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sscrappystamper 10-20-2004 09:56 AM

First Stamp Club
Hello. I am nervous as all get-out! Tonight is my first stamp club meeting and I am afraid that the women will not enjoy or like the three projects they are making! :( We are going to make a card with poppin pastels and the Close to Nature set. Then we are making a small Christmas box with Loads of Love set - it has a small tag on it, too. Then we are making a card that is embossed BIG TIME. Most of the women are all beginner stampers. They have asked me for info on embossing as well as using the chalks. I also have a hand-out on using the SU chalks.

Does that sound like a fun-filled learning evening? I don't want them to think that I am not able to teach them new things...or fun or creative things and that is what I am worried about.

Any insight or direction for me out there? I am scared stiff!!! :shock:

sscrappystamper 10-20-2004 10:08 AM

:o I almost forgot! I also made each person attending a "Hope is..." pouch full of pink and white M & Ms....

tavah316 10-20-2004 10:10 AM

That sounds awesome!! Don't be nervous! I always love what we make at parties, etc. They're gonna love it - HAVE FUN!! :)

coshorty 10-20-2004 10:11 AM

First Stamp Club
That sounds like a lot of fun to me.

scrapyme 10-20-2004 10:14 AM

Sounds like you have done your homework and are ready as you could be. Be confident...once they start stamping they will forget everything else. You have the right projects and prepare for it, the rest will take care of itself :D Good luck

nuts4stampin' 10-20-2004 10:16 AM

Those projects sound great! I always fret about the projects I design for my stamp clubs, but what I have to keep in mind is that you cannot please all of the people all of the time. What I have found is that just getting out to stamp is the best part for the majority of my stamp club members! One tip for supplies: put together a baggie of supplies for each guest; this discourages over-use of supplies when someone is not satisfied with their stamping (and keeps you from having to scramble to cut extra pieces). Relax and be enthusiastic - they (and you) will have a great time!

Kalebyra 10-20-2004 10:20 AM

Sounds fun and exciting to me. Can I come? :lol:

sscrappystamper 10-20-2004 10:36 AM

:D Thank you all so much! I do feel better already! (I was really freaking myself out! ha ha!) I believe you are all correct in saying that an evening of stamping is what matters most! Thanks again. I will let you know tomorrow how it goes!!!! :D

inkaboutit 10-20-2004 11:17 AM

Sounds like a very fun evening, and I am free. Yep, I'm inviting myself as well!
Have a super evening :wink:

Laura >^,,^<

Faryprincess 10-20-2004 11:20 AM

I would enjoy making all those! I know some months at our stamper's 10 we do two things that are more time consuming and one month we only did one project.

Sounds like you will have lots of fun! Good luck tonight

sscrappystamper 10-21-2004 08:12 AM

:D Thank you all for the kind and encouraging words! You were all right on the money! They loved the activities and had fun making all of them! They bought WAY over their minimum (it was over $400) and I had so much fun, too! :D

I will always remember that half the fun is stamping with friends and the other half is...stamping with friends. (ha ha)
Again, thanks for all of your encouragement and kind words. You guys are the best! :D

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