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laura6 12-27-2009 10:34 PM

Gallery Comments Challenge
Lately, I have been leaving gallery comments (part of my New Years SCS Resolutions LOL), and I noticed something odd.
I will see a card I like, which has had over a hundred views and a dozen people have 'Favorite'd it, and yet.... no one leaves a comment. I admit, I have been guilty of doing that too LOL. I have put something as a favorite and not left a comment.
But now, I am thinking if I was the artist, I would appreciate the comments... even if they just said 'nice card' or 'cool ribbon'. I always look for what I can improve, and what people like.... I know what I like LOL, but what catches somene else's eye may be different.
So, I have a challenge for anyone willing to try it... the next card you favorite, please leave a comment. Or, if you see a card you like, with no comments, please leave one. Yup, I know LOL I give really tough challenges... :)
-laura s

debdeb 12-28-2009 04:19 AM

Laura, I hope you don't mind if I add to your challenge! I host a challenge blog (it's The Daily Dare in my signature) and visit challenge blogs that often use Mr. Linky. It is discouraging to me to see so many people link their creations to Mr. Linky but never leave a comment on the original post thanking the designers for their inspirational creations. It only takes a minute! :)

laura6 12-28-2009 10:14 AM

thanks, i feel realy bad that people like these creations enough to 'favorite', but no comments LOL, like 'ok, WHY is this a favorite LOL?'
-laura s

SherryLC05 12-28-2009 10:47 AM

Oh, I never "favorite" a card without commenting on it. Also, I try to comment on every card I view. I can't say that I do it for every single one, but the majority of cards I "view" I leave a comment on.

I often wonder when I have a lot of views but no comments on a card if no one liked it when they got a close up view of it. lol. So I don't want anyone else to think that about their card. :)

joyfullyhis 12-28-2009 01:41 PM

What a great idea!!! I always try to comment on as many cards as possible - I know how much I like to receive comments in my gallery, and I don't think I'm the only one :D:D But thanks for the reminder - I'l definitely take you up on your challenge!!!

slane2 12-28-2009 01:52 PM

A good motto in life as well as SCS - give compliments aloud instead of keeping them to yourself!

taniwolf 12-28-2009 02:37 PM

me too, i also comment when i favorite a card. i try to post comments when i can.

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