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Brenda Lynette 07-21-2010 11:55 AM

Have you ever noticed...?
Hi all. I haven't been on in awhile due to a very big move from Germany to Arkansas to Missouri! We are mostly sttled now, I have set up my stamping room, and just started stamping again after a dry spell!
I took some photos this morning of my latest cards and I wondered if anyone else has this problem: when you photo a gorgeous card, the photo just doesn't do it justice sometimes.
I have posted photos before that, live look adorable...but the photo, not so much! Sometimes it looks all washed out. Other times it looks like a big mess. And yet others it just looks blah and bland.
The reverse is true on a rare occassion, too (but much more rare than what I've just posted): you make a card that just seems so-so, but in the photo it looks wonderful!
I'd love to hear from others who've noticed this. What do you do about it, if anything?

Joan B 07-21-2010 12:00 PM

yes, this is absolutely the case for many of us who are not seasoned photographers!

I recently bought a better camera and am practicing taking photos. I took a short class and am doing a lot of reading on the subject.

Brenda Lynette 07-21-2010 12:05 PM

I would also like to get a better camera and have wondered if that is the real problem. My DIL just got a very nice one and takes wonderful pictures. I'd have her photo my cards, but she lives in Japan! LOL!

MSBetsyZ 07-21-2010 12:33 PM

I've heard, though, in various tutorials on this subject, that it really isn't the camera's quality so much as the lighting. There was one about making a lightbox and using it to take pictures where the gal mentioned that her camera was a very basic entry level camera.

I know there are some things you can do to improve the pictures without spending money on a better camera...

Use bright, natural light where possible.
Failing that, use a background of white paper to surround the card and use a good lamp.
Position the light so there's no shadows on the card.
Use a tripod or at least something like a stack of books to rest the camera on.
Use the macro setting on the camera. (Looks like a tulip usually on the selection bar).

Use a good photo editing program if you have one to touch up the lighting after the fact. Play with the brightness/contrast to try to reduce shadows.

Please don't infer from this that I think my photos are "all that," lol! I just know I've read these tips and tried them and they all help.

debbiemom23cs 07-21-2010 01:09 PM

I think its a combo of lighting and editing. I know sometimes I take a picture of a card and it looks fine but other times they look really bad. I use Photoshop Elements 7 to edit my photos and it does help alot.

If you don't want to pay for Photoshop, you could try editing your photos using Picasa. Its a free program for photo editing. Also set your camera to the Macros setting - that helps alot. I just use a point and click digital. Nothing expensive or fancy for me!

I am still trying to decide if I should invest in a light tent and new lights for my photos of my projects. So far, I just use a home made infinity board and some ott lights for my photos. HTH:D

Julia S 07-21-2010 01:26 PM

Definitely edit! I never post a photo I haven't edited. Another note: make sure your photos are nice and crisp and not out of focus...all the editing in the world won't fix that.

stamp_momma 07-21-2010 02:22 PM

The thing that helped me most was learning how to set custom white balance on my camera. I still have a long way to go photography-wise, but it really does help. Do a little research with the camera you use, and see if you can manually adjust this.

I have a Canon Rebel, and it's easy enough to do with a sheet of white copy paper and about 60 seconds of fiddling. :)

sprtchick 07-21-2010 03:41 PM

Where did all the little pictures at the bottom of all these posts come from...sorry to be off topic...

cat_woman 07-21-2010 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by sprtchick (Post 17047957)
Where did all the little pictures at the bottom of all these posts come from...sorry to be off topic...

I was wondering about that too...

Back on topic here... I agree with all of the tips given. One other thing I find makes my pictures better (even tho they're not great at that) is to not use the flash if at all possible. My pictures have improved by not using a flash, using the macro setting, and custom setting my white balance. It takes practice to get great pictures. And I think a lot of it is you have to have an "eye" for it.

stamp bug 07-21-2010 04:08 PM

all I know is when I scan a card it is much worse than any photo...talk about washed out...blah...

Brenda Lynette 07-21-2010 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by sprtchick (Post 17047957)
Where did all the little pictures at the bottom of all these posts come from...sorry to be off topic...

And what do they mean?

Brenda Lynette 07-21-2010 05:01 PM

I am technologically challenged...but I will try to follow these tips. Thanks to everyone for your thoughts. I just need to spend a little time with my camera, I guess.

jutta 07-21-2010 05:19 PM

little icons

Originally Posted by Brenda Lynette (Post 17048348)
And what do they mean?

Isn't the little red square a Facebook icon? Maybe they are Facebook, Twitter, etc. links?


laura6 07-21-2010 06:25 PM

whenever possible, i scan rather than photograph.... LOL my scanner takes better photos than I do

laura6 07-21-2010 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by jutta (Post 17048455)
Isn't the little red square a Facebook icon? Maybe they are Facebook, Twitter, etc. links?


nope, facebook is a blue square, and the F isn't italic with facebook.... LOL i know my Facebook logo

Cook22 07-21-2010 10:51 PM

Unless your camera is really, really bad it's definitely more to do with light and editing :D
But you're certainly not alone, we've all been there I'd say. I can take equally good photos with my $3000 body and lens combo and my $300 point and shoot. OK, not equally good to view full size on screen, but sized down for posting I don't think you could tell which photo I took with which camera.
Second logo from the left is Delicious, I recognise it. But hover your mouse over them and they all say what they are.

Cook22 07-21-2010 11:01 PM

Lydia has a sticky on it down here - http:////www.splitcoaststampers.com/...s-t499532.html. Sounds as if it was a built-in part of the recent upgrade.

diane speed 07-22-2010 04:10 AM

Same here, i'm just glad i haven't got a food blog,lol, every meal would be stone cold by the time i actually got to eat it!

JoyceL 07-22-2010 04:35 AM

Lighting plays a very big part. Photo editing software like Photoshop also helps alot. Many a time my photos are not sharp but I use Photoshop to sharpen it. I find natural light better than lamp light. When in an enclosed room like classroom, it is better to set ISO to 100 and then use flash.

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