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kysmom 03-17-2007 07:07 PM

Don't You Just Hate It When.....
Your card doesn't turn out the way you envisioned it?? I have "attempted" three different cards today, and I am so unhappy with the results! Just doesn't look like it did in my noggin.... Back to the drawing board, or should I say stamping board?

parrothead 03-17-2007 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by kysmom
Your card doesn't turn out the way you envisioned it?? I have "attempted" three different cards today, and I am so unhappy with the results! Just doesn't look like it did in my noggin.... Back to the drawing board, or should I say stamping board?

I WASTE alot more cardstock than I actually use!!! Unless its exactly right...I throw it away...no crooked lines, colors have to be just right,can't stand crooked ribbon...I'm ****!!!! It can take me 6 hours to make one design...but when I'm through I'm satisfied! And guess what???? I hardly ever send one to someone...they are just filed away!!!! Last Friday everything I did turned to crap!!! I was in my room from 10am until 6 pm...I came out with ONE card...and 3 trashcans!!!! Good Luck....just hang in there!!!!

kysmom 03-17-2007 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by parrothead
I WASTE alot more cardstock than I actually use!!! Unless its exactly right...I throw it away...no crooked lines, colors have to be just right,can't stand crooked ribbon...I'm ****!!!! It can take me 6 hours to make one design...but when I'm through I'm satisfied! And guess what???? I hardly ever send one to someone...they are just filed away!!!! Last Friday everything I did turned to crap!!! I was in my room from 10am until 6 pm...I came out with ONE card...and 3 trashcans!!!! Good Luck....just hang in there!!!!

Glad i'm not alone.. I hate wasting paper!! (and time...)

jtax 03-17-2007 07:43 PM

Yup, I do hate it... Try "sleeping on it" and trying again tomorrow. I fijd that often helps!

jtax 03-17-2007 07:44 PM

...that would be FIND not fijd! Sorry!

Cynamom 03-17-2007 07:45 PM

The WORST for me is when a card looks good, but you have to add ONE MORE THING and then you blow it... stamp crooked, miss part of the image, etc. Oh I want to cry!

rcstanley 03-17-2007 07:48 PM

I have the same problem too. Had a great idea for a Christmas card, but the vellum conspired against me. I try not to throw anything away until I look at it again the next day. By then I've forgotten what the card "should" have looked like and can see if there is any merit in what it does look like. (Didn't help with the Christmas card though...)

Queenbee Jo 03-17-2007 08:45 PM

I tend to make the card several times. Sometimes it's poor stamping techniques but often it's just poor color coordination. I have two piles: the trash (for truly horrible concoctions) and a ziplock baggie (for giving to those who don't appreciate handmade cards) I once watched horrified as my sister opened a card from me and THREW IT AWAY all in the time span of five minutes. It's cheesy but it saves me from killing my sibling!

Jeanne S 03-17-2007 08:58 PM

I usually just put it away and start on something else. Sometimes I'll come back to it later with an "Ah ha" moment and get it right.

kysmom 03-17-2007 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanne S
I usually just put it away and start on something else. Sometimes I'll come back to it later with an "Ah ha" moment and get it right.

I do put it away and now I have a big pile of "rejects".....

jazzytobi 03-17-2007 09:32 PM

maybe this will change about me as i get better, but i don't generally sit down with a pre-conceived idea. i kinda go with the flow, picking paper, stamps etc. and just let it happen. if i do have a stamp in mind that i want to use, i'll TRY to use it, but if a better idea comes along (and it usually does) i go with it....

stamps&cars 03-17-2007 10:39 PM


Originally Posted by Jeanne S
I usually just put it away and start on something else. Sometimes I'll come back to it later with an "Ah ha" moment and get it right.

Yup, I do that too! Sometimes what I have in my head looks so great and when I put it to paper, I go 'yuck!" That's what happened to my Christmas card this last year. I completely abandoned my original design but I had purchased so much of the paper that I needed that I had to use it. It was okay but I wasn't truly pleased with it.

Sometimes sleeping on it helps your ol' noggen work out the kinks. I pull my paper out and layer it before I actually cut it. Pulling together most of my elements before I even start cutting has saved me a lot of cuts and wasted paper.

GarnetJ 03-17-2007 11:10 PM

I try not to be too hard on myself after a card is completed. Right now I'm in the doldrums and can't seem to get started, but that's a different subject.

I learned not to be too self-critical at a time that I belonged to an artist's co-op. At that time I was the token potter in the group. The rest were all painters. When we all got together, they would each bring in a painting that "needed fixing." I learned a lot by listening and I soon learned that most of the paintings needed no fixing. It was usually the artists' introspective nature that caused their own worries.

Don't be too hasty to throw your creations into the trash.

dorism6220 03-18-2007 12:44 AM

I hate wasting the cardstock - so I often cut it apart and turn it over and
stamp on the back.

Pamstamps2 03-18-2007 03:52 AM

I either set it aside for another day or turn it over and start again.

Sometimes I'm inspired by an idea but for the most part I go with the flow as it comes. If I sit down and it has to look 'just so' then it doesn't work. I paint that way too. I have an idea but nothing solid like a sketch or anything to follow.

I'm like parrot head....crooked lines and things bother me more than others.

dolphinprncss03 03-18-2007 04:18 AM

As my DH tells me when i get discouraged he said "remember they are hand made"...they all wont be perfect...If they were we could become the next hallmark store lol.......

Joan B 03-18-2007 05:29 AM

YES I think we all can relate.

bedazzledbylife 03-18-2007 08:25 AM

I never know when I sit down to stamp whether I will have a terrific day or a series of disasters. Sometimes I sit and do 10 different cards in row and I love them all. Everything just flows, with no stamping errors, colors looking great, me able to find the perfect embellishments. The next time I sit down I could be there for two or three hours and come up with one card I wouldn't want to send my worst enemy. I don't know what the difference is...maybe the movement of the planets...I just hope for one of the good days when I get a chance to sit for a period and stamp. Of course the bad day usually occurs when I am against the wall to get a card out for some wedding or other big event.

JulieHRR 03-18-2007 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by kysmom
Your card doesn't turn out the way you envisioned it?? I have "attempted" three different cards today, and I am so unhappy with the results! Just doesn't look like it did in my noggin.... Back to the drawing board, or should I say stamping board?

This never happens to me.

JulieHRR 03-18-2007 09:42 AM




Mahloumel 03-18-2007 09:55 AM

I don't have a pile of rejects, and I don't chuck projects in the trash. Maybe I ought to! :D I salvage missed attempts by using the other side, or cut the paper up into small pieces where the misstamped images don't matter (by running through the die-cutting machine, using a punch, or my Coluzzle). Sometimes I wish I had an easier time throwing stuff away, as I have a lot of space in my craft area devoted to stuff I would *not* buy today. I do have fun challenging myself to use it up, tho.

That said, I have had times where I'm immensely dissatisfied with every aspect of every single thing I make. I've kept all those cards and put them in my stash, and truth be told I can't remember which ones I hated so much any more.

grammatroll 03-18-2007 10:25 AM

I believe this happens to everyone. Instead of throwing all of it away, if I can't salvage any of it for another project, I write the measurements of each piece and put it in an envelope. This helps me cut out the right size layer for another card. I just lay out the different sizes on my card base to see what fits for the layout I have in mind. It sure has saved me from wasting so much cs because I would have to trim more off or start over because I trimmed too much. KWIM? I'm sure that was as clear as mud. I also use scrap paper....I can cut it up all I want without fear of wasting any good cs.

StampingShawn 03-18-2007 12:15 PM

Oh I know just what you mean. Last week...I spent way too much time making a couple of very mediocre cards. The nice thing with a slump is that it normally won't last forever. Good luck with getting your groove back!

lesliespringer 03-18-2007 02:27 PM

All I can say is Feelin your pain!!!

emmiestamps 03-24-2007 10:12 PM

Happens all too often to me! LOL!

itsme 03-25-2007 01:57 AM

Why I ask OH WHY does this happen? In my great mind the card is wonderful and it is a WOW that is great but when I look at it I think where did that come from? and like you it's back to the stamping table try, try again.

Charlee 03-25-2007 07:09 AM


Originally Posted by kysmom
Your card doesn't turn out the way you envisioned it?? I have "attempted" three different cards today, and I am so unhappy with the results! Just doesn't look like it did in my noggin.... Back to the drawing board, or should I say stamping board?

I hear ya, sistah. I used to throw away all the attempts that didn't meet my expectations, but my best stampin' buddy when she came over would make a beeline for my waste paper basket and start going through it. She would pull out all my rejects and take them home. When I would go to her place to stamp and I would go through all her latest creations and see all these really cute cards. I would ask her when did she make this and that and she was always saying, that's the one I pulled out of you garbage can. So now I don't throw anything out, it just goes into the 'I'll get back to it later basket' till later.

Laeelina 03-25-2007 12:21 PM

One Thing I find that really helps is show it to someone. I usually will show my mil and sil (who also stamp some) and then my husband. If they like it then I know it isnt bad. My DH will tell me if it didnt turn out right because most cards I make I find every little imperfection.

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