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-   -   I just talked my DH into a comma about how Great SU! is (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/i-just-talked-my-dh-into-comma-about-how-great-su-35301/)

Ksullivan 03-13-2005 06:39 PM

I just talked my DH into a comma about how Great SU! is
Really to funny! I have been prattling away at him for about an hour about how great there stuff is. I even went into a monolog about the superiority of their cardstock versus just the stuff I use to get at Micheals, I made him feel different pieces. And I explained to him the ease of a plan I have been forming in my mind about how just maybe I could make it as a demonstrator. Just as simple as get six interested people and do an every other month group with them with a $25 minium per person, with one person getting the hostess benefits.......... I am sure you are all familiar with those kinds of groups.

I have been playing around with it in my mind, but I am very shy of the direct sales thing. I tried Partylite years ago and I only mangaged to get through my first 6 required parties and then I couldn't drum up anymore business. My problems is I seriously don't have any friends or family that share my passion for candles (and I actually wasn't that passionate about Partylite) back then or crafts, stamping, or scrapbooking now, not my friends or my mom or my sisters. So I am not sure where I could get my clients from. But I am think through it and if I happen to spot 6 people that seem to like it enough to join a group I may try it.

Then I mentioned to DH how you had to buy the starter kit thinking he would say no way and he actually said that's not bad when I told him the price. You see I am a SAHM, so he is the one that makes all of the money so I would have to have him be willing to back me up, I guess from his response he would be willing.

So anyways I went on about how I love their products and being passionate about the product makes you a more successfull demonstrator. And eventually his eyes glazed over and now he is snoring, poor thing!

And I am passionate about SU! When I hosted a party in January I kept helping my demonstrator out by pointing out to everyone things like how great the Rubber scissor are and telling them I didn't get them at first and when I did I saw how much better they were for cutting my stamps than my kitchen scissors were and I told everyone to get the Stamp Scrubber because you will love it and I told them about my expereince with the one I bought at Micheals first, I totally hated it. My Demo was so funny because she would give me the look like you need to sell this stuff, so everytime I had to tell everyone how great something is I would start off with Really I don't want to be a demo but I have to tell you guys the truth about this stuff.

Heck he is a great guy I had him agree yesterday to attend The Mega Meet in our area with me so I would have a buddy! Lucky for him my mother said she would when I asked her, but I knew he would go with me and I thought it was very sweet of him.


scrappinchick 03-13-2005 06:42 PM

your enthusiasm is great!! you will make an awesome demo!!! :D

sunfaerie 03-13-2005 06:53 PM

You would make a fantastic demo!! I am mainly a Hobby demo. I have done a few workshops but I LOVE to do Stamp Camps and have a Stampers Club. I have one every month. It takes care of my minimums, and this way I don't have so much coming out of my pocket on my personal purchases :)

I have also made wonderful friends through my Stamp Camps and Stampers Club. It has been a fabulous experience and totally worth it.

Become a demo!!

MommaJ 03-13-2005 07:18 PM

K-You crack me up!! You sound like me!! I am not a demo but I LOVE the products and will talk them up to whomever will listen. I was in Roberts crafts and I overheard two women trying to figure out how to do their baby's hand and foot prints. I politely told them how I do my daughters hands every 3 months with the versa mark and embossing powder and then told them all the other fun things you can do with versa mark. By the time I was done with my speach, I had some other ladies join in and I sold 6 versa mark pads for Roberts!! :) I've got all my friends hooked on SU now too! I think being a demonstrator would be really fun, right now with 3 kids, I just couldn't swing it! It's all I can do to have approx 2 parties a year. I've got an awsome demonstrator, I enjoy just having her come and show us all these amazing things! Maybe when the kids are older, I will look into it.
You sound like you'd be awsome at it! If you can even keep your husband listening for a couple minutes, you are doing better than me! My husband just rolls his eyes :roll: at me anytime I mention stamps or scrapbooking (he and our neighbor buddie call it "CRAPbooking".
Oh well, I think you should go for it! :D :D :wink:

grace 03-13-2005 07:52 PM

Okay don't forget to show him how many users Splitcoast has...there has to be business out there with so many of us here!!! :lol: Just from what you wrote I know you'll do well as I can hear the passion for stamping flowing out of you. I am not a demo but love Su...don't forget to share this site with your friends, family...etc because it will make those who come your way spend mega dollars...it sure has for me...and my demo is laughing all the way to the bank! Just love SU!!!

AmyR 03-13-2005 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by MommaJ
K-You crack me up!! You sound like me!! I am not a demo but I LOVE the products and will talk them up to whomever will listen. I was in Roberts crafts and I overheard two women trying to figure out how to do their baby's hand and foot prints. I politely told them how I do my daughters hands every 3 months with the versa mark and embossing powder and then told them all the other fun things you can do with versa mark. By the time I was done with my speach, I had some other ladies join in and I sold 6 versa mark pads for Roberts!! :) I've got all my friends hooked on SU now too! I think being a demonstrator would be really fun, right now with 3 kids, I just couldn't swing it! It's all I can do to have approx 2 parties a year. I've got an awsome demonstrator, I enjoy just having her come and show us all these amazing things! Maybe when the kids are older, I will look into it.
You sound like you'd be awsome at it! If you can even keep your husband listening for a couple minutes, you are doing better than me! My husband just rolls his eyes :roll: at me anytime I mention stamps or scrapbooking (he and our neighbor buddie call it "CRAPbooking".
Oh well, I think you should go for it! :D :D :wink:

Ok - totally off the topic - but I WISH I had thought of the versamark hand prints and embossing! :cry: My DD just turned 2 and I have no hand prints of her. I tried when she was really little but it was with non SU ink (I had never heard of SU then) and she kept curling up her hands and we made a big mess. MommaJ, that is a GREAT idea - are you sure you don't want to be a demo?? Back to topic now - Ksullivan - go for it. Even if it flops (which I highly doubt it will - your enthusiasm is catching - I feel like I'm falling in love w/ SU all over again :lol: and you will prob. be a GREAT demo.

stampin3 03-13-2005 08:48 PM

Hey Kimberly - you definitely have the fire power to be a demo. I too am a SAHM to my 2 DD. I have been a demo for 4 1/2 yrs and love it! I started with a Stamp Club group (as you described) and now have 2 a month plus some workshops.

It really is easy to do - at least I feel it is. The cost of the kit is also a plus! Even if you decide to not do it - you will have saved money on items through the kit. You aren't penalized and you keep everything. It definitely is worth a shot. Are you in any Moms groups? Playdates? If you talk to your husband this spirited about SU! - you will be great at talking to others as well. :)

Candykane 03-13-2005 09:02 PM

You sound like me, I'll go on and on at my husband about everything and I always show him my cards when I am done and he says looks like a professional card you could buy, which of course makes me feel good. :D I finally decided to become a demo waiting on my stuff, I asked first of course and he said as much as I buy might as well do it for the discount. I understand where you're coming from I am a SAHM too. I think if I was asked to do a party I would, because I love their products and talk so highly about them. Also someone made a good point, look at how many users are registered on this site, tell him it's a stampin world out there :wink: Best Wishes to you, and practice on your hubby when you need to do a run through about the products :wink:

mommysarahann 03-13-2005 10:22 PM

You sound just like me! When I first became a demo I had 0 friends that liked scrapbooking or card making. I wasn't sure if I'd find enough business to stay afloat, but I did. I think loving SU gets other people interested. Tomorrow I'm starting my first 625 Club and I'm so glad that I made the choice to become a demo. I haven't regretted it for one millisecond!

nary jane 03-13-2005 11:45 PM

you sound like you'd be a great demo!

and no customers? what about all the people you invite to the parties you hostess? if you know enough people to hostess a party, you know enough people to start a business! (not advocating taking someone else's customers mind you--just that if you know people who are just getting into stamping or stamp but don't use su then those would be perfect customers for you!)

now is a great time to try it out! you get sincere salutations as part of your starter kit if you sign now and the quarter you sign up in is waived for minimums!

Kar 03-14-2005 02:19 AM

I think you would be an awesome demo!! You should wait until next month though! Then you would get 6 months to make your first minimum!! If you signed up this month you would have to make your minimum by June :( So if you want to sign up do it in Jan, April, July (new catty comes out), or October then you have 6 months to get your first minimum!!!

stampinprincess 03-14-2005 03:01 AM

But don't forget signing up by March 31 gets you the Sincere Salutations set FREE - and who doesn't love free stamps!?! :wink:
Best of luck to you whatever you decide, but I think you should go for it! It sounds like you've already got your biggest supporter - DH!

CrabbyAbbe 03-14-2005 05:44 AM

Where do you find out what the benefits are for joining up in a certain month?

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