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tashauna_ferguson 11-09-2005 05:04 PM

I am making 32...but i will probably make many more, that is just the base, for family friends, and family. Then for neighbors and nearby friends(we are stationed overseas) i will make more, then for stAMPING FRINEDS, I WILL make better ones.
so, i am guessing probably, 45 total. But my ASSEMBLY line is 32!

mom2triplets04 11-09-2005 05:07 PM

So far I have made 12 cards for a swap. I normally send out photo cards each year but haven't had a chance to get a decent photo of the triplets in a group yet. I think I may make the cards this year though and just get prints made up of my own photo whenever I get that photo.

karrieg 11-09-2005 05:08 PM

I made 120 this year. 4 designs of 30 each. Took me a couple of weeks to design and then a month or so to make the cards themselves. Much easier to do that way than make 100 + all the same like I did last year.

Karrie G.

scrappinchick 11-09-2005 05:17 PM

Last year I made approx. 55 of the same card. This year, I have to make about 75, and I have decided to make 10-12 of one design too...cause I just cant make so many of one again like last year!

laurakj 11-09-2005 05:33 PM

I'm in the 30 -50 range :) I have made about 25 already and they are almost all different. I can't stand making more than 3 or 4 of the same design. So if I want to make a Chritsmas card in July, I make one and put it away until it's time to send them :)

maryrose 11-09-2005 05:45 PM

I got brutal with my Christmas card list after I counted the declining numbers of Christmas cards we were receiving. This year, whoever sent me a Crhistmas card last year gets one from me this year, so I'm probably in the 20-30 range.

mary rose

WebDeb 11-09-2005 06:06 PM

I make 85, all the same. Don't have a clear concept for this year yet ... gulp!

lovemypooh 11-09-2005 06:18 PM

I am up to 12 right now, but I need to get to work on them. Will probably end up around 35-40. I like to make a few extra of each kind so I have them as samples.


serialpurrs 11-09-2005 06:34 PM

I'll probably end up somewhere between 10 and 20. Have the master design/layout all put together. Just need to spend this weekend cutting and begin putting them all together.

krabearkub 11-09-2005 06:42 PM

I'm making 100 for my family using the silent night set. I need to get started on them soon. I only have a prototype and have not posted the picture yet.

Then I have to make 50 for a friend. just decided on the design today. And she would also like 12 Christmas thank you's. They shouldn't be to hard.

stamping_KML 11-09-2005 07:24 PM

I've already made about 24 Christmas cards (12 different designs) and have sold them to my co-workers and DH's co-workers. Today I've started making 60 of the same design - about 40 of them I'll send to my family & friends and the rest I'll sell to co-workers. :) I also took an order for 20 Christmas cards today from a friend's friend, I'll make 10 different designs and give 2 of each. Normally I wouldn't make extras to sell, but I'm sooooo lucky the past couple of years we have been very slow at work around this time. After I get my stuff done....I get to play on the internet, stamp, bead, etc. :)

pjw3362004 11-09-2005 07:31 PM

I've already made 40 cards for a Christmas in July card swap. They were in set of 10.

lesfitz 11-09-2005 08:37 PM

I usually make about 60-70 cards. I normally do them all the same, but I may change it up and do half and half this year. I've got the CS picked out and ink too. The basic concept is there for the designs I just haven't done the 1st ones yet. This Friday I'm hostessing a Stamp til ya Cramp night and plan on getting something done so I can have them ready to mail at the beginning of December!

speanburg4 11-09-2005 09:23 PM

I have 24 done so far, although Sunday I am going to a stamp-a-stack and making 20 more. I also am ordering Christmas Cardinal, so I will HAVE to make some with that set. I am guessing about 50-60, but I don't know who they are all going to. I only have about 40 people on my list.

Nannastamps 11-10-2005 03:48 AM

So far I've made 125, all the same design. I always make 150 or so, for church, family, and friends. Every year I tell myself in January if I would make about 10-15 each month then I would have them done in time. And every year I seem to get farther into the year before I start. This year I turned in an order at a stamp camp in October and I wrote the number wrong for a set I wanted to order. It turned out that I ordered the Madonna and Child set instead of the set I meant to order. Anyway, I said 'Well, I guess that is God's way of telling me that is what I should make my cards from this year and I had better get busy doing them.' I will probably make 20-25 more and then call it quits.

Taishea 11-10-2005 04:24 AM

I usually make around 200 cards for the family and co-workers. Taishea

jenwelter 11-10-2005 05:29 AM

I've made around 50 so far, with about 40 more to go. Not sure how many designs I'll end up with. I make about 10 of each design. 50 cards are for me and 40 are for my mom.

scrown8301 11-10-2005 05:32 AM

I am making 80 but only because I made 20 to send to my husband in Iraq. Other then that I usually make 40-60.

Leah H 11-10-2005 06:09 AM

I'm making about 65 this year, 20 of which are done. It doesn't seem like I know 65 people, let alone 65 families.

mommj 11-10-2005 06:15 AM

I make 70. All the same, except for about 12 non-religious cards for some of our friends. I can assembly line the rest in about 3 evenings, which is all I can devote to this project!

danssister 11-10-2005 06:44 AM

I'm making about 70, half with silent night and half with trim the tree. This is the first year I've done it, so of course dh says he "needs" 50! Good thing I started early! LOL

Vegastamper 11-10-2005 07:00 AM

I usually make around 200 - for family, friends, neighbors, DH's coworkers, etc. I make several different designs so I don't get too bored. Family members and good friends get the fancy ones, and I make simpler ones for the rest.

robbrd 11-10-2005 07:18 AM

I make 150 each year. I expect I will fall short this year and probably need to up it to 175. This is simply because we moved and I won't be able to drop a plate of cookies or gift off to the families we would normally see.

Due to my lack of motivation to get going, I have to make 50 each week. I should be done by the time Thanksgiving is here.

kgladney 11-10-2005 07:30 AM

I am making 25 - 30. Not making them all the same. Have just four made so far with a beautiful snowman stamp that I bought at Micheals. Also am making some with the Loads of Love Stamp set. The Loads of Love stamp set is definately my favorite.

acgrabia 11-10-2005 07:34 AM

I make around 50. Last year I made them all different, and that was fun, cause I'm not much on an assembly line girl. But this year they are all the same, and it went way faster.

jdmeeks 11-10-2005 09:32 AM

About 125 or so. Special people get the most special cards. I make simpler, quicker ones for those I beleive will just pitch them after the holidays!

robbrd 11-10-2005 10:48 AM


Originally Posted by acgrabia
I make around 50. Last year I made them all different, and that was fun, cause I'm not much on an assembly line girl. But this year they are all the same, and it went way faster.

Okay, you made me say "Wow!" out loud. I usually do 10 of each card because I get bored easily, but to come up with that many different styles of cards. Wow!

lou413 11-10-2005 11:13 AM

I think I did abaout 65 last year so I guess about the same amount for this year. I only do one style and assembly line them. Usually by now I've got my smaply ready and the paper cut. I don't even know what I'm doing this year!


denier 11-10-2005 11:46 AM

only making 80 this year, 2 designs. normally i do around double that amount.

scrapqueen 11-10-2005 11:52 AM

WOW Ladies! That sounds like a lot of work to be done.! Last year I only sent handmade cards to close family and friends. Coworkers received store brought cards(Gasp! Yes I know) This year I am planning on making all my cards, which I havent started, but I am thinking about the range of 40.

mholles 11-10-2005 12:02 PM

I'm making 60, and have 40 done. I was going to make 20 each of three designs, but I'm loving my second design so much that I won't use the third design (I'll save the idea for next year). I'm using Stipple Celebrations (cased from here) and Holiday Spirit (card from the IB&C).
Melanie in NC

SuperStamper 11-10-2005 12:28 PM

I make 190 (give or take). I have 135 made so far so I doing good. Usually I START making them at the beginning of December! This year I'm going to be DONE before December 1st!

AmyR 11-10-2005 02:29 PM

WOW.............now I'm sitting here feeling really guilty. I haven't even figured out how many cards I need to make yet! And on top of that I have to make a ton of baby announcements and thank you cards. I guess I should get my prego butt in gear and start doing some figuring! LOL

quilter422 11-10-2005 03:13 PM

I've made 100, and if I end up needing more I'll be buying them. I challenged myself to use the stuff I have been collecting for the past few years, some of which is no longer my style. While I did do a few that were the same, I probably ended up with 80 different designs.

I used old PP, scraps, stickers, die cuts, rub-ons etc. I used up about 65% of it, so that was good. Leftover stickers are going to the kids.

tbreanna 11-10-2005 03:36 PM

Here's my list =)

I'm making 30 christmas cards for my Grandma
24 for my Mom
36 for my Sister
24 for my Sister-In-Law
and about 36 for me.

So, a total of 150... YIKES!!!

My family are really not crafty, they buy all the stamps and I keep the it but i just have to make the cards for them. Not bad for getting free stamps =)

StampinXtra 11-10-2005 07:24 PM

is it Christmas yet?
This year I am making a total of 350. I made 200 for my husband's company to send out (just finished about 1 hour ago), 50 for my Grandma (finished in October) and 100 for us (still need to do). I am already tired of making them - I think next year my husband's company will have to purchase pre-made cards!


minormaker 11-10-2005 07:51 PM

how many xmas cards
this site has been so helpful. this will be my first year to make xmas cards and send out. i was so overwhelmed by how to do it. i spend a great deal of time coming up with an idea and producing a card. (my husband asked me the other day---did i not get to play as a little girl??) lol. yes i said. i just haven't grown up yet! i think i will pick out 2 different cards and make what i need of those. :razz:

stamps&cars 11-11-2005 12:56 AM

I do 120 of one design but.......**gulp**........I just can't seem to get the design I am happy with this year. I keep going to the stamp room and wasting paper. Hope this stampers block ends soon. I usually try to have them done by Dec 1. I am trying to use a photo stamp this year and it is being tempermental plus the fact that one prototype that I made had my DH turning up his nose. ** sigh** He just doesn't like gold colors.

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