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-   -   How do you use your gallery? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/how-do-you-use-your-gallery-51929/)

sarahm25 05-15-2005 04:05 PM

How do you use your gallery?
I was just curious how most people use their galleries on this site. Do you upload cards to get feedback on them? Or do you upload all the cards you make, for your own personal reference? Do you only upload your best cards?

I've never posted any of my cards on here, since I've never taken pictures of any of them (just scan them onto my own computer), but I'm curious about how people use the gallery. It is an amazing resource, by the way, and thank you to all of you who post your fine work. You truly inspire me!


P.S.-- I would have to actually take a digital photo of my cards in order to post on here, right? I tried uploading a scanned image, but it didn't work...

dastamper 05-15-2005 04:08 PM

Well I haven't uploaded alot of my cards maybe 8 of them. I think by uploading your cards/scrapbook pages you inspire others from your personal creativity. When people leave feedback its normally good. Also, you never know how great you are until someone takes note and lets you know. Its a way to express yourself plus its free.

Jami 05-15-2005 04:18 PM

You can definitely upload scanned images - almost all of mine are scanned. I'm not too computer saavy so I'm not sure what the problem was that you had in uploading.

This is a great question and something I have wondered about. Personally, I upload almost every card I make. I don't have nearly as much time to stamp as I'd like so every card I make is special to me even though not all are my "best".

I'd love to hear what others do - upload everything, most everything, or just the very best. Maybe you could even add a poll to the thread.

jennmcd 05-15-2005 05:14 PM

Uploading Cards
I haven't uploaded that many, but the ones I do upload, I upload to have a reference for myself and to share with others. I generally make one of a kind cards so I upload the better ones that I want to have a copy of.

It takes away from stamping time to scan and upload and I don't have enough time to stamp either.

karrieg 05-15-2005 07:03 PM

I have only uploaded a handful of cards, but that is only because I didn't know how to do it with my digital camera. DH showed me earlier in the week, so now I am ready! LOL I will probably only upload what I think is good enough for this site and the rest will just get mailed to family & friends.;)

Karrie G.

Emily 05-15-2005 08:01 PM

I scan what I remember to. Most of the time I upload them to show my family or something. I married a Georgian and I'm from Kansas City so they don't really get a chance to see stuff I make for others aside from them.

Michelle Laycock 05-15-2005 08:17 PM

I upload:

1. Cards that I want to share
2. Cards that I receive from others (listing them as artist of course)
3. Cards that I make one of but want to give away and don't want to make another one;)
4. Pics that I take of card samples for my reference and for others

I don't upload stuff specifically to get comments, mostly for sharing.

I upload just about everything I make (sometimes I give it away before uploading it so it doesn't get in there and sometimes I don't have time or forget.)

I don't know.... I never really thought much about my "upload criteria". I don't think I have an "upload criteria".


Jami 05-15-2005 09:03 PM

So am I the only one who rushes to the scanner as soon as I finish a card?? Sometimes I can hardly wait for glue or whatever to dry! LOL! I don't always upload immediately, but I almost always scan immediately. This is just since I joined SCS. For years of previous stamping I have no scans or photos of any of my work.

stampincards 05-15-2005 09:17 PM

I just scanned & uploaded my first card onto here (not the first one I've made though). However it uploaded 13 times!!! :O EEK!
I am hoping the powers that be caught that so I don't seem like I REALLY LOVE that card.

I do love looking at all the images and they have really inspired me. I am hoping that I might help someone else out too.

Please DON'T go check out my gallery!


[email protected] 05-16-2005 02:49 AM

use of Gallery
I just uploaded cards for the first time last night (with a tutorial from my hubby) but now all but one says image pending approval, is that normal, or did I do something wrong? I only plan on uploading ones that I think are Splitcoast worthy, I've really produced some bad stuff

Rox71 05-16-2005 03:06 AM

I scan almost every card I do and save to my pictures just for my own reference. I have forgotten some and been mad at myself later for it.

What I upload to the gallery here, it�s just to share an idea or get some feed back on what others think of the card. It does feel nice that someone likes what I�ve done but no hard feelings if I don�t get much feedback on one either. Those have proven to be the ones I liked the least anyway.

I don't upload the same card but done slightly different because I think it just takes up to much space on the system. I think people can get the idea from one card.

I�d rather see a scanned image rather than the camera photos unless it�s 3D and there is no other way to show the construction of it. And I like to see a simple recipe for the card rather than have to guess how they did that. Sharing is what it�s all about!!!

Beth gave perfect instructions that got me started on my gallery so I�m plugging her directions again.



Sereikastamper 05-16-2005 03:18 AM


Originally Posted by [email protected]
I just uploaded cards for the first time last night (with a tutorial from my hubby) but now all but one says image pending approval, is that normal, or did I do something wrong? I only plan on uploading ones that I think are Splitcoast worthy, I've really produced some bad stuff

That is very normal. Jenn and Beate approve all the images that are in the gallery. And that approval is not to decide if they are "splitcoast worthy" LOL That is so that they can see that the images came through ok that there are no "xrated" photos being uploaded, etc... Jenn and Beate both live in Texas so it is still only 6:15 there and they both work, Jenn has a full time out of the house job and Beate is an SU demo and mom to three...I think three.. LOL I can't remember now! EEEK...
We are all volunteers who keep this site up and going so do not worry about how long it takes...it doesn't mean it is not a good card! LOL I can't wait to see it now though!!!

Speedystamper 05-16-2005 03:26 AM

I upload for the "rush!" There's just something about seeing your art on the "big screen" that is soooo cool! It's kind of funny though what people like compared to what I like. Some of my best cards (in my opinion) get hardly any views and then other cards . . . that I don't think are so hot, get lots of views.

I used to upload everything that I made, but I don't anymore. I don't upload cards that I've cased unless I've added a couple of twists and then I try very hard to identify the source of my inspiration. I also don't upload "variations" of the same card. You know, you make several cards but change only the color or one other thing. I am also refraining from uploading cards that I would like to possibly see published. That is the hardest thing to do because I really want feedback on those creations! That's not to say that I haven't submitted a few things that I've uploaded, but I am trying to change my ways and only submit things that have never been seen outside of my stamping area.

stampinsweeney 05-16-2005 03:30 AM

Here is a link to some tips and requests concerning gallery posting from Jenn. Hopefully, this can help you troubleshoot.


cindy_canada 05-16-2005 06:37 AM

I add everything SU-related to my gallery. I use it mainly to have a record of what I've done so far, since most of my cards are going away. It's also a great way to share my work with my family and friends that are living in other cities and like to see what I'm up to.
The inspiration generated by the work shared here is definitely a great perk of the gallery. And praise is just icing on the cake!

Cindy :)

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