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-   -   Does anyone else have to have some sound on while they are creating? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/does-anyone-else-have-have-some-sound-while-they-creating-402602/)

SilverDragoness 12-05-2008 04:54 PM

Does anyone else have to have some sound on while they are creating?
I don't know why but I almost always have to have some sound going while I'm working on projects. Sometimes I just flick the TV on and have it running in the background. For awhile I was listening to TED talks www.ted.com. Lately I've been listening to lectures that have been put online by universities. http://www.onlineuniversities.com/bl...ideo-lectures/ I guess it just helps my mind to stay busy while I'm creating. Anyone else do this?

jemur 12-05-2008 05:34 PM

Ya, I need to have something like the radio or tv on. It keeps me company and I can tune it out without making it feel offended!

MollyPeckham 12-05-2008 05:37 PM

Oh yes I do! I feel naked if not, and I can't create...lol.

jackbuilt 12-05-2008 05:48 PM

Have to!! If I'm working, I like listening to different podcasts and podiobooks (lots and lots of scifi because that's what's available and I like it). If I'm reading directions or looking for ideas and inspiration then I listen to music - right now it's lots and lots of different holiday music, but if I'm working on scrapbooking or photo projects then I like to listen to music that reminds me of the people or specific events. On a few projects I've made for family and friends I have included a burned disc of the music I listened to while I was working.

I've always been this way - I don't know why but I'm glad I'm not weird. At least not in that way.


cjbapp 12-05-2008 05:51 PM

I need music! I hate daytime TV! On the days when I watch my little niece I can settle for Disney Movie background noise. :)

pricecheck 12-05-2008 05:57 PM

I am listening to Chrismas music on the computer while I "play" with my stamps.:)

loxykelly 12-05-2008 06:36 PM

No I don't need music or the tv on (if I had one in my scrappin area anyway) because I listen to enough when I'm working out. 2 hours a day is enough.

saramoreno 12-05-2008 06:41 PM

Absolutely have to have "noise" in the background. Either the tv with shows I've recorded or Music-lots and lots of music

Ellibelle 12-05-2008 06:46 PM

I must be weird, for some reason I cannot concentrate on card making when something is on. :)

lazylizard 12-05-2008 06:47 PM

I usually have the tv going to just listen to.

swain78 12-05-2008 06:47 PM

Some sort of background noise is a must - lately, Christmas music - I also like Fox News, or the Food Network as my "background" :)

dianerh 12-05-2008 07:00 PM

Ellie--you're not weird. Or...if you are, so am I!!! LOL :-) Just the other day I was thinking about how nice it was to have peace and quiet while I needed to get some creative work done for one of my classes. I get too distracted if I've got something on. Even when I don't "have" to create, I just enjoy the peace and quiet. ;-)

tashnkat 12-05-2008 07:03 PM

I usually watch a movie... and tune out so much that it ends up repeating 3 times! LOL

fura 12-05-2008 07:52 PM

I always have music on my laptop. Sometimes I'll play a movie or have the tv on just for background noise while I work on my projects. I was one of those students who could NEVER study in the library. It always had to be a place with noise. I suppose that's what people mean by "silence can be so loud."

smileyj 12-05-2008 07:55 PM

I must have background noise while I do anything especially when I'm home alone.

jody5gray 12-05-2008 08:25 PM

Music Music Music
I listen to my shuffle or xm radio all the time. Crafting, housework, anything. If on the radio the louder the better. Only bad thing about living in town do have to be considerate of neighbors. lol Right now its Celtic Christmas stuff.

shark 12-06-2008 09:23 AM

I listen to my Zune. While making my X-Mas cards, I have been listening to a playlist full of Kings of Leon. Still need to sync my X-Mas music to my Zune.

Disneywed 12-06-2008 10:05 AM

christmas music ONLY when I am making JUST christmas cards
otherwise, it is a Harry Potter audio CD / Old disney Movie / or I have my Itunes on with my specific "stamp mix"


craftjunkiesc 12-06-2008 10:37 AM

I ALWAYS have to have background noise, even to fall asleep. I usually have Sirius Radio on while I'm in my craft room. Occassionally, I'll have the TV on to TLC or Discovery (Deadliest Catch Marathon's rock). Glad to know I'm not alone. :D

IdahoLee 12-06-2008 10:42 AM

i dvr my favorite shows, and watch them while i make cards.

i'm still trying to wrap my head around loxykelly working out for two hours a day.....like, on purpose!

ilinacrouse 12-06-2008 10:52 AM

Interesting....I never listen to anything, I enjoy when my room is quiet, and no wonder why I like working in the wee hours of the day.

InkyFairy 12-06-2008 11:04 AM

I always have my favorite "stampin' mix" of songs i made - or more often than not, I have CNN blaring from DHs home office which is right next to mine.. sigh.. crafting to Larry King! :mrgreen:

pixiehouse1 12-06-2008 11:34 AM

At the moment i have christmas music playing while making my cards
But yes i love to have music on while crafting..helps me with making cards...loose my mojo otherwise lol

schirmcat 12-06-2008 11:38 AM

I am not a true blue sports fan, like sports here and there...but I LOVE listening to basketball or football games in the background...maybe I think the roar of the crowd and the excited announcers are cheering me on, hee!

SilverDragoness 12-06-2008 11:42 AM

lol I love that some of you have "stamp mixes" I don't know that I would have thought of that. I'm one of those people that tends to turn my music on to shuffle more often than not if I'm not feeling it I just skip the song.

JodiAnn 12-06-2008 12:11 PM

I have my radio on. My stamp room is in the basement and I only get one radio station - Love 105 - old love songs. It has kinda grown on me and now I have to have it on.

Mewsin 12-06-2008 12:55 PM

I have 4 kids, that counts as noise

AllyB 12-06-2008 01:25 PM

BBC radio 4 ,lots of talk programs ,interesting current affairs ,dramas ,oh all sorts of everything ,and you can get it in the internet so i can catch up if i miss something ..you can learn so much about the world and never leave ya craft table ....:-D

mtgchic 12-06-2008 01:27 PM

Yes-my under-cabinet ipod player is awesome!

Melissa_Jax 12-06-2008 03:34 PM

I don't require noise to do my crafting BUT, there are certain noises I CAN'T craft to. Like if my BF is playing loud video games or watching war movies, etc., I have to put on my ipod headphones and drown out the unpleasant noise with something more cheerful.

bb&kk 12-06-2008 04:08 PM

Have to have noise, talk radio, Classic Rock, Christmas, and on Sundays a local station has German and Polish music. I love the Polkas! Also have to go to sleep with the tv on. I agree Deadliest Catch Marathons work for me!

kstamper 12-06-2008 04:25 PM

I guess I'm in the minority here. I enjoy the peace and quiet while I'm stamping. I usually only listen the the radio when I'm in the car or sometimes at work. I love music, but like to create in silence!!

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