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-   -   I LOVE my stamp-a-ma-jig!!! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/i-love-my-stamp-ma-jig-20850/)

mooshie_stamps 12-21-2004 08:05 PM

I LOVE my stamp-a-ma-jig!!!
Ok, I just finished stamping 4 t-shirts to give my kids for Christmas this year, and they turned out prety good (I had a little trouble on the first one though cuz I didn't know what I was doin'). and I could not have gotten them to turn out as well as they did w/o my stamp-a-ma-jig! it saved my life! I was able to get the letters lined up straight, and the princess to fit perfectly in the snow glove I put her in, and I could re-stamp over images that I didn't think were dark enough, and my trucks lined up perfectly, and I could go on, but I won't. what a great tool!
I posted these in the gallery, so if you wanna check 'em out they should be up soon. I sure hope my kids like them though cuz they took a lot of time to get 'em just right. but at least now if they tell someone that mommy stamped them I won't be totally embarrassed. :) anyway just wanted to share.

coshorty 12-21-2004 08:12 PM

That sounds like a wonderful thing that you have done for your kids. I am sure they will like them.

I share your feelings on the stamp-a-ma-gig. Ever since I got it, i used it constantly. It comes in very handy.

loca4stamps 12-22-2004 08:13 AM

I have to agree with you! :lol: I bought it only because a lot of you, wonderful ladies, were raving about it and it is true!!! I stamped my Christamas cards and they all came out perfect! I was also able to restamp one that was too light... How cool it that! :P

Shelli 12-22-2004 09:06 AM

The shirts are all wonderful. My niece would love the sports one.

Here's the link so everyone can see them. http:////www.splitcoaststampers.com/...0&ppuser=20515

:D :D :D

Jinn 12-22-2004 09:56 AM

I hear you! The Stamp-a-ma-gig is AWESOME! I just discovered it earlier this year and bought one for my Mom and MIL for Mother's Day.

Michelle Laycock 12-22-2004 10:32 AM

I share your enthusiasm! I love it too! I use it all the time! Best thing ever invented!

AmandaK 12-22-2004 10:53 AM

Two thumbs up for the Stamp-a-ma-jig...I canNOT see a straight line to save my life, but now I can actually use my alphabet set!

I am going to start as an SU demo in Jan., and I will definitely demo the Stamp-a-ma-jig--esp. as a scrapbooking tool for titles, but it's great for "fixing" little areas too!

:) Amanda

AmandaK 12-22-2004 10:54 AM

Two thumbs up for the Stamp-a-ma-jig...I canNOT see a straight line to save my life, but now I can actually use my alphabet set!

I am going to start as an SU demo in Jan., and I will definitely demo the Stamp-a-ma-jig--esp. as a scrapbooking tool for titles, but it's great for "fixing" little areas too!

:) Amanda

AmandaK 12-22-2004 10:55 AM

Oops, double post! Sorry! :oops:

Soozie4Him 12-22-2004 11:11 AM

I *love* my Stamp-a-ma-jig! I rarely stamp without it! I have a hard time getting even a sentiment to look centered without it!

One tip - make sure you use an ink color that's NOT Basic Black or Basic Brown on your imaging sheet. The black and brown won't come off (if someone knows how to get it off, please let me know!). Also, stamp on the textured side of the imaging sheet. I use baby wipes to clean them off.

If there's a stamp you use the SAMJ a lot for, you can keep the image stamped on your plastic sheet to use later. I get extra imaging sheets at Archivers for 99 cents for a package of 3!


eplercs 12-22-2004 11:39 AM

First, your presents are GREAT! Way to go!

I don't use my Stamp-a-ma-jig much, but it's great to have when I need it! Plus it helps some of my more-intimidated customers relax about spacing. Had a few thoughts on the imaging sheets:
-I use the non-textured side when stamping with Basic Black or Basic Brown, and spray with Stampin' Mist ASAP after I'm done using it.
-You can also use vellum to make permanent "imaging sheets" for frequently used stamps (e.g. alphabets)

HTH someone :)

Happy Stampin' and Scrappin'!
Susan Epler

Independent Stampin' Up Demonstrator

Havamom 12-22-2004 11:53 AM


Nail polish remover takes off the black or brown "permanent" inks off the plastic image placement sheet. I had to let the nail polish sit in a puddle over the one really stained black spot but it did come off. Hope your too comes clean :)

mommamea 12-22-2004 12:11 PM

I couldn't live with out mine know. got it a few months back thinking I will never use it. I panic when I can't find it. Your shirts are adorable.
Merry Christmas

mooshie_stamps 12-22-2004 03:00 PM

thanks! I'm glad you like the shirts. here's my little tip on cleaning off basic black ink from your image sheets. I use the cleaner made especially for cleaning staz-on ink off of stamps (I got mine at a local craft store), just rub it over your image, let it sit for a min, then spray with stampin' mist, and it wipes right off. I've had do do this several times, as I use it at workshops so I can keep the image there for all the my workshops that I need the same image for, but even months later I was able to clean an image off this way. HTH

miggie 12-23-2004 09:27 AM

I also love my Stamp-a-ma-jig!!!!!!! It was worth every penny. It helped me alot when doing my Christmas cards because there was really no waste of paper.

FlaMoonlove 12-23-2004 09:55 AM

Does the Stamp-a-ma-jig come with directions? I just ordered one last night, and I know it will help, but I'm a little fuzzy on how it works. :?

Carol Shafer 12-23-2004 07:13 PM

I couldn't live without it! I use it all the time. The only problem I have is I can't convince my customers how great they are. Whenever I have a stamp camp I try to show them how to use it but they get frustrated and don't want to use it. Anyone else had this problem? Carol

jmscoping 12-23-2004 07:31 PM

Mr. Clean Magic Eraser!!!

It works WONDERS!!

I had an old style basic black pad. My 4yo was playing around and got it all over my other pads. It covered up the colors, so I couldn't see the name when I was lookign at the end. Mr. Clean cleaned it right up! So I said, hmmm. What else. Anything that has basic black on it! It worked on my samj sheet just fine! And on my formica table top that I use as my desk!

BTW, I use acetate sheets (overhead projector sheets) for my frequently used images... That way I don't have to clean and restamp all the time!

Take care,

AmandaMay 12-23-2004 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by FlaMoonlove
Does the Stamp-a-ma-jig come with directions? I just ordered one last night, and I know it will help, but I'm a little fuzzy on how it works. :?

It does come with very simple directions on the package.

After reading these posts I used my 40% off coupon and went to Michaels and got one. I was told 2 years ago by my upline that "no, nobody needs that" and I never had interest in it after that! But....you guys showed me a great new world! I don't typically worry about straight lines, but I have seen some GREAT cares using Lexicon of Love with the stamp-a-ma-jig. I have been playing with it and love it for lining up images side-by-side and top and bottom.


Carol Shafer 12-23-2004 07:36 PM

Yes, The stamp-a-ma-jig does come with directions. I had some problems understanding how it worked but once I got the concept of it and used it a few times it just became second nature. Also bought a package of the extra sheets. There are some stamps that I use all the time that I need the stamp-a-ma-jig for so I just leave those images on those sheets so I don't have to stamp on the sheets every time. It was especially helpful making all my items for my craft fair this year. Carol

Carol Shafer 12-23-2004 07:39 PM

Oh, Also I suggest using the the permanent black pad or the stazon pads when stamping onto the plastic sheets. The other colors come off and also are hard to see. The Stazon cleaner works great to get the ink off the plastic. Carol

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