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-   -   Help!!! Headline Alphabet or Letterpress (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/help-headline-alphabet-letterpress-77290/)

MaryTHutchinson 08-10-2005 12:09 PM

Help!!! Headline Alphabet or Letterpress
I am going to order one of these sets at a party I'm hostessing on Saturday. I keep changing my mind as to which one to get. I like Letterpress, but I also like Headline. Ugh! Which one is the best and why??????????????? I notice that most of the samples on this site are for Headline, but why couldn't they be Letterpress also?


Mary :)

P.S. I forgot to say I don't scrapbook, I only make cards, and anything but a card, but no scrapbooking.

Bethhartley 08-10-2005 12:26 PM

Wow.....they are almost identical, aren't they? Hummm....I kind of like the headline...it's more bold. But then it might be too bold for some stuff. I'm mostly thinking scrapbook in my brain and I'd go for the headline......I'll be interested to see what others say. Good question!!

degrffn 08-10-2005 12:37 PM

I'm debating the EXACT same thing. I was thinking Headline at first, but the more I look, I really like Letterpress and think it *might* be more versatile?! I think maybe there are more examples using Headline b/c it's a set that demos could order early before the catalog was released.

aamommy 08-10-2005 01:00 PM

I want headline
My demo showed me that it can pick up the pattern in background stamps! Way COOL!


BasketMom 08-10-2005 02:08 PM

I posted a thread like this a few weeks ago and it was a mixed bag of Headline lovers and Letterpress lovers. The pros/cons I heard in the thread were:

1) Headline would be easier to cut out because it doesn't have the serifs like the Letterpress.
2) Plus, like an earlier post pointed out, you could also kiss the Headline against other background stamps easier than Letterpress (giving each letter a texture like canvas or plaid).
1) Someone said Headline looks more like shouting whereas Letterpress seems "quieter".
2) Letterpress looks more polished whereas Headline is more plain (this last observation might be a pro to someone and a con to another person!)

A neutral observation said that Letterpress seemed more girly and Headline was more masculine yet you could really use them for either when doing monograms.

I'm having a party in September and as of right now, I'm going with Letterpress, but I reserve the right to change my mind when I am faced with actually ordering the set!

like2stamp 08-10-2005 03:09 PM

I thought the exact same thing when I saw the 2 alphabets. Originally, I was going to get HEADLINE, but as I looked through the catty and saw LETTERPRESS I think I'm going LETTERPRESS. I do agree it looks "softer" and somewhat more girly. However, I don't think you could go wrong either way. Good luck. Let us know what you decide.

needsmorestamps! 08-10-2005 03:28 PM

Decisions, decisions :)

I went with getting Headline first because I want to try the kissing technique with it and the background sets. I saw a card in the gallery that had the letters stamped with the paisley print and it was too cool!

I like Letterpress though too :) Might just have to end up on my next order depending on how much the winter mini sets me back!

dstfrommi 08-10-2005 07:20 PM

I had to make this decision last week when I placed an order. I also do mostly cards. I decided to go with letterpress mainly because I think it has a little more style than headline, and it looks a little skinnier which is handy if you are trying to spell a word on a card. Also, my demo had gotten it and did some really neat stuff with it.

The kissing was the thing that tempted me about headlines, but in the end letterpress had more pros for me.

jjmj94 08-11-2005 03:34 AM

I was struggling with this then had to step back and think, do I make more girly stuff or boyish stuff. The Letterpress just goes better with most of my stamps. So I bought it and it came last night!!!!!! I just finshed a jr Legal pad I did for my stamp camp. I will try and get a pic uploaded later if you want. It is really a fun alpha set. hth

Boulderstamper 08-11-2005 05:28 AM

I choose the Headline after seeing a card where someone had taken a marker and did a dashed line around the inside edge of the letters. It look like it had been stitched up. That sold it for me. I was going to buy Letterpress until I saw this.

degrffn 08-11-2005 06:01 AM

OK, so I just did a search in the gallery, and I think I am going to go with the Letterpress. It's just a little bit more subtle and I think it can go flirty feminine or masculine very easily. I think I'm probably definite on that! ;)

Crazystamper 08-15-2005 06:37 AM

Letterpress or Headline
I am facing the same dilema. My only solution is to get both!

Julia S 08-15-2005 06:45 AM

I love them both but have decided to order Headline. Love the kissing and stitching idea and can justify the price (57.95 CDN yikes!) as I think the kids can use it for school projects etc....under my supervision of course.:)


Bagpuss 08-15-2005 01:18 PM

I absolutely love them both and would find it VERY hard to choose! It sounds like you're just using them for monograms etc on cards so I don't think it matters, but if anyone is buying them for scrapbooking I would take this into account:

Letterpress is a serif font (it has the little bits hanging off each letter), while Headline is a sans serif font (ie, it doesn't have them). If you are combining one of these giant alphabets with another alphabet, I wouldn't mix two serif fonts as it can look messy. Two sans serif fonts together is fine, but, personally I think a mix of sans serif and serif looks best. Just my humble - and hopefully not too complicated - opinion.

dawnmercedes 08-15-2005 01:28 PM

My vote is for Headline alphabet.

I like how it looks. I like what you can do with it. If you wanted the "all about U" set, I bet you could just use the "U" and add it to other stamp sayings/words that you already own. Plus, I figure, if I wanted something "feminine" then I'd get something petite, fluffy and delicate. Go for the headline. I think I'm talking my self into getting it! Oh no.


Grammyof2boys 08-15-2005 02:22 PM

Does anyone know the height of both Letterpress and Headline Alphabet sets?

looptloop 08-15-2005 02:30 PM

I ordered Headline and instantly regretted it as soon as I saw Tall Tales in the winter mini, but I have managed to use the Headline set in a swap and it turned out pretty cute!

MaryTHutchinson 08-18-2005 01:24 PM

I decided on Headline Alphabet
I went back and forth and back and forth. When I saw the post about the kissing and the stitching, I decided on Headline. However, sometime in the future, I might have to get Letterpress. Yikes!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thanks for allllllllllllllllllllll your responses. Happy stamping!

Mary :)

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