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-   -   HELP need gift ideas for UPS guy! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/help-need-gift-ideas-ups-guy-19650/)

mama26cs 12-11-2004 08:46 AM

HELP need gift ideas for UPS guy!
I need some ideas QUICK he will be here Monday! I have NO money to purchase anything, but I do have some chocolates, post its, popcorn etc. I don't want it to be cheesy, but it has to be made with stuff around the house. Any ideas???

JodiAnn 12-11-2004 08:50 AM

The chocolates - put together with that "homemade Christmas fudge" poem would be cute. And chocolates are BROWN!

psbdd 12-11-2004 09:34 AM

I decorated a fruit can and put assorted candies inside, hershey kisses, mini reeses peanut butter cups, etc..

Bonnie Beal 12-11-2004 12:38 PM

UPS guy
Goodness! You give gifts to the UPS guy? You must have a far bigger business then me...

JulieHRR 12-11-2004 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by JodiAnn
The chocolates - put together with that "homemade Christmas fudge" poem would be cute. And chocolates are BROWN!

That is so perfect!

I do always give food gifts to my mail carrier. She is always so appreciative of them, too, and writes me a personal thank you! :D

My brother's personal favorite (he's a mail carrier), is FRANGOS. One year, he received quite a number of those and he was in chocolate heaven!

CAStampinMel 12-11-2004 02:15 PM

I'm so glad you asked this question! I was wondering the same thing - we recently moved into an apartment and live on the third floor (no elevator..just stairs!!!) Our poor UPS man! The week and a half after Thanksgiving he was here EVERYDAY lugging packages (SU and other things ordered) to our door.

I think the Christmas "fudge" idea is wonderful. I'm sure anything like that would be appreciated :)

Catie 12-11-2004 02:30 PM

Can I make an input for next year? Here's what I did...I am also on the top floor with no elevator. So I bought him a little set from The Swiss Colony....actually, it was a pack of 6 individually wrapped gifts so you have 6 gifts...but I digress.

Anyway, it's a little package of a beef sausage roll, a Colby cheese log, and a mini torte. He was SO happy to get it! I felt like Santa.

But for this year....Mmmm....chocolate! :D

dbaker3 12-11-2004 02:35 PM

What to give Brown
Our UPS guy is Jimmy. He came the other night with my new computer! He had given us his cell ph # in case we had electronics expected several months back. So, I got in tough with him Thursday to see if he would deliver after I came home from work. He said no problem.

Me & DH brainstormed about what to do - I thought thank you card, tin of butter cookies - DH said no that's not thougthful. Homemade cookies are better. So, I raced home hoping he would allow me to make them have them cool and packaged up before he came. I also had an extra 'Christmas Fudge' large Hershey bar to give him. Just put a dozen cookies in the disposable ziploc container & put organdy ribbon around it.

He came 1 1/2 hours later - plenty of time! I can't remember the last time I had given someone something and they were TRULY grateful. It was awesome! I told him it was a gift in appreciation of taking care of us with our packages. He said several times he was going to cry and it was so nice. He even gave me a hug & he is a HUNK and a half!! :wink: Too bad I didn't get spruced up before!. Anyway, he was so grateful & it made me wonder if no one else does that for him.

So, perhaps whatever you decide to do - you may just make their day like I did for Jimmy

JoAnnM 12-11-2004 03:26 PM

I made my UPS guy a "Winter Survival Kit." In it I put, Kleenex, hot chocolate, a can of soup, Chap-stick, cough drops, dry skin lotion, etc. He was so excited when he saw what it was. He's a great guy who goes out of his way to be nice and is always smiling!
Hope this helps!
JoAnn Magyarik

granijani 12-11-2004 04:27 PM

decorated Jiffy Pop and a video gift card is what mine is getting!!

mama26cs 12-11-2004 04:38 PM

WOW! OK now I have too many to choose from LOL. THANK YOU so much for all of the ideas! I still don't even know his name yet and we have been here almost 8 years now. :( I hope I can catch him before he runs off to his next delivery, so I can get his name.
Thank you again Ladies, you are a great source of info!!

mama26cs 12-11-2004 04:44 PM

Where can I find the Christmas Fudge poam at?

calgramma 12-11-2004 04:51 PM

Christmas Fudge
Does anyone have the Homemade Christmas Fudge poem? I always make fudge for our mail carrier and if I had the poem it would be better.

Thanks for your help! :)

Calgramma of 7

NiceRAK 12-11-2004 05:20 PM

OH what a great question! I love my UPS man...he's such a doll baby. I know I have shared my love and affection before. Trust me...my husband understands. I mean really what could be better than a good looking man, in uniform, that gives you packages, then leaves without having to pick up after him or wash his unders?
I think the Christmas Fudge gift is going to be the "IT" project for the year!

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