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-   -   Has SCS stifled your creativity? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/has-scs-stifled-your-creativity-39510/)

jando 03-30-2005 08:44 AM

Has SCS stifled your creativity?
Here's something that's been bothering me for a while. I have been a member of SCS for a little bit now. I was stamping for over a year before a freind told me about this site. I didn't have a lot of resources or magazines or catalogs to inspire me. I pretty much wandered along my own path. Since I found SCS I have spent so much time on this web-site, I have learned so many cool techniques and bought so much more stuff. I also stamp a lot more. Here is my issue: I am so inspired by the cards I see here I find I am only caseing cards I see and not creating anything original. Has that happened to anyone else?

mamakimberly 03-30-2005 08:46 AM

I have just been stamping MORE! I might case more, but I also CREATE more! It's all just MORE MORE MORE MORE MORE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

mothermcbride 03-30-2005 08:54 AM

I'd have to say no. I enjoy coming here and love the ideas. But, I personally do not copy anyone's cards exactly. I do take many of the ideas I get here and make them my own by combining a couple of designs into a new one or using the basic idea as far as colors or layout but with a different, sometimes completely different, stamp set.

TMDMom 03-30-2005 09:05 AM

No, I think it inspires me to think of new things...I'll see something that gives me a train of thought, sort of free association, and I end up with something totally different. Of course I CASE the beautiful things I've seen here too....


FourAliments 03-30-2005 09:14 AM

The complete opposite is true for me. Since finding SCS, I've found that magazines and idea books provide virtually NO inspiration anymore. I am driven to create by the wonderful stampers here far more than anything else :).

Julia S 03-30-2005 09:15 AM

I think this site inspires. Next time you CASE a card you like, make sure you change it up and make it your own. Also there are so many challenges going on. Pick one and see how many ways you can think of to do it. I find they are great for pushing me to try things (like bleach and color combos) I never would have thought of before.

Here is a list of the challenges coming out...

Monday - Technique Lover's Challenge
Tuesday - Color Combo Challenge
Wednesday - Sketch Challenge
Thursday - Ways to Use It Challenge
Friday - Limited Supply Challenge
Saturday - Scrapbook Challenge

I believe there is also an organizational challenge out there as well. Of course, I would never need that, my desk is so perfectly clean :oops: ! I think I need to clear it off before I try anything new.

MonTigg 03-30-2005 09:17 AM

Ideas ideas ideas
It's made me learn so much! And get so many ideas to create more things! Since I've learned so many tecniques it's made me more creative and has expanded what I am capable of coming up with

karriecook 03-30-2005 09:17 AM

I find getting involved in the swaps forces me to come up with something original. I'm not as inclined to use cased cards for swaps.

Grits 03-30-2005 09:22 AM

This site inspires me in many ways, to create, to case, and to BUY, BUY, BUY. The brown man is coming today to bring just a few things like, THE PAISLEY BG STAMP, I just had to have that and also the embossing buddy, which I have no idea what that thing is for, can't remember what triggered me to buy it, oh well, I'm sure it will come to me in the future. Lisa

jando 03-30-2005 09:24 AM

I like the idea of using the challenges to motivate creativity and I think I should get into a swap. Those kind of things will force me to use the techniques and make them my own. I need to get the technology and knowledge to upload cards. I haven't done that yet. That would be a challenge too.

LizzieStamps 03-30-2005 09:25 AM

I don't have time to think up things like Crinkled Chalks, Foxi Oxi & Pearl Ex with Future Floor polish, nor do I have the creativity to do so. I've always been a CASE'r and I am glad to come here & see what I can do with all the things I have. I'd have run out of ideas about 20 minutes after I signed up to be a demo, so I'm glad that SCS is here! I don't feel any less creative when I'm CASE'ing than when I actually create my own, and I'm lots less frustrated because I usually get it right on the first try.


stampcrazygirl 03-30-2005 09:28 AM

Since I've been a member of this site I've gone through 2 major creativity blocks (never had that problem before that)! I have stopped looking at the gallery because I think it does stifle my creativity. I have too much stuff and pretty much don't know where to start! I think the gallery adds to that and overwhelms me. I know that sounds weird because most people would think it would be just the opposite.

Since I haven't been looking through the gallery or buying any stamping mags (about 3 months now), I have started to feel the creative juices coming back. I don't like to CASE, so therefore I end up not creating anything.

I still love SCS and in no way 'blame' them for my creative blocks. Everyone is different.

Kerry D-C 03-30-2005 09:31 AM

Hi Jando!

I have had to back off from SCS a little bit myself for the same reason...I found myself just CASE-ing with a tweak here and there. :oops:

Could I imagine life without SCS? :shock: NO WAY!!! not any more! I just got a new stamp set and I had some ideas, but came here to get some color combos and it was a great source!
I have just tried to spend less time thinking about stamping and more time actually stamping! LOL!

But I also believe that SCS has helped me bring my stamping up a notch. To try and think outside of the box. To try new stuff. (to BUY new stuff! :oops: )

But don't worry...you are not alone. :wink:


ninatar 03-30-2005 09:31 AM

It's just like tennis, you have to play somebody better to improve. You can't figure out all the finer points by yourself, someone shows you. Your demo is your coach. And you have to practice!

There are many talented artists here, who are very generous with both talent and support.

I don't think I've ever copied anyone's card, but I sure have learned volumes.

Nina T.

grace 03-30-2005 09:34 AM

I love the challenge ideas on this site...when I use them I don't CASE! The problem is though that I love this site so much that I spend too much time looking at all the wonderful productions....that I don't get to producing any myself! :lol: Sure has helped the last while though as I cracked my ribs and haven't been able to do much...at lease being able to come here has filled me with lots of distraction and joy!!! :wink:

chercher 03-30-2005 09:37 AM

I had never created my own card before SCS. I find this site very inspiring. Although I see plenty of cards I would love to case, for now I have just been creating. I find that taking the chalenges really jumps starts me .

jando 03-30-2005 09:41 AM

I'm really glad I posted this question. I've been feeling very guilty about caseing cards, even if I'm not uploading them. I think I feel a lot less guilty now. I guess I always felt you had to do something completely original. A good example is when I took Intro to Philosophy in college. I thought I had to come up with a completely new area of thought, different from Plato, Aristotle, etc. Talk about overwhelming. I was flunking the course until I finally figured out they just wanted me to repeat back what everyone had already said in my own words. And that I could do. This seems to be a similar situation.

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