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-   -   Havent rec'vd Cardmakers mag yet :( :( (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/havent-recvd-cardmakers-mag-yet-44693/)

Inkalicious 04-20-2005 02:40 PM

Havent rec'vd Cardmakers mag yet :( :(
Im in So Cal and havent gotten my free copy yet. I rec'vd the confirmation 'bill' about it. (cant find it now) I ordered my free copy when someone here first posted the info. Any one in SoCal get theirs yet? Thanks!

stamper-c 04-20-2005 03:07 PM

I'm in CT....I sent for it as soon as I rec'd it too...haven't rec'd an issue, nor have I rec'd a bill. I did finally receive my papertrends mag...not sure if I like it...I am debating whether to cancel but the subscription price is a good deal compared to the per issue copy...didn't mean to hijack...just wondered what others thought of it....I am very anxious to see this one though...I haven't seen it in the stores around here either...

SweetHeidiJo 04-20-2005 03:11 PM

I am in Ohio and I got mine a few days ago. I was not very impressed. There were a lot of Stampin' Up! products used in the cards but in the description it didn't give detail on what set they used or what color. They took the time to say 'dark brown' but not close to cocoa or chocolate chip. It doesn't make any sense. Plus the way the instructions are laid out weren't that appealing to me. There were some cute cards but I will probably cancel.

-Heidi :0)

P.S. Sorry to dissapoint, maybe you guys will like it better!

april 04-20-2005 03:24 PM

I wasn't all that impressed either. Mine came last week sometime, I don't remember when exactly.

Suzette Marie 04-20-2005 03:46 PM

I'm in Michigan & haven't even heard a word from them yet.

bellkee 04-20-2005 04:50 PM

I'm in WI and haven't gotten it yet either. I've heard mixed reviews. I'm still looking forward to receiving it though.

photocropper 04-20-2005 04:54 PM

I am in west Texas and just rec'd mine on Monday....I also received the bill/confirmation a few weeks prior.
So there is hope yet!

jdsgrl97 04-20-2005 05:30 PM

I'm in IL and I JUST got it today - haven't had a chance to really sit down with it yet, but not impressed with the feedback our SCS sisters are giving it -many don't seem to like it at all. :(

Edited to add this PS - stamper-c... LOVE THAT SIG - one of my FAV DMB songs!

afancycat 04-20-2005 06:30 PM

I'm in Dallas, TX and just got mine late last week. JulieHRR (Julie Ebersole) has three cards in the magazine....be sure to find them!

Julie C.

Indy stamper 04-20-2005 08:04 PM

Im in Indianapolis. I got mine last week I'm not impressed either.I canceled too.
Much Much better ideas from all of you.

santakitty 04-20-2005 08:12 PM

I'm in PA & ordered as soon as I saw the first post. Did receive the bill a few weeks ago but decided to wait for the mag before paying. Was looking forward to getting it but sounds like it will be disappointing... will see.

Stampinlover04 04-20-2005 08:33 PM

I'm in Western North Carolina and I haven't received mine yet either but I got impatient and bought one! It really isn't very good IMOP! Hopefully, the editors will read the boards for feedback and make changes to ensure longevity. It would be a start to get it first to the people who have subscriptions before showing up in the stores.

jerppt 04-20-2005 08:47 PM

I am in Iowa and have not gotten mine yet -Nice of them to send me a bill before I got my FREE copy though!!!

MonTigg 04-20-2005 08:58 PM

Received two days ago (I am near Sacramento CA) Not impressed. Sent back asked them to stop sub. It had a lot of stuff with stickers and random designs, not a lot of stamping and those that did were not anything with fun tecniques

Inkalicious 04-20-2005 11:15 PM

Thanks for responding! I guess I wont be holding my breath out of excitement!! Luke-warm reviews from trusted stampers!! I love my Take 10, and especially the Joy of Cardmaking. tons of great sketches in there to adapt to any stamps!

AZShann 04-20-2005 11:24 PM

I didn't know they were offering a free copy. I bought it at the grocery store. When I saw it, I didn't think I had it yet. Then, I came on here and realized you could get a copy free. Guess I just wanted to spend my money instead.

barryswife 04-21-2005 10:31 AM

Another state heard from...I'm in Virginia. I got the bill last week & the magazine came yesterday. A friend of mine got hers last week. Guess we will all get it soon. I enjoyed the magazine.
Hope you get yours soon!!

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