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Stampin Diva 09-11-2005 06:30 PM

Help- I can't figure out how to get my viking code to work
Hi Everyone,
Could some please help me? I can't get my viking codes to work on the mon adhesive. I am in desperate need to place an order. Any help would be appreciated:)

stampergurl 09-12-2005 02:24 AM

I tried this morning and nl2-62202 worked for mono refills for $1.88 and nl2-62201 worked for the dispenser for $2.98.

Just put those numbers in the viking search to get the correct prices ... you don't search for mono.


musicmarth 09-12-2005 10:10 AM

For future reference, here's some help.

The codes are three characters (apparently right now, it's NL2). There are other three-character codes and they are rotated. There's a thread somewhere on here that has all the codes that someone has seen that worked.

So, let's say you want mono refills. If you look them up on Viking, you get an item number of Q09-62202...and the per unit price is $3.28. You see where the Q09 is? Replace those three digits with NL2 (or the code of the moment) and put your new item number in the search box. Voila! Same item, just $1.88 per unit.

Now, if you want to order other things from Viking (white cardstock, envelopes, pens, etc.) just search for your item and find the item number. Again, replace the first three characters with the discount code and most of the time, you'll get a greatly reduced price. It doesn't work with everything (like computer software), but it works on alot of items and will save you beaucoups! My last order, I saved 40% on my order (and got a rebate through ebates)!

Hope that helps!

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