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-   -   Gallery Idea--is this possible? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/gallery-idea-possible-20950/)

addicted2stamps 12-22-2004 05:01 PM

Gallery Idea--is this possible?
I love browsing through the gallery--it's my happy place!!! And as this site is growing the gallery is growing. I love having the new special galleries, especially the new sab gallery (fantastic idea!) what about a retired gallery? When I was going through today I noticed how many sets are retired and I just thought it might be helpful. What do you guys think and is this even feasible?

camsmom 12-22-2004 05:31 PM

do you mean a separate gallery for cards made with retired sets that would be shown daily? or one gallery that would contain all the cards ideas with retired sets (b/c that would be HUGE!)

As it is, each set (or most) has it's own gallery. Not sure what you mean by a retired gallery, though.

It would take a LOT of moving and shifting to switch all those into one place, but if you look at the "gallery" where all the sets are listed, most of them say retired if they are (thanks Jenn!)

Anyway-I am not sure if I answered you rquestion or not :?

phleb189 12-22-2004 05:53 PM

How do I get to the slab gallery? sounds interesting, I am not sure how to navigate thru all of this site Any help would be great. :D

addicted2stamps 12-22-2004 05:59 PM

I know it would be tons of moving (so sorry to even suggest it jenn!) But I had thought of having a retired gallery, like the sab gallery that was listed on the main gallery page and when you enter it you can find listings of the individual sets that you can go to. Does that make more sense? I'm sure it won't work, but just an idea because if su retires over a hundred sets a year and adds as many it could clutter up the gallery. I love that we still have them to browse and add too but most of us spend time looking at the current stuff.

padlam 12-22-2004 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by phleb189
How do I get to the slab gallery? sounds interesting, I am not sure how to navigate thru all of this site Any help would be great. :D

That's SAB gallery (Sell-a-Bration). :o

jbalcer 12-22-2004 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by addicted2stamps
I know it would be tons of moving (so sorry to even suggest it jenn!) But I had thought of having a retired gallery, like the sab gallery that was listed on the main gallery page and when you enter it you can find listings of the individual sets that you can go to. Does that make more sense? I'm sure it won't work, but just an idea because if su retires over a hundred sets a year and adds as many it could clutter up the gallery. I love that we still have them to browse and add too but most of us spend time looking at the current stuff.

Can I just say EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEK? :roll: We get several emails asking if we can add more retired galleries, looking for samples with certian sets, and asking for categories that are sometimes already listed. As it is, it is cumbersome to have so many to scroll through when you are uploading. I know, cause I have to fix all the ones that are not categorized when I approve the scans.

Anyway. . . . The SAB gallery is a temporary thing. I'll move all of those into their respective alpha listing when SAB is all done. We're going to do the same mini-galleyr for all future mini-catalogs, too. It seems to cut down on the questions of "where is __ set in the gallery?" or "what is that new set with the sweater in the mini catalog" when they are already all together.

I think that we'll just keep it alphabetical for now, but will definitely keep your suggestion in mind for when/if we restructure the gallery.

Thanks, and sorry so disjointed. Just got home from the movies with my bestest friend, and I'm exhausted!

Michelle Laycock 12-22-2004 08:35 PM

I agree Jenn,

Sometimes I look through the gallery for specific retired sets. I would hate to see one big huge retired gallery... it would be impossible to find a specific retired set.

Even though we can't demo them anymore, that doesn't mean they are no longer being used. I'm a demo ... and there are some retired sets that I use for personal use all the time! For example, I was on here today looking for ideas for my BIL and FIL's birthday cards that I have to make tomorrow.

Just my 2 cents...

Good night!

melissaparrish 12-22-2004 09:13 PM

I like the gallery the way it is...very organized and each set in its place. (Now if only I could tear myself away from SCS long enough to get my home/life like that! :shock: )

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