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-   -   does your wrist hurt when you color stamped images? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/does-your-wrist-hurt-when-you-color-stamped-images-434987/)

steph772 04-30-2009 03:45 PM

does your wrist hurt when you color stamped images?
My wrist hurts so bad when Im coloring anymore, I cant do it for very long! Seems like it is getting worse through the years. I cant imagine inflicting a battle wound from stamping, but I think I am!!!!!

Does anyone else have this problem? This is usually the only time my wrist hurts. Of course I recently discovered gamsol and now coloring is the main thing I want to do :(

53queenbee 04-30-2009 03:52 PM

I hate to color and I actually failed coloring in first grade. Yes, my wrist hurst but much ,much less with the gamsol method. I guess it is because all you have to do is scribble and the stump does most of the work blending.

smileyj 04-30-2009 03:55 PM

Yep! My wrist hurts when I color. But that is because I will stamp about 20 to 30 images and them color them. It also, hurts when I am typing too long. My friend says it is carpel tunnel (sp).

steubner 04-30-2009 03:55 PM

Could you change the position of your image so your hand isn't all bent? Or try one of those tilted easel thingys?

1chrystal 05-01-2009 05:03 AM

Carpal Tunnel. Its very serious. You should gently exercise your fingers and wrist before colouring and ensure that when you are colouring your wrist isn't bent excessively. I've been dealing with Carpal Tunnel for a long time.

steph772 05-01-2009 05:17 AM

ive wondered about carpal tunnel being the cause.
I do try moving my image different ways, but nothing is seeming to help lately. Ugh! How dare my hand not behave when Im doing my favorite hobby....

Nice to know Im not alone though, thanks girls.

Guess Ill make a dr appt...

cat_woman 05-01-2009 07:14 AM

Yep, carpel tunnel syndrome. I suffer as well. Some days I can't even pick up a cup of coffee. But a couple Advil and I can colour again. :)

TriboHearts 05-01-2009 07:23 AM

Hi to all, my wrist doesn't hurt, thank goodness, although the big muscle, right above my thumb does. I wonder why this is. I get the same pain when I am trying to hand sew on my quilts, like sew on the labels on sew on the bindings. I quit for a few minutes and excercise it and then it is alright to go on for a few minutes more. I have never asked the Doctor about this, seems kind of funny to me. The same thing happens when I write out checks or hand write a letter or long grocery list. Doesn't happen when I type though.

Have a happy stamping day!

Trish in Wisconsin

sprtchick 05-01-2009 02:29 PM

I get a lot of pain because I have arthritis in both wrists and my shoulders..you learn to live with it if you want to continue doing the fun stuff...I really hope your pain passes.

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