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SouthernMrs 07-15-2016 01:24 PM

Gamsol Help
Hello, I'm having a very hard time finding something portable to carry a small amount of gamsol to my monthly card class. I like to use my colored pencils for coloring and would love to be able to bring my gamsol with me, but even in a small jar with a tight fitting lid wrapped in plastic it spills. Does anyone know of anything I can use please? Any help appreciated! Thank you!

UnderstandBlue 07-15-2016 01:26 PM

When I bought my gamsol eons ago - it came in a dabber bottle like this - have you tried one of those?

gregzgurl 07-15-2016 01:39 PM

I agree with Lydia - dauber top is the way to go! Ask Amber (sprtchick) - she's had to jump to hand me paper towels several times at her house... >:-/

havonfamily 07-15-2016 09:23 PM

If you want a "pot" type of transporter, have you ever thought about using an old Carmex pot? You know the old finger pot style for chap stick?

Cook22 07-16-2016 05:42 AM

How did you buy it originally? The Winsor & Newton Sansodor bottles, which is what I have and which is an equivalent product, I wouldn't consider to be too big to bring along with me, and I have never seen one leak.

Winsor & Newton Sansodor - BLICK art materials My bottles appear to be so old :roll: that they have now upgraded the design, but I'm betting they still don't leak.

ETA, for a test, I left mine upside on the desk for five minutes. Even though it's so old that the outer hard white part of the plastic cap cracked when I screwed it on to make sure it was firmly closed, the inner liner of the cap has stopped anything from leaking out.

In defence of the old bottles, they date back to when I worked for the company distributing W&N supplies here ;-).

stampin stacy 07-17-2016 06:14 AM

I use an old eye makeup pot (screw on lid type) that I've washed out thoroughly. It's not opaque so not good for storing long term but for a temporary container it works and I use an eye dropper to get the OMS into and out of the little pot.

Mrs Noofy 07-17-2016 07:09 AM

This is my most favourite way to colour! I use a small jam jar..you know the ones that you get around Christmas time that hold small samples. They are about 2" in diameter and 1 1/2" tall. I cut a small cellulose sponge and dampen it with a spritz of water to make it soft then pour a little OMS on it. Do not soak the sponge. A few drops can be added when the sponge starts to get dry. I don't like to soak my colouring tools in liquid and I found this was the easiest way to handle the problem of possibly spilling the OMS. Hope this helps.

bdeyes9 07-17-2016 08:08 AM

i bought a little bottle of gamsol from Inky Antics. It has a little dauber and a screw top.
I carry it everywhere hasn't leaked yet. Although I do carry it in a Ziplock bag as a precaution. I know it was under $10. and came filled with gamsol .

TexasGrammy 07-18-2016 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by bdeyes9 (Post 21279588)
i bought a little bottle of gamsol from Inky Antics. It has a little dauber and a screw top.
I carry it everywhere hasn't leaked yet. Although I do carry it in a Ziplock bag as a precaution. I know it was under $10. and came filled with gamsol .

Inky Antics Gamsol = $5.95
It has a screw-top lid and dauber top great for laying your stump directly atop to absorb the Gamsol.
Inky Antics Rubber Stamps

cat_woman 07-18-2016 02:07 PM

I used the jar from my eye cream when it was empty and cut a piece of makeup sponge to fit inside. I put about a teaspoon of mineral spirits on the sponge and that will last for a really really long time.

sparcl77 07-18-2016 07:56 PM

I read somewhere that a person went to Sally's beauty supply and purchased a dabber bottle that they sell for nail polish remover.

SouthernMrs 07-19-2016 09:45 AM

Thank you all so very much for the suggestions. I buy my gamsol from my LSS. I believe she must buy it in quantity because when she sells it, she puts it in a very small glass jar with a metal lid. I was able to get it home initially, but for some reason when I try taking that same jar to class it will leak. Every. Time.

Several of you have mentioned using a plastic dauber bottle. I remember buying some gamsol online a long time ago in one of those and used it at home (before I started my monthly card club), so thanks for the reminder. I have no idea what happened to that thing! (Time to go "treasure hunting" in my craftroom drawers, I think!) I'd like to get another one of these now that you've reminded me about it.

Also, thanks for the repurposed jar with sponges ideas. I like that idea too! I can always just put a sponge in a jar with a little gamsol on it and take that to class! Great ideas!

Thanks again, Ladies!!

LindaF409 07-21-2016 02:03 PM

I use a bottle from the art section in Michaels, it's clear, has a black top and a wide weighted base. Cheap too. I have never had it leak in my bag.

ladyhawke 07-21-2016 03:56 PM

I save all my tiny little jam jars for my gamsol and small buttons and embellishments. I keep the larger ones as well for embellishments. My rule is, they all have to be from Stonewall Kitchen products so that they look good lined up on my shelves.

Paula in GA 07-22-2016 03:11 PM

I can't handle the smell of gamsol, & tried several different things until I read that someone used vaseline. I bought a small jar, tried it & it works marvelously for me. No mess & no obnoxious smell.

QueenOfInkland 09-08-2016 02:03 PM

How do you clean up Gamsol? I spilled some onto my nonstick craft mat. Gamblin's website and google did not yield any information re: Gamsol clean up. Thanks for your help!

TexasGrammy 09-08-2016 03:19 PM

Gamsol is a brand of odorless mineral spirits .
Depending what surface it was spilled onto, you could be fine with wipe up and clean off with countertop surface spray of choice, etc. If it spilled onto a painted, polyurethane finished wood, etc ... you may already have noticed a removal of your finish. Hope it was spilled onto a countertop, etc.!

Re-read to see that its your craft mat. pat it off. I'd like to wash it if it were mine ... but certainly be cautious that the markings don't lift if they're just screen-printed.

QueenOfInkland 09-08-2016 03:46 PM


Originally Posted by TexasGrammy (Post 21316718)
Gamsol is a brand of odorless mineral spirits .
Depending what surface it was spilled onto, you could be fine with wipe up and clean off with countertop surface spray of choice, etc. If it spilled onto a painted, polyurethane finished wood, etc ... you may already have noticed a removal of your finish. Hope it was spilled onto a countertop, etc.!

Re-read to see that its your craft mat. pat it off. I'd like to wash it if it were mine ... but certainly be cautious that the markings don't lift if they're just screen-printed.

Thanks so much for your help. It is a Ranger craft mat. Just to get it up I wiped it off with a baby wipe. What would you wash the craft mat with - soap and water or something else? Thanks, again :)

TexasGrammy 09-08-2016 03:53 PM

When I want to get rid of residual leavings, I either wipe things down with glass cleaner spray (Windex etc) or under running water with a drop or 2 of dishwashing liquid. Depends on which makes more sense for the item that I want to clean. Either is probably fine in your instance. If you have the Novus cleaner for hard acrylics, that would be another option.

Glad to know there wasn't any lettering lost!

QueenOfInkland 09-08-2016 03:56 PM

Awesome, Bev. I will use Windex. The only surface I'll be working on when I use Gamsol is my Ranger craft mat.

QueenOfInkland 09-11-2016 05:34 AM

I'm learning as I go and I highly recommend that everyone reads about the properties of Gamsol. The SDS sheet for Gamsol can be found at the bottom of this web page: https://www.gamblincolors.com/oil-painting/gamsol/

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