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-   -   GOOD NEWS? on winter mini (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/good-news-winter-mini-14426/)

toost 10-29-2004 07:21 AM

GOOD NEWS? on winter mini
I called Stampin' Up! (again) to inquire about the winter minis. For those of us who are still waiting PATIENTLY (haha) for ours, if you do not get one by Nov. 1st, there will be a copy of it on the website starting on the 1st. So, if you can't wait to order, you will still be able to see it & pre-order on the 1st.

Hopefully that will somewhat console you, and you can ENJOY Halloween wekend, even though it's not quite the same!! :roll:

stampindonna 10-29-2004 07:48 AM

[Laying on the floor, kicking and screaming at the top of lungs] But I want it now!!! :lol:

Patience has never been one of my strong points!

dbaker3 10-29-2004 07:55 AM

I'm with you Donna (and not just because I have the same name...) but because I can't take the wait any longer! ugh

rmnett 10-29-2004 07:57 AM

Winter Mini
Thanks for checking on the winter mini for us! I hope I get on in the mail soon because I want my own, darn it. Could this be more trouble at the warehouse? GRRRR!

Hope to see you at the Stampin Swap--


lesarapp 10-29-2004 08:02 AM

I don't think they are sent out from the warehouse. They are sent from the printer. It is way frustrating. There has to be a better way. Why can't Stampin'Up! just post it when it is sent out from the beginning, so that those who can't wait can at least see it even if it isn't a hard copy. It is almost like a secret thing or something. Why would you want to keep secrets from your demonstrators. I am scared for the new catalog next summer. If it happens the way this has been then a ton of people won't have them, while a select few do. Is this fair? Grrrrrr!

Rubbernecker 10-29-2004 08:24 AM

I wonder if they're shipped out in Demo # order? Maybe that's why they are appearing randomly (like some in Illinois have theirs and some :evil: :evil: :evil: DON'T)

witty5 10-29-2004 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by lesarapp
I don't think they are sent out from the warehouse. They are sent from the printer. It is way frustrating. There has to be a better way. Why can't Stampin'Up! just post it when it is sent out from the beginning, so that those who can't wait can at least see it even if it isn't a hard copy. It is almost like a secret thing or something. Why would you want to keep secrets from your demonstrators. I am scared for the new catalog next summer. If it happens the way this has been then a ton of people won't have them, while a select few do. Is this fair? Grrrrrr!

I have been with SU! for many years. It has never really been a problem getting the catalogs. (Exception--the one year UPS was on strike over the same time as the new catalog's arrival. That however was nothing that anyone could help). I'm not sure why this mini has been such a hassle, but in the past SU! has been good about getting out the catalogs to those of us who aren't at convention that year. Now I'm specifically talking about the ones we order, not our complimentary one, which SU! has told us they do not send 1st class. This past year I thought SU was even better about making sure the catalogs got out on time, and next year we are all to receive our catalog before convention even begins. The minis may be a different issue, but I wouldn't worry about the catalogs causing a big problem next year.

sherribarron 10-29-2004 08:36 AM

Not by demo number
It is definitely not by demo. number. My upline has been in for over 10 years and she doesn't have hers yet either. Not that this makes it any easier to swallow, but at least you can rule that reason out. :D

amyboomboom 10-29-2004 08:41 AM

I just never expect mine before the 1st of the month. THis mini actually came EARLIER than usual!

heart 10-29-2004 09:46 AM

Re: GOOD NEWS? on winter mini

Originally Posted by toost
there will be a copy of it on the website starting on the 1st. So, if you can't wait to order, you will still be able to see it & pre-order on the 1st.

Hi Terry!
Thanks for the word of encourgement!
But I need to have the silly little thing in my hot little hands!
My teapot and I want to spend a whole day with it all to our dreamy little selves giving me a great excuse not to cook, clean, iron, answer the door, etc!
It's my own personal, Personal Day!

Ok...I know...get a life!

I had one...really...before SU!

jeanent 10-29-2004 09:53 AM

If you look at the timeline on the demo website, it says that "demo receives free mini catalog... it lists November 1st as that date. So yes, some of us did receive it early.


katiestamper 10-29-2004 10:00 AM

:D Mine came today! I am guessing they should all show up today or tomorrow.

wmwalker77381 10-29-2004 10:07 AM

Winter Mini
Hey that's good news for us TX gang. And DBaker we can hope for today. Have you checked your mail yet? My postman has just shown up. Keep your fingers crossed that it is here. I want to do my swap for Austin from something in it. Gots to knock it up a notch!!

Wendy Walker

Angie Humphrey 10-29-2004 10:10 AM

Yeah, I think that it is a trick. All of us that are wearing out the carpet looking for the mailman are just dying for our mini. We get on here, we hear what everyone wants, we get ours, we preorder more than we would have. I don't remember the last mini that i kept checking my clock to see if the mailman came or not.

But I don't think there was a problem getting them out. It does say that we should get ours on the 1st. Some little lucky devils just got theirs sooner.

Hmmm.....jealousy and impatience? Not my best colors right now.

wmwalker77381 10-29-2004 10:17 AM

Winter Mini
It came!!!! Donna B. ....Go Check, I bet its in your mail today!!!

Wendy Walker

toost 10-29-2004 05:15 PM

The weird thing is, that when I called SU! to check on this, and I said that I had not received my mini yet, they didn't say I should give it until the 1st. The support person just verified my address and said that they would have one sent out.
Granted, they may just be saying that to get impatient people like me off of their back... :twisted:
But I didn't want to ask too many questions and make a huge deal out of it (even though it is too me!!) since I am sure they have been overwhelmed with problems/complaints/grief lately.

I was also told that the printer does ship these out directly, so this is just a coincidence that it is happening the same time as the Riverton slow down.

BIG sigh...... :cry:

tomoly 10-29-2004 05:28 PM

I just don't understand why some people get it earlier. Can't we all just get it at the same time?? How rude! :D

I-Am-Serendipity 10-29-2004 05:33 PM

I'm in Racine, WI, and I STILL DON'T HAVE MINE!!! DRAT! I'm hoping by tomorrow, because it will be on the web on Monday. I'm throwing a fit too!!! I've got a potential party for Red Hat Women, and I really really want my mini!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ALL USPS PERSONNEL - Please bring me my mini???? (okay - I know I'm groveling(sp?) here, but it kills me!) I shall just have to be patient. Maybe they are sorting by State name - Wisconsin is low on the list, but other people in Wisconsin have gotten theirs? Maybe the amount of BILLS in my mail is preventing me from receiving my SU! mini??? ~Pam

dorothy erdely 10-29-2004 07:16 PM

that's not fair, wendy! mine didn't come today. :cry:

Tinnalee 10-29-2004 07:29 PM

I think the problem is they aren't shipped first class, so delivery depends on how much other mail your particular post office (and maybe one or two downline from them) is dealing with at any particular time. That doesn't make me any happier to be one of the stampers sitting on the sideline, listing to others talk about all the nifty stuff, however. :cry:

Stampin Patriot 10-29-2004 07:44 PM

I think it's a character building thing... patience is a virtue afterall... a watched pot does not boil...


I want mine too darn it...


Shell 10-29-2004 07:52 PM


Originally Posted by Stampin Patriot
I think it's a character building thing... patience is a virtue afterall... a watched pot does not boil...

If you watch this pot ... I might just boil!! I keep watching my mailbox and wondering if my mini got put in the wrong box ... or SOMETHING!!! My Stampin' Success was late this month, too. I get so frustrated when everyone has seen the mag or catty, and I can't get my hands on one!!! LOL!! I know ... it is trivial, but I sure would like to mull over what sounds like a fantastic mini cat with some chocolate very soon. LOL!! I will keep hoping for tomorrow .....

AshleyAnne 10-29-2004 08:57 PM


Originally Posted by katiestamper
:D Mine came today! I am guessing they should all show up today or tomorrow.

Katie - I'm in Marble Falls! Just up the road from you. Unfortunately, my mini didn't come to day. I'm sure it will be here tomorrow. Just another inconvenience of living in the country. Of course, I don't have to deal with traffic... :lol:

SassyStamps 10-29-2004 10:55 PM

Mine came in the mail today! But my upline - who also lives in Houston - didn't get hers. I called her and described everything to her, just so she wouldn't be left out! :D

GavynnsMom 10-29-2004 11:42 PM

Mine came today!! I love it, love it, love it! Too bad I'm not going to preorder anything. I want to wait and get hostess benefits. I gotta have that hostess set!!


WaterPixie 10-30-2004 12:01 AM


Originally Posted by GavynnsMom
Mine came today!! I love it, love it, love it! Too bad I'm not going to preorder anything. I want to wait and get hostess benefits. I gotta have that hostess set!!


Hey!!!! It went to Japan already!?!? :evil: Hehehehe!!

Still waiting for mine. Hopefully tomorrow. And I had to laugh, I'm just like you!! I hate to pre-order because I want the benefits!!!

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Sencie 10-30-2004 12:11 AM

We still haven't gotten ours here in Corona... but Joy got hers in Japan??? Joy, I am happy you got yours... but I want mine too!!!! :D

Okay... hopefully Saturday!!! :D


WaterPixie 10-30-2004 12:14 AM


I'm keeping my fingers crossed for us!!!

pjbstamper 10-30-2004 12:42 AM

this has nothing to do with the winter mini but our mail was not delivered until sometime after 6:30pm! :shock: I was starting to think someone invented a new holiday and forgot to tell me. :lol:

DTHOMPSON 10-30-2004 02:55 AM

:D Hi everybody I received mine on Friday I live in Delta Pa where mail is so slow. I can't believe with stampin up products I receive them early

Hope everybody gets them soon and happy stampin

Debby Thompson

dbaker3 10-30-2004 06:14 AM

Re: Winter Mini

Originally Posted by wmwalker77381
It came!!!! Donna B. ....Go Check, I bet its in your mail today!!!

Wendy Walker

I sure hope so! My mail comes about noon - so I have less than 3 hours to go!! Wendy, you do NOT have to kick your swaps up a notch at all - your swaps are by FAR one of the BEST that are always to be had, girl!!


Maggiemoo 10-30-2004 06:26 AM

Ok, as a non-SU demonstrator I am going through the roof here. LADIES!! I NEED TO SEE WHAT'S IN THE NEW WINTER MINI!!! Is there a way to look at the new stamp sets? Is it *legal* if someone scans the pages of the Mini catalog and posts them on the SCS website?! Help!!! I am going crazy over here by reading all these posts that are full of excitement!! :shock:

iwasborn2stamp 10-30-2004 07:59 AM

I got my winter mini today here in upstate NY!
Now I can't wait to order!
NY Nan

toost 10-30-2004 08:11 AM

not so good news...
So, have you all seen that the gingham ribbon CANNOT be pre-ordered!?!?!

I am really, really, REALLY trying to remain optimistic, even though I STILL do not have a mini in hand, but it's getting harder each day....


wrenchgirl 10-30-2004 09:02 AM

Very disappointed here in Virginia....mail just came and there was no mini........ yes and just saw that we can't reorder the ribbon...oh how much more can I take :(

dbaker3 10-30-2004 09:05 AM

I got my MINI
the wait is over...now to choose what to pre-order....

pjbstamper 10-30-2004 09:22 AM

MaggieMoo - I pretty sure it is not legal to scan the mini and post it here.

Soozie4Him 10-30-2004 09:55 AM

My mail came and it's NOT HERE!!! I live in Illinois. This is the first time I've been waiting for a mini catalog - I just became a demo after the convention and my upline gave me the Holiday Mini shortly after the convention.

I really wanted to pre-order first thing Monday!! Do you know what time we can do that?? It's pretty disappointing that they didn't send them soon enough for all the demos to have them before the pre-ordering starts!

I understand that no one could/should post pics of it here, *but* if you are scanning them, my email address is: [email protected]



justampin 10-30-2004 10:09 AM

Still no mini here in upstate NY. Lucky Nan got hers. Hopefully Monday. :cry:

stampinhappy 10-30-2004 10:38 AM

We just got a new mailman this week. He is delivering our mail 3-4 HOURS later than the last guy. *sigh* :roll: I hope my mini catty comes today.


--still lingering by the mailbox in Texas--

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