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-   -   do you index your stamps? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/do-you-index-your-stamps-57372/)

coastie wife 06-06-2005 06:48 PM

do you index your stamps?
I am *trying* to be more organized. I need a way to keep track of which stamps I have. What works for you?

jj's-mom 06-06-2005 07:37 PM

Stamp organization
I make two copies of the sticker sheet that comes with the stamps. I place 1 copy in the bottom of the clear stamp box (face down) and the other copy in a binder that is organized by topic. For non stampin' up stamps I stamp directly into the binder and keep similar themed stamps in containers with each other.

The binder makes it really easy to see what I have.

valeriecathleen 06-06-2005 07:42 PM

I made my own personal catalog.
I took and stamped each set on a separate piece of paper. I wrote the name of the set on the page and put it in a page protector and then put them all in a looseleaf.

I use a label maker and label the ends of all my stamp sets. They are stored alphabetically on a bookcase with the labels showing.

When I need an idea I thumb through the looseleaf. When I figure out what set I want it is waiting for me on the bookcase!

Much easier than my previous "system" of fishing through stacks of clear stamp boxes over and over and over again! LOL!

pinkhedgehog 06-06-2005 08:25 PM

Let me just say that I have about 350 sets of SU stamps plus assorted Karen Black and Hero Arts.

Here's what I have done. I assign each set of stamps a catergory. Examples are "Christmas & Winter", "Halloween", "Alphabet" and "Summer". OK, then each catergory has a two letter abbreviation, eg. "CW", "HW", "AB", and "SU".

Within each catergory, the sets are numbered in no particular order, as I purchase them they get assigned the next number in the catergory, eg. "HW1", "HW2", and so on.

Then, using an Excel spreadsheet, I entered the sets indicating each one's set name, code (HW1), the number of stamps that belong in the set, and a detailed description of each stamp in the set. I use the description to search my stamps for the one thing I am looking for. For example, if I am trying to find a certain heart, I can type "heart" and Excel will show me each set that has a heart in it. I also have a box where I can check off if the set is retired or not.

I stack my stamps on a shelf by box size, then in alphabetical order by catergory. That way it keeps all of my summer stamps pretty much together, same with Christmas and so on. So..."AB" comes before "CW", then "HW", and "SU". Inside "AB", they are stacked by number...."AB1", "AB2", "AB3", and so on.

This keeps me from accidentally rebuying stamps, which I have done. And helps me find sets quickly.


Jay Dub 06-06-2005 08:49 PM

How do you categorize stamps that fit into more than one category???

AZShann 06-06-2005 08:54 PM

Wow. I can't believe how organized some of you are. I am so not that organized. I just have them all stacked up with the name facing out in 3 stacks (by size). I obviously do not have that many stamp sets yet though.

pinkhedgehog 06-07-2005 01:34 AM

As far as assigning a catergory I just make my best guess and stick with it. I've found that the catergory isn't as important as typing the description into Excel. I have a hard time with sets like Nice & Narrow. I originally used the same catergories that SU had in their catalog, but they've since changed. They used to have a section called Warm & Wonderful. I set my catergories a long time ago and I haven't changed, though I have added.

One more note. I have a tiny ladybug stamp that I stamp in red on each block so when at a stamp camp or crop night I can tell my stamps from others.

I also write the set code (AB1, eg.) on each stamp so I know which box each stamp goes into. I do this just in case one stamp goes astray. I have a million different hearts and if each weren't marked, I'd never get it back in it's proper place.

I do like the idea I've heard here about making a binder so I can see each image quickly without pulling out the stamp boxes. I think I'm going to have to do that. TFS!!

geogymnast82 06-07-2005 04:07 AM

I stamp all my stamps in a binder, sorted by approximate category (christmas & winter, birthday, bugs & nature, etc.). With my loose individual stamps, I have them in the little plastic three-drawer storage "boxes" (similar to Iris stuff). Most are stored in two layers. The bottom layer of stamps are placed directly in the drawer. I then have a clear box frame full of stamps sitting on top of the first layer. Each drawer is labeled similar to the binder categories. My SU sets have a white label on each end. I store all the sets on end in cardboard boxes (I'm working on getting my stamp room so I'll have a better system). To maximize the storage space in each box, I sort the SU sets by size of the clear box, then alphabetically within that size.

There have only been a few times where I've wanted a particular stamp and couldn't find it, and that was usually because I hadn't put the stamp back where it belonged when I was done using it. When I'm stuck for an idea, I flip through my binder to remind myself just what all I have and to see what might work well with what.

thenolanz 06-07-2005 04:28 AM

I do something similar to what has been mentioned here (make my own "catalog" by stamping each of my sets and placing in a binder), but I number each set in the binder and on it's edge, so instead of looking for the specific name, I'm just looking for the number it's been assigned. Hope that makes sense!

cheddar30 06-07-2005 06:01 AM

I stamp all of my set on computer paper and hole punch them. I have a binder I keep them in, in alphabetical order( with index pages). I also have a few catagories in the back, such as words and seasons. I have a page with all the different HAPPY BIRTHDAY'S and the set they come from. I also have an index in the front with all the sets listed in alphabetical order. On each set listed I noted how many stamps are in the set, if it is retired of from a mini and what size box it is in. This is what works best for me, You will have to let us know how things get organized for you!

FourAliments 06-07-2005 06:37 AM

I'm like Shannon, I just have my sets stacked neatly with their labels facing outward. The loose single stamps from Michael's and such are just in a basket next to the stacked sets. Of course, I only have about 50+/- sets right now and may need to rethink my organizing method if it grows much more.

aniam215 06-08-2005 09:28 AM

Hi, this is my first SCS post! There is an article on organizing stamps, ink, etc in the June Rubber Stamper that has some good ideas. I'm getting ready to make a binder. For my SU sets, I'm going to cut up a catalog (I have plenty to spare) and mount the pics of the sets I have on cs and put in page protectors. For my non-SU stamps and loose SU stamps, I will stamp on cardstock and write the name of the company/stamp name below it. For smaller images (2x3 and smaller) I will insert the pieces into 3-ring baseball card holders that way, I can rearrange them whenever or take them to the store with me if I'm looking to match a style. I also just ordered extra xl plastic SU cases to store my non-SU stamps in. They're $8.95 for 6 of them. You can also use these to carry ink pads and other loose supplies to ws. HTH! I'm really enjoying this site, a lot faster and less restrictive than the SU site. I just need to figure out all the little icons and fun stuff!

Life isn't always fair, you've gotta stamp the cards you're dealt.
"I'm a mystery wrapped in a riddle, covered with chocolate sprinkles"
- Cookie Monster

Carebear530 06-08-2005 10:15 AM

I just made a three ring binder of all my stamps. They are stamped on computer paper in each catagory of the book. I have Alphabets & Numbers, Holidays, Nature, Florals, Shapes & Backgrounds, Greetings & Sayings. The saying section is just all the word stamps from all my sets so I can find the best wording for cards without looking through every set. This section was a suggestion from another SCS member & I think it's a great idea.

Then the sets are stacked by size according to catagory on a closet shelf. I have white labels made that are on the end of the boxes so you can find them easily.

So far with 100+ sets I have found this is the easiest way to keep track of them.

basketwilma 06-08-2005 10:18 AM


Originally Posted by jj's-mom
I make two copies of the sticker sheet that comes with the stamps. I place 1 copy in the bottom of the clear stamp box (face down) and the other copy in a binder that is organized by topic. For non stampin' up stamps I stamp directly into the binder and keep similar themed stamps in containers with each other.

The binder makes it really easy to see what I have.

I totally love this idea and wish I had done it when I started stamping! Thanks for the tip!

I'm not a demo but I currently keep a binder with cardstock in it and stamp my stamps so I know what I have... I also go to the binder for inspiration when trying to do a project.

Also in that binder I keep a list of my Sizzix dies, sample of the inks, brass templates and any other patterns that I find useful....

Vintage Redhead 06-08-2005 11:27 AM

*LOVE* my PageSage Software!!!
I have Page Sage software. I *LOVE* it!!! It helps me keep track of: which stamps I have; what accessories I have; when I purchased the item; how much I paid for the item; if I sold the item (and to whom and for how much); what the current value of my supplies are. On at least a bi-annual basis (I tried for quarterly, but hey: I ain't that great!), I print everything up and store it in my safe-deposit box at the bank.

Not only do I have my supplies documented, but also all of my swap cards and three albums. What I would lose in *work product* that I use for business purposes would be almost as devastating as the actual merchandise itself. Please don't assume that I'm an organized person - I really don't consider myself to be. I used to be an insurance adjuster in my "previous" life, so I know what both "loss" and "loss of use" can mean financially! I have a $25K rider on my homeowners policy for my stamp/scrap closet.

~ K

Stamp_rack04 09-17-2005 12:34 PM

I just made a three ring binder of all my stamps. They are stamped on computer paper in each catagory of the book. I have Alphabets & Numbers, Holidays, Nature, Florals, Shapes & Backgrounds, Greetings & Sayings. The saying section is just all the word stamps from all my sets so I can find the best wording for cards without looking through every set. This section was a suggestion from another SCS member & I think it's a great idea.

I think this idea may come in handy for me. I was going to do a flip book with all the sayings, but I wanted to categorize them too. I guess I would have to categorize them in the binder too.

needsmorestamps! 09-17-2005 03:36 PM

As I get each set I stamp them on computer paper. (I do this rather than copying labels to make sure that the stamp isn't defective.)

Then I place them in page protectors based on categories I have made up. The stamped images are also written with the mfr and the set name.

I have animals, flowers, fall, summer, spring, winter, holidays, kids, birthday, shapes/backgrounds, misc, combo (those sets that have some of everything like the new hostess set that has Halloween and Christmas in it), wheels and sayings and a few more I think!

For any set that has a saying in it I place it in the correct group. IE Heartfelt thanks is in flowers BUT I always stamp the sayings twice. The extra one is cut up and placed in the saying group. That way I can turn to the "Happy Birthday" page and see every HB saying that I have.

I store them based on who made the stamps.

This works for me. When I want to start a project I just start flipping thru my binders - I've got 2 three inch binders of pictures that I must go thru but it really makes it easier when you know you want a "frog" (or whatever) and can flip thru a few pages and look at all of them without having to get them all out.

scpd 09-18-2005 08:01 AM

I keep 'catalogs' of my stamps and sets. When I mount a SU! set, I stamp it on a 4x6" unlined index card and note the set name, date purchased, cost, and whether it was in a Mini catalog or on special. I use the Rollabind system for my catalogs, so I just punch the left side of the card and file it alphabetically in the appropriate SU! 'volume'. For non-SU! stamps, I have a similar setup of Rollabound 'books', and the image cards are filed alphabetically by the name of the manufacturer. I stamp as many images as I can on a card, in the order that I get the stamps. I also make similar notes about when & where I got it, cost, etc. I love the Rollabind system because it's very easy to add/remove pages -- so I can re-arrange them when the mood strikes or if I decide a manufacturer needs a book of its own. :) The books are very easy to browse through when I'm looking for inspiration or a particular type of image.

Happy trails....


laurakj 09-18-2005 09:06 AM

I don't have nearly as many sets as some of you, but I do have a binder that I keep with all my sets in it. After I get a new set, I stamp it in Chocolate Chip (not black!) so I can tell if it's defective or not (I had a bad stamp in my Let's Party set and they replaced it free cuz I found it in the first 90 days!) On each sheet I print the set name, price, set of __, & year on the label. Then if/when it retires I stamp a large red "R" next to the name. I don't have them in any category order, but as I get more I might have to think about changing that.

clanderson 09-18-2005 10:37 AM

KaylynConover -
I read your response on this thread and thought this software sounds like a great idea... most of us have no idea how much money is tied up in our collections! Super idea to have everything listed like you have done.

Where did you get this software? I am very interested in using this in my own stamp room! Not to mention my quilting room/sewing room!


kyloescards 09-18-2005 12:25 PM

I have all my sets indexed on 4 x 6 size cards (actually the back of some cards that I bought a bunch of to get the envelopes from paper warehouse!)
I stamp each set on the card when I get it and also write the cost, the name of the set and each year I write if it is in the current catalog or retired.
This works awsome for me because we can only use current stamps in the card exchange that I am in - so I just page through my sets (they are held together with 2 large circle clips (I cannot remember the proper name) and I also have embossing powder colors, markers, scissors etc that I have so I can throw it in my bag when I am shopping at the local craft stores and not bring home the same thing again.
I love to flip through mine when looking for ideas, it is organized by theme and I also stamp words and phrases in the front.
I have looked for a better notebook to put them in but have not found anything I like yet.
I know that at Archivers they have a commercially made book to put all your stuff in that is a smaller 3 ring binder.
Now I am trying to figure the perfect way to keep the stamps, I have them by size with the labels out but it seems like I look for a long time anytime I need a set. I have put bolder labels on a couple sets and probably should do that with all of them, the next project color code the sets by theme with a bold type and tape it on the front.

theorganizer 09-18-2005 08:12 PM

Page Software
Oops, it is gone. After reading the recommendation I went in search of the software. They are no longer producing or selling it. It seems to have been the only one of its kind. Looks like all these great ideas will just have to do for now.

scrappinkar 09-18-2005 09:00 PM

Thanks for all of the great ideas!! My best friend and I plan to do the "binder method" with our inventory of stamps and copy it for each other!! That way, we know what we can borrow!!!

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