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-   -   Do you love your ribbon storage? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/do-you-love-your-ribbon-storage-75714/)

kstamper 08-04-2005 02:53 PM

Do you love your ribbon storage?
I am trying to figure out how I want to store my ribbon. I would really like something that hangs on the wall. I like the photo storage box idea, but I want my table to be clear of boxes, etc. I searched the gallery, and really like the rain gutter idea. What does everyone use as ribbon storage? Do you like it? What are the pros/cons of what you have? TIA

kstamper 08-04-2005 07:35 PM

bump...doesn't anyone here store ribbon? or am I just not worthy? *sniff, sniff*

snowyday 08-04-2005 07:40 PM

Hi I use the shoebox idea and haven't really thought of much else. I do have a cheap shoe holder that hangs on the closet door the shoe pockets are clear plastic for all my free ribbon not on rolls and extra stuff so i can see it and don't forget I have it. Anyway I will aslo watch for any other responses.

Take Care Nikki :p

photocropper 08-04-2005 07:44 PM

Of course you are worthy!!

I just have mine in the $1+ shoe boxes right now eventually I will put them in color order and have them all neat and pretty but for now I just have them tossed in according to when I got them and what will fit!! ;) I have fibers in a nice decorator type box with a see through end (I buy my fibers by the skein....Now for the yardages that I have purchased...those are rolled up in the cropper hopper mini boxes (dont really know the actual name and they are packed up right now...) but a couple 2 or 3 yards of gg ribbon will roll up in them nicely. Then I purchased a cheap storage box from Walmart (fish and tackle box) and put them in there....I love that...I pull the end of the ribbon out a bit so I can see it....Then the Organdy that I purchased a yard or two of I put on cross stitch cards (you know the little white ones) then put them in the same box...

I can give visuals in a couple weeks if you are still looking for ideas then.

I love the look of the gutters - altho I think they would get dusty and would have to find some way to cover them up...AND So far we have not been in the position to hang anything on the wall so I would have to find a way that I would do very minimal damage to a wall.....

dstfrommi 08-04-2005 08:13 PM

I have an upper shelf in my room and right under it my DH ran about 5 feet of skinny dowel rods. He made them in two pieces, so it's 2&1/2 feet and then another 2&1/2 feet next to it. The two pieces make it easier to load the spools on. But once on, I just pull the ribbon I want off. It's out so I can see the ribbon, but at the same time under the shelf. It's about eye level to me. I can tell you since I've had this and got them out of the drawer, I use them more often and have quit buying repeats because I used to forget which ones I had.

newinker 08-04-2005 11:01 PM

1 Attachment(s)
It�s still a work in progress but I am using a laundry drying rack. It required some tools, muscle and a few choice four letter words. All that stamping I didn�t know my own strength. Word to the wise, careful with the hammer.

lauraos 08-05-2005 04:19 AM

I use the ribbon racks from dekdevelopment.com I use mine on the tabletop but I'm pretty sure you can hang them also. Its a dowel system although he put in a little notch so when you unroll one, they don't all unroll.

sunnywl 08-05-2005 04:25 AM

I tried the cheap baskets with openings to pull the ribbons through, that worked a little but the spools still gets messed up. I don't have a lot of stamping space so I was looking for something that uses minimal space. I read something last week on SCS and liked the idea. BUy some round clothespins and wrap your ribbons around them, use a tape or little pin to keep the end in place. I will have to take some pictures. There was an example on SCS a link from Two Peas In A Bucket, I think. If I find it I will come back and link it here.

buttons2 08-05-2005 04:35 AM

I bought a couple of little plastic bins from WalMart that have holes in the side and I pull the ribbon through the holes but I'm not satisfied. They'll be fine for a while but I think I really want the dowel rods suspended. Just my .02 worth.


jenny4wheel 08-05-2005 06:16 AM

As a matter of fact, I DON'T love my ribbon storage. It's all thrown into a plastic box. I never use it because I have to dig it out. I'm really looking forward to trying some of the suggestions when I get my stamping area completed.

txblueyes 08-05-2005 07:14 AM

I love my ribbon storage!!!
I went to Hobby Lobby, bought a wooden dowel and a wooden base (dowel was .32, base was .99) DH cut the dowel in half, hammered into the center of the base, and my spools of ribbon slip right on. The only thing I don't like is that if I want a ribbon on the bottom, I have to remove all of the ones above it. But it's well worth it, to not of ribbon all over my drawers and stuff. It's fairly small, so it fits into a corner of my desk or storage space, and stays out of the way. And it was cheap. A little wood glue in the hole before the dowel goes in keeps it steady and secure.


kstamper 08-05-2005 11:10 AM

Thanks for all the ideas and suggestions. I am leaning toward something without a dowel (that's what I'm using now), for the ease of portability, and not having to remove all the ribbon on the end to replace one in the middle. I am enjoying everyone's responses. Any one else have ideas?

dawn g 08-05-2005 01:06 PM

I want to get something neat and tidy like this:


But it is rather expensive! I'm currently just stuffing mine into a plastic drawer.:rolleyes: Not my favorite storage option!

LadyJestyr 08-05-2005 02:10 PM

I looked at the craftlocker ones and drooled, but I would need several because I am a ribbon junkie and that's a lot of $$$. I ended up buying one of those old wooden cd racks at a garage sale for $2, turned it sideways and the ribbon spools sit nicely in the wooden dowels. It's perfect and you can't beat the price! I'm at work, but I will post a picture when I get home.

bschneider5 08-05-2005 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by kstamper
I am trying to figure out how I want to store my ribbon. I would really like something that hangs on the wall. I like the photo storage box idea, but I want my table to be clear of boxes, etc. I searched the gallery, and really like the rain gutter idea. What does everyone use as ribbon storage? Do you like it? What are the pros/cons of what you have? TIA

There is a site you can get quality stamping type organization shelves and what not. They also have an ink pad rack with a ribbon storage option. The link is http://www.stampingallery.com/store/store.htm Good Luck!!! :)

TKMLoveStamps 08-06-2005 02:46 AM

Ribbon Storage
I am lucky and have just finished out our basement and now have a huge room for stampin/scrapbooking. In planning the area I reserved a wall to have a wrapping station. I started with ribbon in the boxes with the holes - but it seems if I don't see it I don't use it and the boxes took up too much space. On a shopping trip to Ikea I purchased 5 metal curtain rods with brackets for under $5/each and had my hubby mount them to the wall to hold my ribbon and a few rolls of gift wrap (birthday, wedding & baby). I also used the clear plastic mail trays (3 slots that attach to the wall) from Office Depot to hold a few gift bags and tissue paper. I found a fold down table at Target (on clearance for $7.00) and mounted it under the rods at waist height - works great - there when I need it - out of the way when I don't. It is nice to have everything in arms reach when I need to wrap a gift. Hope you find a good solution.

scrappiemommie 08-06-2005 03:54 AM

I use a wall mounted wire canned goods shelf for my rolls. I bought mine at a local hardware store, but home Depot and Lowes both carry them. I can easily see what I have and it keeps it all neat and tidy. When i want to go soemwhere I jsut grab the spools in the color I want and off I go :) I'll see if I can find a picture of it

My short pieces I place in large glass jar. I just roll them up into loops and drp them in...Not a great way to store them as you have to dig through to find what I have (there are probably 50 or 60 "loops" in there) but it looks oh so pretty on the shelf ;) LOL

scrappiemommie 08-06-2005 03:56 AM

Here's the rack I used:


the only difference is I paid around 10 or 12$ for mine, not 16$!

Good luck on your decision!

shabby_chickie 08-06-2005 04:51 AM

Walmart also has a shelf like the one from lowes. I believe it was bigger and about the same price. :)

Boulderstamper 08-06-2005 05:48 AM

This post has inspired the 3D Challenge for the week. Hopefully we will get a bunch of posts and you will get more ideas in the week to come. Check it out.


I will finish mine today and put up a pic for you to see. I use one of those wood craft boxes from the craft store to make mine. It is all hidden and contained that way.

Beetee 08-06-2005 10:14 AM

I do have the Ribbon and Roller Craft Lockers from Craftlockers.com
I am really pleased with them both, I will probably need another ribbon one though as the one I have is almost full. They do mount on the wall and are easy to close up and take along on stamping/scrapping days. They were a little spendy but I'm worth it ;)

kyloescards 08-06-2005 01:32 PM

I have mine all lined up in the top drawer of an old dresser - it works great until they have ribbon on sale at JoAnn's for 90% off and you bring home more than will fit! Then rest got put in a shoe box.
I have them sorted in similar size packaging and they stay put very well.

outsiderartist 08-06-2005 01:36 PM

I made one of the archiver boxes fromt hier class the other night, and I love my box, I want to make more, because it is both pretty and it hold alot of ribbons!

gamegirl3006 08-06-2005 01:42 PM

I found mine a long time ago at a craft fair - a little ole man made it for extra income. Has wood ends and has two rows of dowels. I bought it for ribbon for wrapping packages. Wasn't into the stamping at the time. Dowel format seems to work because you can work with it easily.

shabby_chickie 08-06-2005 08:15 PM

I have a ton of ribbon and I usually just have them thrown in the drawer, but this thread has got me thinking that I should somehow organize this. So I went to walmart and this is what I came up with. You could use a thin towel bar. I'm not sure if it would be easy to add new ribbon too, but you could mount it on the wall. Another idea, was in the curtain section, they have these tiny rods that have a spring in them (similar to the toilet paper holder). They are the perfect size, very thin and were less than 2$. Perhaps you could get some kind of box that could set upright and use the rods inside? I'm working on it, I'll let you know if I manage to come up with something that works :)

shabby_chickie 08-06-2005 08:46 PM

Here are some ideas:


Here are some instructions too:

Boulderstamper 08-07-2005 01:08 PM

Here is the picture I promised of mine....


shabby_chickie 08-07-2005 05:46 PM

How is the dowel through the bottom attached? I love this - it is so cute. I might have to borrow your idea :)


Boulderstamper 08-07-2005 05:49 PM

I drilled partway down in the bottom just wide enough for the dowel and then put some glue in there. Borrow away!!

flutterbye 08-07-2005 06:40 PM


Originally Posted by Boulderstamper
Here is the picture I promised of mine....


Its absolutely gorgeous!!! Willing to make one for me?? LOL I'll pay ya :)

bschneider5 08-11-2005 02:39 AM

Any new ribbon storage ideas???

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