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msbmom2 05-14-2007 12:09 PM

How do you cut out flower shapes?
I see so many beautiful cards in the gallery where the flower from a stamp set (for example Delight in Life) has been cut out so it stands alone. HOW DO YOU DO IT??? I don't think I could make it that exact especially without bending some of the petals to cut in the crevices...Do you use scissors, an Xacto blade etc?

kikikaren 05-14-2007 12:09 PM

Sharp scissors. Move the paper while you cut, not the scissors.

TeeGeeDee 05-14-2007 12:49 PM


Originally Posted by kikikaren
Sharp scissors. Move the paper while you cut, not the scissors.

Exactly what I was going to say ... it really works. Also helpful is to have good lighting and wear your eyeglasses (if you need them).

I love cutting out images (snowflakes, flowers, butterflies) and have much more control with a shrp scissor than with an Xacto blade (but the blade is great for trimming images from the Outline stamp company)

bcgal00 05-14-2007 01:05 PM

Yep, I agree, whether its using scissors or exacto knife, cutting while turning the paper with the other hand works so much easier than trying to turn your cutting instrument around your piece to cut out.

I wear my reading glasses now to cut b/c I thought I could see "clearly" but then I put on reading glasses to cut and holy moly, I could see all this sharp detail that I was missing before LOL!

vfnelson2 05-14-2007 03:14 PM

Use curved scissors - like manicure looking scissors - they sell them at Jo's, etc. Fiskars makes some. I use a pair of mani scissors I found in the dollar spot at Target. It helps make smooth curve cuts.

Definately move the paper with the scissors.


MyMoneyPit_Stampin 05-14-2007 04:27 PM

I absolutely love the Crayola cutter! Plus it goes and does things scissors can't do. I got mine at Walmarts's for 20.00.

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