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-   -   How many pictures do you usually put on a scrapbook page? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/how-many-pictures-do-you-usually-put-scrapbook-page-59488/)

patcreates 06-14-2005 06:54 AM

How many pictures do you usually put on a scrapbook page?
I have been wondering what most people do because so many layouts I see in magazines usually only have 1 picture on a page. My average is usually 3-4 and sometimes I have as many as 5, so these magazines can sometimes be useless to me for ideas. What is your average?

MSBetsyZ 06-14-2005 06:58 AM

Patti, I think that the "one per page" look is merely a trend (I hope!) because so many scrappers have gotten into embellishments in the last few years.

I would think it's just a personal thing...I think my favorite look is the 2-page layout where one side has the bulk of the embellishments, maybe with one or two pics, and the other has 4-5 pictures on just coordinating paper maybe.

Still, like I said, I think it's just a personal thing...

rbheath 06-14-2005 07:17 AM

I usually have 4-6 pictures on a page, depending on how much I crop and how much journaling I am doing. I like the CM albums and have been using journaling boxes lately. My goal with scrapbooking is "simple" - get the photos in the scrapbook and to complete the journaling. I like things to look good, but I don't use too many embellishments because they draw attention away from the photos in many cases.

roo613 06-14-2005 07:18 AM

Assuming that we are talking 12x12, I would say that on average I have 3 per page, sometimes more, sometimes less. The one per page is too expensive and oo time consuming for me, but I can appreciate the beauty of it. Too many pictures on a page can be too busy and can lose focus though.

jbalcer 06-14-2005 07:23 AM

I am a 1-2 pic/page scrapper. :) I do, however, like to do mini albums or hinges that conceal more pics or journaling, too. It's funny that I use so few pics since I take so flippin' many!

With my digital it is SO much easier to get the *right* shot for a page. . . and I think that makes all the difference in an awesome page vs a "that's nice" page. I like to focus on the subject on the page rather than all the extras. I let my journaling (sometimes it shows, sometimes it is hidden) help tell the story that my picture started.

Once you find the right style for you, and what works for you, you'll be able to easily adapt layouts from mags to accommodate more pictures! I've seen a bunch of layouts in Simple Scrapbooks that feature multiple pics in a very appealing manner. Maybe head out to your local newstand and check it out!

jen9853 06-14-2005 07:26 AM

on a 12x12 page, I'll have usually 2-3 photos (each side). I usually have 1 large photo per layout (5x7, or even an 8x10 if it's something really powerful), and the rest "normal" size or cropped. But, if I'm scrapping something like a vacation, I'll have one "main" page w/ 2 or 3 of my fave photos, and 4 or 5 cropped photos on the rest of the pages.

To each his own, as they say! That's the beauty of scrapping, everyone can do it as they like!

MonTigg 06-14-2005 07:49 AM

depends on size- usually
6x6- 1 to 2
8x8- 2-3
12x12- 3-5

mschoener 06-14-2005 08:13 AM

I scrap mostly 12 x 12 and I try to put as many pictures as I can on a page depending on how many pictures I have for the layout. It usually turns out to be about 5 on a page and I usually do a 2-page layout. I have done some specialty scrapbooks where I've only used 1 picture per page, but it was a small book.

Dogmom 06-14-2005 08:22 AM

Boy, my pages really vary. I have been going to some scrapbook classes and we have some pages that set the theme and don't have pictures at all. Some pages feature a large single picture; others have 2-3 pictures. For pages I design on my own, I take a look at how many picutes I have on that event or theme and get a feel for how to split them up into a reasonable number of matching pages.

The rule of thumb I learned as a florist is as follows: the eye finds more pleasing things that are set forth in odd numbers. 1, 3, 5 etc. When I lay out my pages, I try to keep the layout in an odd pattern. This may mean 2 pictures and 1 journalling panel or major embelishment. In a two page spread, it may mean 3 on one page and 4 on the second for an over-all view of 7.

karriecook 06-14-2005 08:26 AM

I do 12X12, but I digitally enlarged many of my photos. My pages usually have 3-4 large photos.

ScrappinAngel 06-14-2005 08:51 AM

I usually only put 3.... I think anymore it gets too crowded w/ all the other stuff to addd to teh page.

lesfitz 06-14-2005 08:54 AM

depends on the LO I'm doing. sometime I have one, sometimes two, but I try to never do more than 4 or 5 to a page unless I'm doing a collage look.

babyfactory 06-14-2005 01:06 PM

Usually 3 for an 8-1/2x11 page, 1 for a 6x6, and 4+ for a 12x12. But many times, I just use one picture to make it stand out and I journal a lot. It all depends.

kelwil 06-14-2005 01:10 PM

I usually put more than 3 on a page but I know that with most one picture layouts, the person is recording the mood, feelings, or thoughts, not the actual event. Sometimes less is more, and with a strong picture, it usually says more than 3 can.


Jay Dub 06-14-2005 08:50 PM

It usually depends on the subject and how many pictures I have. I scrap in 12 x 12 and I rarely only use 1 or 2 unless that's all I have. I would say usually 3-4...maybe more if I crop them small. I think the photos tell so much of the story and it's hard to chose just one. I have been disappointed by the 1 photo layouts in idea books too.....just not my style. I take lots of photos and I like to use them!

Mahloumel 06-14-2005 09:03 PM

Glad to hear I am far from the only scrapper who *doesn't* do exclusively single-photo 12x12 layouts with gobs of (pretty) crap piled on top. From the scrapbooking magazines, you'd think the contrary were true. If I were to do this I'd have to fundamentally change my attitude towards photos, and I'm pretty happy the way I am. :)

Aside: I was looking through all of my scrapbook magazines recently while I was culling them down, and I noticed that there were at least three or four different layouts with photos of the same girl scattered throughout my small collection of mags. If I run into her in the mall or something maybe I should ask for her autograph. :)

scrown8301 06-14-2005 09:09 PM

Haha! I am the lone person who put 1. I usually scrap in 6x6 so I only put one photo. If there was a selection for depends on the size of page I would have selected that one. If I am scraping in 8.5x11 then I do 2-3. I have never scrapped in 12x12 so I can't say for that one.

sunseeker 06-15-2005 05:16 AM

I scrap in 12x12 albums, so I usually put 5-6 pics per page. I also don't stamp at all in them and use embellishments only for really special albums. I'm much more into journaling. For me, my albums are not about anything but the pics and the words - recording the memories. The fun papers, stickers, etc. are just a bonus.

Granny Hawkins 06-15-2005 10:02 AM

I am doing CM 12X12 now and I put as many as possible on a page.I have had up to 18-20 on a 2 page spread with journaling. I heavy journal and then put the pictures to show what the journaling said.So a spread for me can be several pages. I use embellishments and stickers(soon stamps)but I keep them flat enough to use page protectors.

inkmagination 06-15-2005 10:20 AM

I use CM 12x12 and use 3-5 pics per page.

midge252stamper 06-15-2005 12:19 PM

I usually get 4-6 pictures on a page - depending on the size and theme of my pictures. I have bought some templates called " puzzlemates" and get 6 on a page with those.

Laurie FW 06-15-2005 12:50 PM

I scrap 12 X 12 almost exclusively (trying to get myself to do some smaller albums, though!) I have never only put one picture on a page (okay, I have put my kids' school class photos and their 8 X 10's on a page before, does that count as one photo?)! I don't have a digital camera yet (I am saving up for one and have an awesome Canon 35mm already), so I can't blow up my photos easily. Therefore, I crop more than most of you. I usually fit 5 to 9 photos on one page! I only have about three or four page spreads with less than 4 and they were all from special times in which I didn't have any more photos and had to leave them "bare"! I started scrapbooking when my kids were older, so am having to scrap current and past photos, therefore I try to use as many of the photos as I can and take the least amount of time I can to do it! I am getting better about throwing photos away that aren't good, though!
Great question!

jbalcer 06-15-2005 12:56 PM

Have you checked out the scrapbook sketch challenges? Great ways to use a bunch of pictures, and all the thinking is done!

patcreates 06-15-2005 03:32 PM

I have printed out several of the scrapbook challenges....just haven't used them yet.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the poll! It was interesting to see that the majority scraps 3 or more pictures to a page....something that the magazines would lead you to believe is not the norm.

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