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housefan 02-17-2007 07:18 AM

French Flair Poll
For those who have or are getting this stamp.

Carol Lee 02-17-2007 07:23 AM

I love it. I can see where people might not want the birds but I would never cut them out. I would color it with markers or something. It's so elegant and pretty.

mestamps 02-17-2007 07:26 AM

Never really gave it much thought, but will probably just mask the birds if I don't want them on the project.

housefan 02-17-2007 09:33 AM

Has anyone tried cutting out the birds, but keeping them and then just sticking them in when you want them?

lynnewithane 02-17-2007 09:36 AM

On a related note! how are you cutting this one? When I bought it, I mistakenly thought it was a full rectangular background. I haven't cut it yet. Are you cutting it in kind of a triangle and mounting it in the corner of the block?

Oh, I think I'll use the birds some, but not all, of the time.

MSBetsyZ 02-17-2007 09:50 AM

Yes, I cut away all the excess rubber. It does make it more prone to rocking, but I'd rather deal with that than with the excess rubber catching excess ink all the time!

As for the birds, I kept them. I have heard of other solutions like cutting away the birds and mounting them separately. One gal I remember reading actually just bought two stamps, lol! One to keep intact and one to operate on! Too funny...

notimetostamp 02-17-2007 12:17 PM

I love the French Flair just as is -- I think it is so elegant and beautiful -- I see it as a stamp for a wedding card -- I think the birds are beautiful!!! Very soft, light and *flighty*, just like the whirls and motion of the stamp iteself!!! Just my opinion!!!

mestamps 02-17-2007 12:42 PM


Originally Posted by MSBetsyZ
Yes, I cut away all the excess rubber. It does make it more prone to rocking, but I'd rather deal with that than with the excess rubber catching excess ink all the time!

As for the birds, I kept them. I have heard of other solutions like cutting away the birds and mounting them separately. One gal I remember reading actually just bought two stamps, lol! One to keep intact and one to operate on! Too funny...

I've been meaning to do that with Festive Favorites... 8)

Jeanne S 02-17-2007 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by MSBetsyZ
Yes, I cut away all the excess rubber. It does make it more prone to rocking, but I'd rather deal with that than with the excess rubber catching excess ink all the time!

As for the birds, I kept them. I have heard of other solutions like cutting away the birds and mounting them separately. One gal I remember reading actually just bought two stamps, lol! One to keep intact and one to operate on! Too funny...

That was me ;)

stampmouse 02-17-2007 01:43 PM

i love it just the way it is. sometimes i might mask out the birds and for me I really wanted it to go the other direction so i stamp on vellum and turn around works great that way

GramCandy 02-17-2007 02:15 PM

I love this stamp and just used it for a workshop last night. It serves very well as the focal point for a special card or as a background. Not sure I would ever eliminate the birds, but I might use a bird as an accent.

love scrappin 02-17-2007 02:47 PM

I would purcahse this if the birds were not on it. Never thought of cutting them out though! May have to rethink that purchase!! LOL

jtax 02-17-2007 05:46 PM

Love the birds, can't imagine the stamp without them!

deblin 02-17-2007 06:00 PM

If I hadn't seen the idea of masking the birds here on SCS, I would not have purchased the stamp. So........thanks to all you enablers!

Laurie FW 02-17-2007 07:03 PM

The birds are my very favorite thing about this stamp!

myrnabs 02-17-2007 08:44 PM

I think I'm the only one that never liked this stamp set. My upline is in love with it, but the more I see it the more I dislike it, KWIM? Does anyone else feel this way with any other stamp? I think I'm dysfunctional!

SmurfBE 02-17-2007 11:56 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanne S
That was me ;)

And me. I love it the way it is, but sometimes birds just don't "fit".

MsMoxie58 02-18-2007 08:37 AM

I love this b'ground as is, but have done a few cards w/o the birds by not inking them -- used a spot for control. Interesting thought to cut out the birds to be used separately or added in as desired -- several stamps for the price of one!

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