.

I'm on a Mac and have no problems so I can't relate. *However*...regarding the "invisible" thumbnails. They ARE there... try moving your mouse pointer around sloooooooowly. Eventually you should see it 'change' to the type of pointer you get when it 'finds' a hyperlink. Then caaaaarefully *click*!

Sneaky thumbnails & silly browsers!

jess_witty 06-10-2005 10:35 AM

I think it takes a little time for everyone to really focus in on their own style... you're a scrapbooker, so you probably already know that! It's the same with cards! I looked at the beginning of my gallery the other day... my, oh my, how things have changed; my tastes have changed, my style has changed, what's pleasing to my eye has changed.

As time has gone on, I've gotten much better about being able to just give something away and LET IT GO! I try to remember to take a picture, and that was the solution for me... it takes no physical space to store it, but I can always look at it again and remember what I've done! I still don't remember to do that all the time, but I try! Also, it helps to just make stuff and actually just use your materials... as you use them up, you can move on to other things in different colors, a different variety, etc... that usually helps me to be inspired and continue creating. I always keep in mind that my goal is to be a STAMPER... NOT a COLLECTOR! I have to make stuff to give away so I can keep making new stuff! I also try to remember that the cards that are, to me, really striking, are the cards that are simple. Now, I love embellishments and ribbons and charms (and everything else!) as much as the next girl... trust me, I do... I just try to remember that simplicity is sometimes the key for me. I have challenged myself lately to make (GASP!) no-layer cards... just a piece of cardstock folded in half and stamped on. Crazy idea, I know, but I've enjoyed it a lot and it's shown me that it doesn't have to be embellished and detailed to the max to be cute. (AGAIN, totally not saying that I don't love those pieces, too!) Also, keep in mind that the people you give your artwork to are probably not watching the SCS gallery at all hours of the day like those of us who are addicted to this site do... they will probably look at whatever you make and think that it's beautiful and sweet and most importantly... such a nice thing for you to do!

wynona 06-10-2005 10:54 AM

Your computer may have documents set to simply download onto your compauter. Try checking your document folder or desktop (I am on a Mac, too and it is pretty easy but may not relate to your type of computer). You may actually have the file and just need to open it with your word processor.

Tampersay 06-10-2005 11:56 AM

CASE! (Copy And Steal Everything) Seriously, case cards that you see that you like. Or better yet, go to the challenges and try some of them. You don't have to do Friday's challenge on Friday, you could do Monday's challenge today. It really helps to challenge myself. I find I also work better when I have the pressure on!

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