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lisavengesta 04-19-2008 09:53 PM

ever feel like...
you have crafting A.D.D? i swear, i go from one thing to another. first, it's card making, then name frames, then stamping on onesies, then trying my hand at hair bows... seriously, i start one thing, and then i think of a new idea or come across something else and want to try that.
i think my problem is that i'm okay at most of the stuff i try, but never really "great" at anything... or i get bored. i don't know. maybe i haven't found my niche... anyone else ever feel this way??

jsmears 04-19-2008 10:04 PM

You're not alone!!

GetCarded 04-19-2008 10:21 PM

It's hard bc the possibilities are endless! I jumped around a lot in High School but now I'm just making cards...hopefully I'll scrapbook again soon. Too many options, too little time!

lisavengesta 04-19-2008 11:12 PM

well, after i posted this i decided to move onto keychains *lol* gawd, i feel like a freak. poor dh; he never know what i'll be up to next ;)

lindylou1220 04-20-2008 02:25 AM

Lisa, how did your name frames come out?

Malinda_C 04-20-2008 03:47 AM

All the time, it's funny - I was just talking about this with a friend on Friday.

stampwithdiane 04-20-2008 04:37 AM

That was my problem before I started stamping and I have a little crafting graveyard full of half-finished projects of all sorts to prove it. Once I started stamping I pretty much stuck to that, thought I do like to make different stamped projects -- cards and 3-D items. But as long as the "craft" is the same (i.e. stmaping) I don't consider it ADD. :-)

mamatygress 04-20-2008 04:39 AM

All the time! I think it's just that we love all kinds of crafting. I go between stamping, plastic canvas, quilting, sewing, and cross stitch. :mrgreen:

3boysstampin' 04-20-2008 04:48 AM

I'm the same--lots of unfinished projects. I keep to stamping mostly now, but I do have a few cross stitched projects I'll pick up every once in a while. My bigger problem is buying little things to "alter". Yikes!

lisavengesta 04-20-2008 04:51 AM

*lol* my name frames turned out awesome. i haven't finished all the ones that i want to make; but i know that i'll get back to them eventually :)

lisavengesta 04-20-2008 04:52 AM

oh yeah, i meant to say that i'm glad it's not just me!!

stampaloooza 04-20-2008 05:19 AM

Gosh I think that's the nature of being creative... you keep thinking up ideas that are better than the first one... my problem is I keep acting on each idea and before you know it my whole stamping area is in my dining room, living room and bedroom instead of where it is supposed to be... any ideas on how to stay organized? UGH! I have two hours of mess to clean up...

stamphappy1650 04-20-2008 06:24 AM

Same for me as I like to learn new things. I'll work with something until I get somewhat good at it or maybe I should say good enough. Then I'm off to the next toy or tecnique.

I finally went through all my unfinished projects and tossed out the ones that I really didn't like. The rest I store in the iris project boxes (the one's Mike sells for $8) - I buy them on sale or with a coupon. I have about 10 boxes that are filled with the "undone". I keep saying one day I'll finish, but there is always something new to try...

The Gardener 04-20-2008 07:52 AM

When I was in my twenties, I tried many crafts and did a lot of sewing for my daughter. After about a decade of exploring what was out there I found my favorite ways to spend my creative time. Many years later, I make cards, food gifts like chocolates, cookies and a few other specialty foods, and I garden in the summer. Sometimes I'll make other things (like Christmas ornaments) but usually stick to the few things I've settled on as my favorites.

jfm813 04-20-2008 08:01 AM


Originally Posted by lisavengesta (Post 9569706)
well, after i posted this i decided to move onto keychains *lol* gawd, i feel like a freak. poor dh; he never know what i'll be up to next ;)

Way to keep him on his toes! It keeps things interesting!

markie's mom 04-20-2008 08:05 AM

It's funny...I think MOST crafters are in the process of evolving. I used to design quilts for a living, then started scrapbooking and book making. Now, I'm stamping...

It's the nature of the beast. Crafters are very creative Right Brain thinkers, and we need an outlet for out ideas.

I have an 83 year old crafting friend. She started as a sketch artist, then painting, took a paying gig as a graphic artist, (had several children's books published!), then when an entirely different direction about 30 years ago! She began soap making, then colage work...Now, she's designing GOURD animals and birdhouses!!! She's won various artisitic awards, and is known for her talents in MANY different art circles...

So, I think, creative people continue to grow, look for new "challenges." It's a good thing that you are growing!

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