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-   -   How do you organize your stamp sets??? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/how-do-you-organize-your-stamp-sets-29687/)

snipnstamp 02-15-2005 04:49 PM

How do you organize your stamp sets???
I finally have made room for all of my stamping and scraping stuuf but I stuck on how to sort and organize my stamp sets. I would love to hear some ideas :D

stigmom6 02-15-2005 04:54 PM

I organize simply by box size. I use address labels and print the names in a large font, the labels then go on the end of the box. This works well for me. I can see the names clearly and it keeps them neat and tidy.(I am sort of anal that way). :D :shock:


hooahwife 02-15-2005 05:08 PM

I organize by catagories... similar to the ones SU has in their catalog.

maryp 02-15-2005 05:18 PM

post subject
alphabetically - works best for me

Shell 02-15-2005 05:23 PM

Mine are by size of the box. I have bins for the - 2 for large, 2 for medium, and 2 for small. I have one that is empty at the moment, and one for retired sets. I usually know exactly where to go to find the set I'm after.

needsmorestamps! 02-15-2005 05:24 PM

First of all my stamps are unmounted and stored in CD cases. From there they are stored in plastic containers.

First I sort them by brand (SU, CTMH, TAC & misc). From there in alpha order. I tried using the categories in the catties but I could never remember what was where so I finally went to alpha order and it works really well for me.

GnarlyGirl 02-15-2005 05:46 PM

I prefer to store mine all over my table! :lol: I just store them in three drawer containers and sort by category. Words and Alphabets in one drawer, flowers in another and so on. It never fails when all the girls come over, they get EVERY single set out and I get to organize all over again. :)

Good luck!

spammie 02-15-2005 05:52 PM

I keep mine in a big 3-drawer Office Depot plastic cart, with the stamp sets in their cases & one their sides. Depending on the size of the case, they either fit 2 or 3 across. I have about 70 sets & they all fit (and I can put my big Fiskars rotary cutter on top).

Here's a picture of the cart:



dot2dot 02-15-2005 05:57 PM

I divide mine by category and do not keep the stamps in a set. I learned that I use the stamps much more creatively by taking them out of sets. I use Iris Carts and also stamp the images onto baseball sized cards and put them in a notebook with the same labels as the drawers. This way if I sell a stamp I just remove the card. Sometimes I have the same card in several categories in the notebook. For example a penguin might go in animals, in winter, and even in CHristmas if he is holding an ornament.

scrappinchick 02-15-2005 06:04 PM


Originally Posted by beclarsen
I prefer to store mine all over my table! :lol:

LOL !!

Mine are constantly being moved and put in another place that at that time, looked better. They currently are on a 3 shelf bookcase, all going from small case to large case, on thier ends/sides, wherever i put the long sticker!! lol But, that system wont work for long, so i am contemplating a 5 shelf bookcase, or my hubbys Army footlocker!!! lol

Sandybeach 02-15-2005 06:13 PM

I also organized mine by category - in shallow drawers - some sets are kept together but some I just separate & put into the drawers labeled like this:
Valentine's day
Easter/Springtime/St Pat's day
Chocolate (ha! I have alot of choc stamps...)
Background stamps
Get Well
Camping & Scouting & Western
Anna Griffin

I just find I can use my stamps better & I know where to return them when they are cleaned up.
I've recently acquired abt 16 new sets from SU so... I need to organize them (as in buy more drawers! ...but like the previous poster said..I store them on my desk top too :lol:

bergstamper 02-15-2005 08:36 PM

I'm not a demonstrator but I have 188 plastic cases filled with wood mounted stamps. I have mostly CTMH and SU sets. I have all of these stamps plus one shelf full of 8 1/2 x 11 card stock all stored on one book shelf I bought at Target.
The bookshelf is 6 feet tall and it came with 5 shelves (including the bottom one) . The shelves are 27 x 11 3/4" x 5/8". I added 3 shelves I cut myself from a 1 x 12 and covered those two shelves with a wood grain contact paper to match. I had to drill my own holes for shelf placement so that I could store my plastic stamp cases stacked 6 and 7 cases high. 2 of my shelves hold boxes stacked 6 high in 4 rows and then the other 5 shelves hold a stack of boxes stacked 7 high in 4 rows. I purchased the small pegs at the hardware store that you just push into the holes you drilled to hold the added shelves. So now it is an 8-shelf bookcase.
The top shelf has my card stock sorted by color standing on its side for easy removal. I have been unable to recycle the SU plastic wrap that comes with their cardstock so I bought gallon size plastic bags and folded and taped them to the size needed to store each color in.
I bought a whole case of 90 boxes from www.placon.com that fit perfectly on my 12 inch deep bookshelves. The boxes that I chose are called "this box"item # TX 5931 ZZ (NO LOGO). They are identical to the ones Stampin Up uses except they have no logo (of course) and come in several sizes. They only sell their items by the case and it came out to about $60 with shipping. That's only 67 cents a box though and each box holds lots of stamps. The box I bought is about 10 3/4 x 5 x 1 1/8. and the dept is the perfect size for my shelves. No wasted space with these stacked 4 rows to a shelf.
For labeling the boxes, I buy colored dot stickers. These are sold in office supply stores and in the office supply dept of stores. I stick a colored dot on the 5-inch side of the boxes in the left hand corner of each and then sorted my boxes by category.
I use
Red dots for Christmas stamps,
blue =backgrounds and borders,
green =flowers and garden,
orange= messages and alphabets, I also draw happy and sad faces for sympathy/get well on the orange circles
pink=baby and children.
For other categories I use my punches to punch out shapes that can easily recognize at a glance.
A yellow dot sticker with a orange balloon punch out on top=birthday,
A yellow dot sticker with a orange leaf punch out on top=Fall,
A yellow dot sticker with a blue fleur punch out on top=vintage stamps,
A yellow dot sticker with a pink oval punch out on top=Easter,
A red dot sticker with a white heart punch out on top=love (Valentine,anniversary,wedding),
A red dot sticker with a white school house or apple punch out on top=school/graduation/sports,
A yellow dot sticker with a orange bear punch out on top=animals,
A blue dot sticker with a yellow cake punch out on top=food,
A cut sticker that has been pieced together in red white and blue= 4th of July/patriotic,
A yellow dot sticker with a red music note punch out on top=music.
I then use the regular white labels and write the names of the stamps that are stored inside. I underline the title in red if it's SU and underline in blue if it's CTMH and stick the label on next to the dot stickers.
I also stick the name of the stamp set that comes as a label with SU sets, on the side of the wood block of the largest or most used stamp in that set.
Someone suggested scanning 2 copies of the sheet of labels before mounting your new SU sets and place one copy in the bottom of your box so you can easily see if one is missing. Place the second copy in a 3 ring binder for inventory at a glance.
Someone recently told me that they adopted this idea from me only they went one step further. They numbered the sets and made a index sheet of what is inside of each box.
Hope this is helpful, Nan

pinkhedgehog 02-15-2005 10:09 PM

You're all going to think I'm nuts, but my stamps are all ultra-organized and entered into a database. I must start by saying that I have about 300 SU sets and some other types of loose stamps. The loose stamps I keep in a drawer.

I was getting very frustrated because I would be stamping like mad a have a huge mess on my desk. I would stop every so often and straighten up. Occasionally I would come across a stamp (a small heart, star, or whatever) and not know where it belonged. Then I was left to search the catty for the stamp and hope it wasn't discontinued. So, I came up with a solution:

First, I organized the stamps by type of set and give each type a two-letter code. A few of my codes are AB--Alphabet, CW--Christmas & Winter, HW--Halloween and so on. Each set of stamps in that category has a number. I have 41 alphabet sets, so they are numbered AB1, AB2, and so on. I take a fine point sharpie marker and write the code for each set on the wood block for every stamp in the set. Now, when I find a stray stamp, I know exactly where it goes.

I organize the sets of stamps on the shelf by box size, then alphabetical by category code and then in numerical order. So, AB1 would come before AB2, then CW1, then HW1, etc. Each set has a sticker on the front edge of the box next to the name with that set's code on it.

The reason I have my sets entered in a database (I just used microsoft Excel) is so that I can quickly find the phrase, shape, etc. that I am looking for. I entered them with the set code (AB1), number of stamps in the set, set title, and description. In the description I type any word that I think might help me find the stamps in the set. This took me a while to get typed in, but it's been invaluable. Now when I'm looking for a teddy bear, I just do a search, type in "teddy" and the program shows me which sets have a teddy. That way I can always find what I'm looking for. I can do a search for anything, birthday, balloon, etc.

I also have a column in the database to enter the name of anyone who borrows a particular set, so I can keep track of where they are. Another thing I do is stamp a ladybug (my personal mark) on each block so that when I go to partys and such I know which stamps are mine. Once a set is discontinued, I put a red spot on the front edge of the box.

Stampin Wrose 02-16-2005 12:34 AM

I organize mine like Patti, right down to the label on the end. Alphabetical within size of box.

If I had fewer stampsets, I think I'd organize by category. If you are a demo, and have to separate your retired sets, that's also a consideration.

Lisa62 02-16-2005 03:05 AM

organizing stamps
I also organize mine like Patti.I label each box on the end with my label maker to see the name of the stamp set easier.Then I put the largest on the bottom I try to keep them organized by seasons.Like christmas.birthday.halloween.etc.

I have a antique hutch doen stairs in my basement where all my stamping and scrpbooking supplies is .It's about 12 x 18 .then the other end is a small loveseat where the kids have there tv and videos,and x-ox set up.this way I can stamp while they watch tv or play the x-box.there area is about 12x5.

GavynnsMom 02-16-2005 05:17 AM

I organize mine by category as listed in the catalog. The retired stamps are not really organized- just in a "retired" section. It works for me!

ilove2stamp2001 02-16-2005 05:38 AM

I store mine in three drawer Iris carts. I store them up like books (always heard you should never stack them on top of each other). Mine are also stored by box size.

I put a smiley sticker on all the ones that I earn for free from SU! whether it's by ordering them free with hostess benefits from my Stamp Camps, or through the Spring Into Action promotion, etc. Then I tell my customers at my workshops that anytime they see a stamp set smiling at them they know it's because it was FREE!!! And they know that we ALL like free stamps! Just another little recruiting mention at my parties!
- Susan :)

Faryprincess 02-16-2005 05:43 AM

I love the smiley idea.

Thanks for the ideas. DH and I are getting ready to change around my craft room and I haven't decided how I am going to organize sets when the room is done. Right now they are kinda grouped by size and I just have to search for the set I want. I am starting to get to many sets so I need to put them in some order.

MC Schlosser 02-16-2005 05:55 AM

WOW! Pinkhedgehog - can you come to my house?? :) :)

Dotty 02-16-2005 06:10 AM


Any chance you live in Minnesota? Are you for hire? Is your database format viewable? I would love to see it! I want to index all my stuff, just not sure which way to do it. Sounds as if you have found the perfect solution!
TFS all your tips & ideas! :D

CrabbyAbbe 02-16-2005 06:21 AM

I am not quite so organized as the others, but mione sit on a shelf in my bedroom closet accordinf to box size.

kingmontmom 02-16-2005 06:33 AM

I make a copy of the sticker sheet as soon as I get my unmounted stamps (the used ones I have bought already mounted I just stick on my printer with the picture face down and make one copy of the set-I do this with my non-SU stamps also). I cut the copies and punch a hole then put them on a loose binder ring pretty much in the same categories as in the catalogue. That way when I want to use a flower stamp, I can easily look through and find all the different ones I have. I have the sets stored by size like some of the other stampers on shelves.

Cyberspanos 02-16-2005 06:41 AM

I have all my stamp sets on my wall! You need a 1x2 and a 1x2 1/2. The larger is the shelf and the smaller one is the lip (to keep the stamps from falling). Just attach to the wall with 5 inch screws. This system can fit up to 34 sets on one shelf! Everyone loves to look at my stamps and this may have been the clincher for my two recent recruits. If you can't build out, build up! I will try to post a picture later today for all interested!
Tina :D

StampinStacy 02-16-2005 07:41 AM

Great thread! I love hearing how everyone organizes their stamps!

Mine are kept in their boxes and stored on their sides (not stacked) in those white cubes that some ladies here use to store their 12 x 12 paper. Instead of putting the shelves fastened with "tie-ties" every inch or so, I make 1 or 2 shelves within a cube, which are almost exactly the same size at the SU box when placed on its side. Their labels are facing forward and are alphabetized.

*Side note: I had some Hero Arts stamp sets that I had stacked on top of each other. Six months later I went to pull out one of the middle sets to stamp with, and the cushion foam behind the rubber had completely warped and flattened, leaving a horribly uneven impression when I stamped. I scraped the foam off each wood block and replaced it and they came out just as good as new, but WHAT A JOB IT WAS! Anyway, since then I've learned to store my stamp sets on their sides.

Hope this helps!

tamsterg7 02-16-2005 08:21 AM

organization system
My DH took old scraps of wood (2X4 I think) and mounted them on the wall for me. This is mounted above a 8 ft. long piece of counter top that he also built for me to work on. I have all my stamps in plain view and organize them by season or topic (ex. flowers with flowers.) It is also wide enough to store my ink pads on.

m rautmann 02-16-2005 08:52 AM

I have all of my stamp sets out of the cases displayed on bookshelves. They all are standing up by set with a label in front of the set with stamp set, number, and price. Then I can find different stamps and don't have to go looking through my stamps when I'm looking for a flower, word, shape, etc. I also let my customers use any other stamp they want when we are stamping at a stamp camp or workshop, and they love it. They will get up and look for a different saying if the saying doesn't fit, sometimes even using different stamps than the original images on the cards. That way they can see what is in the set, and I can find stamps easily to use. My retired sets that I couldn't part with are on the top shelf, hostess appreciation sets are on shelves on a door, and other stamps that I needed to have that aren't SU are also on shelves on a door. I have all of the word sets in one section, 2 step on one shelf, flowers on one shelf, animals another shelf, all the hostess sets for the year grouped together on one large shelf. Also separate shelves for Christmas, background large stamps, background small stamps, vintage stamps, etc. Everyone loves the thought that they can help themselves to any stamp they want.

kahoogstad 02-16-2005 08:57 AM


Originally Posted by bergstamper
I'm not a demonstrator but I have 188 plastic cases filled with wood mounted stamps. I have mostly CTMH and SU sets. I have all of these stamps plus one shelf full of 8 1/2 x 11 card stock all stored on one book shelf I bought at Target.
The bookshelf is 6 feet tall and it came with 5 shelves (including the bottom one) . The shelves are 27 x 11 3/4" x 5/8". I added 3 shelves I cut myself from a 1 x 12 and covered those two shelves with a wood grain contact paper to match. I had to drill my own holes for shelf placement so that I could store my plastic stamp cases stacked 6 and 7 cases high. 2 of my shelves hold boxes stacked 6 high in 4 rows and then the other 5 shelves hold a stack of boxes stacked 7 high in 4 rows. I purchased the small pegs at the hardware store that you just push into the holes you drilled to hold the added shelves. So now it is an 8-shelf bookcase.
The top shelf has my card stock sorted by color standing on its side for easy removal. I have been unable to recycle the SU plastic wrap that comes with their cardstock so I bought gallon size plastic bags and folded and taped them to the size needed to store each color in.
I bought a whole case of 90 boxes from www.placon.com that fit perfectly on my 12 inch deep bookshelves. The boxes that I chose are called "this box"item # TX 5931 ZZ (NO LOGO). They are identical to the ones Stampin Up uses except they have no logo (of course) and come in several sizes. They only sell their items by the case and it came out to about $60 with shipping. That's only 67 cents a box though and each box holds lots of stamps. The box I bought is about 10 3/4 x 5 x 1 1/8. and the dept is the perfect size for my shelves. No wasted space with these stacked 4 rows to a shelf.
For labeling the boxes, I buy colored dot stickers. These are sold in office supply stores and in the office supply dept of stores. I stick a colored dot on the 5-inch side of the boxes in the left hand corner of each and then sorted my boxes by category.
I use
Red dots for Christmas stamps,
blue =backgrounds and borders,
green =flowers and garden,
orange= messages and alphabets, I also draw happy and sad faces for sympathy/get well on the orange circles
pink=baby and children.
For other categories I use my punches to punch out shapes that can easily recognize at a glance.
A yellow dot sticker with a orange balloon punch out on top=birthday,
A yellow dot sticker with a orange leaf punch out on top=Fall,
A yellow dot sticker with a blue fleur punch out on top=vintage stamps,
A yellow dot sticker with a pink oval punch out on top=Easter,
A red dot sticker with a white heart punch out on top=love (Valentine,anniversary,wedding),
A red dot sticker with a white school house or apple punch out on top=school/graduation/sports,
A yellow dot sticker with a orange bear punch out on top=animals,
A blue dot sticker with a yellow cake punch out on top=food,
A cut sticker that has been pieced together in red white and blue= 4th of July/patriotic,
A yellow dot sticker with a red music note punch out on top=music.
I then use the regular white labels and write the names of the stamps that are stored inside. I underline the title in red if it's SU and underline in blue if it's CTMH and stick the label on next to the dot stickers.
I also stick the name of the stamp set that comes as a label with SU sets, on the side of the wood block of the largest or most used stamp in that set.
Someone suggested scanning 2 copies of the sheet of labels before mounting your new SU sets and place one copy in the bottom of your box so you can easily see if one is missing. Place the second copy in a 3 ring binder for inventory at a glance.
Someone recently told me that they adopted this idea from me only they went one step further. They numbered the sets and made a index sheet of what is inside of each box.
Hope this is helpful, Nan


karinlm 02-16-2005 09:11 AM

I too store by box size on a bookshelf type unit next to my work area. I will be unmounting them though and storing in CD cases :)

CajunStamper 02-16-2005 09:18 AM

Mine are stored alphabetically.

clbbkaren 02-16-2005 09:41 AM

stamp organization
Mine are stored in their cases on floor to ceiling shelves my DH built and grouped by subject/season. Each shelf has a series of colored dots with numbers-column 1, 2, 3 etc. Then I have a notebook organized the same way. I cut the picture of the set out of the catalog because it saves time. Each page has a color and number so that I can easily look through the book and find the stamp set on the shelf. I find I use more of the sets this way and this system makes it easy for my customers to find and put away "my toys" when we do open stamping.

stampin_sher 02-16-2005 09:42 AM

I too use a 3 drawer plastic cart from wallyworld and works good for me so far. I figure If I get enough sets then I can add another 3 drawer on top without the rollers.

One thing I wanted to share about misplaced stamps is that I copy the lable sheet and cut it to put in the bottom of the plastic box before I mount my stamps. This always guarantees that I will have the correct stamps in the right set. Hope this helps someone else.

dxychick 02-16-2005 09:52 AM

I make a copy of each sheet of stickers before I mount them on the wood, then put the copy in a 3-ring binder. This way you can organize the binder any way you want, by using divider tabs, or make multiple copies and put copies in several categories. Some stamp sets are good for both Christmas and birthday cards, etc. Or it may be Christmas and also flowers. You know which sets you have, and also which stamps go in which sets. I forget sometimes how many stamps were in the set. Then the photocopy of the set gets a different colored sticker, and the drawers that sets are stored in has the same color sticker. That way I know which set is in which drawer or basket. I have some in baskets and some in plastic drawers. It's a quick reference, and is not necessary to alphabetize if you don't want to, and the binder can be taken to parties so you know what you have and don't re-order the same set!!! (Done that many times :roll: ).

uchy2us 02-16-2005 07:17 PM

I arrange my stamps by their catagories-seasonal, flowers, verses, etc. and then by box size on my big shelving unit in my stamp room. I also have put my name, and stamp name on each individual stamp. We (my friends) and I used to get all our stamps mixed up when we would get together. I would also lose some to borrowers(unintentionally). that's why I put my initials on all of them. I just realized that I need more shelves, though.

uchy2us 02-16-2005 07:18 PM

WOW!!! My 50th post! I am truly addicted to this site!

jewellz300 02-16-2005 07:27 PM

You mean you all organize them??????? No wonder it takes me sooooo long to get cards done. :?

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