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-   -   Do Sellabration sets generally sell well or not? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/do-sellabration-sets-generally-sell-well-not-198897/)

Hahni 11-13-2006 03:19 PM

Do Sellabration sets generally sell well or not?
I was saving my money for Sellabration. Now that I have seen the sets and don't care for any of them, I would rather spend my money now on the Winter mini and have the things to play with before Christmas and to use on my Christmas cards. The only thing holding me back from my $200 order is the idea that the Sellabration sets might sell well on ebay or on a chatboard and 4 sets might be worth waiting for that extra. What do you think? Would you just buy now and enjoy or wait hoping to make money on the sets you don't want anyway. I have a hard time waiting and really am wanting some winter mini stuff. Decisions, decisions!

Anemone 11-13-2006 03:23 PM

I'm not a demo, but unless I'm terribly mistaken, the winter mini is still available during Sell-A-Bration. I don't think you have to buy winter mini OR SAB, I think you can buy winter mini AND get SAB.

kristransue 11-13-2006 03:24 PM

I would have to say there is usually a large amount of SAB sets on ebay . . . initally they go for a lot when they are being sold before they are officially released. After a month or so they seem to go for a more reasonable price. Usually you an trade on the B/S/T board with those that have extras for a reasonable trade value.

Where did you see the sets? :)

ClaudiafromGermany 11-13-2006 04:05 PM

just wondered too...
where did you see the sets

kelly.sutterfield 11-13-2006 04:06 PM

You wouldn't be able to sell them on the B/S/T forum here until March at the earliest. Same goes for EBay if you are a demo. I think that once you start seeing the projects people are making with the sets, you may change your mind about them. I know I do every year!

Robin Anthony 11-13-2006 04:10 PM

The sets may be viewed in the Online Stampin Success Magazine on the SU Website which demo's only can view. I have seen them in a thread for Canadian demos but I believe I read today that the US Magazine is online. HTH!

kristransue 11-13-2006 04:23 PM

ah ha! I'll just wait patiently then I guess!

mochamap 11-13-2006 04:33 PM

does anyone have a link to the sellabration sets for 2007?

hedgiemama 11-13-2006 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Hahni
I was saving my money for Sellabration. Now that I have seen the sets and don't care for any of them, I would rather spend my money now on the Winter mini and have the things to play with before Christmas and to use on my Christmas cards. The only thing holding me back from my $200 order is the idea that the Sellabration sets might sell well on ebay or on a chatboard and 4 sets might be worth waiting for that extra. What do you think? Would you just buy now and enjoy or wait hoping to make money on the sets you don't want anyway. I have a hard time waiting and really am wanting some winter mini stuff. Decisions, decisions!

Any information about the sets you are willing to share?
My experience with the Sellabration sets is that overall, they do not sell for a huge amount. I think, not that some are not cute, but the quantity out there is huge.

robynstamps 11-13-2006 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by mochamap
does anyone have a link to the sellabration sets for 2007?

I don't believe it will be released to us "customers" until it is available on the customer side of the website. Right now it is only available to demonstrators in their Stampin' Success magazine and it is not available to the general public. They are not even available until January 1st so we have plenty of time. I'm a "customer" now so I can say this from this side of the fence.


Hahni 11-13-2006 05:41 PM

A friend scanned it for me. Here's the scoop girls:

Happy Harmony- 5 sayings and another one of those little wildflower stamps that look a bit like dandelions gone to see. Sayings are OK. Nice font.

Big Blossom- 1 huge very 60's looking bold daisy--nothing new here.

Delight in Life-set of 6 flowers/sayings a lot like the set with the matching wheel called something like Blossom Basics (not sure, but they were in a mini). Again they look very much like many previous flowers.

So Very- set of 8 kind of blocky sentiments of individual words like sorry, happy, blessed, cute that go with a stamp that says "so very".

Very Punny- 8 very cutsey, cartoony kid style stamps with puns attached.

A set of Pastel Papers. Cute but nothing unique.

Joan B 11-13-2006 05:48 PM

Sorry, but I couldn't disagree more! I love these sets and the simply scrappin kit. I guess different strokes for different folks!

Skittl1321 11-13-2006 06:06 PM

I LOVE PUNNY Stamps! I am so excited... I cannot wait to see what they are.

The So sorry sounds cute too.

And since I usually earn 3, maybe I'll get the paper just because I've never gotten a simply scrappin' kit. But a girl can always use more flowers too- right?


Between this and TAC's beginning of the year specials I'm going to be one BROKE girl!

myhappyplace 11-13-2006 06:38 PM


Originally Posted by Joan B
Sorry, but I couldn't disagree more! I love these sets and the simply scrappin kit. I guess different strokes for different folks!

I agree, Very Punny will be so cute in scrapbooks or for cards and I don't usually enjoy the play on words type of thing, So Very will also and I can't wait to try to give that flower a pattern, with my Paisley b/g stamp or the Letter Prints set.

And well, a scrappin, kit, can't go wrong with that!

I can't believe you ladies are all the way up to Sell a bration when we're still in the Holiday Mini. Too funny :mrgreen:

Cynamom 11-13-2006 06:46 PM

It will take some time, but the SAB sets usually FLOOD the market and go for CHEAP... but if you want them when they are new, you have to pay a little more.


laurakj 11-13-2006 07:21 PM

I have to say, I LOVE 4 of the 6 SAB items this time. The flower is ok, but I think it'll get old fast, and I'm just not one for the SS kits anyway. But the other 4 are must haves! I love them all and will have a hard time deciding which ones to get first!

db2002wall 11-13-2006 07:37 PM

Ok, I love the pun set, Happy Harmony and the Delight in Life flower set, but not the big flower and the SS set is beautiful. My favorite set is the Happy harmony though!

MSBetsyZ 11-13-2006 08:23 PM

I think it'll be like the minis and the big catalog...most folks will see at least a couple they like, maybe one they LOVE, and maybe something they could take or leave. In other words, variety to appeal to lots of folks. I'm lucky, there are 4 that I really want, instead of all 6 this time...

baronsmom 11-13-2006 09:11 PM

Also, remember, even though they are limited editions, they can't be sold until after the new catty comes out in July.

Japan 11-13-2006 09:39 PM

Oh no - is it time for this again already?? Sigh....
Can't we all just agree to wait until the SAB mini is released to everyone and hold off the discussions about how we don't care for them or what they might look like until everyone has had a chance to look at them and make up their own minds?

Seriously, this is getting old. Way old.

deb_loves_stamping 11-14-2006 02:33 AM

I love hearing about the sets ahead of time, it makes me EXCITED to see them!!!!!! I love reading the descriptions and trying to picture what they look like. As long as no one is fighting about it, I like it! I WANT TO SEE THEM ... patience ... patience ...

Joan B 11-14-2006 03:33 AM


Originally Posted by Japan
Oh no - is it time for this again already?? Sigh....
Can't we all just agree to wait until the SAB mini is released to everyone and hold off the discussions about how we don't care for them or what they might look like until everyone has had a chance to look at them and make up their own minds?

Seriously, this is getting old. Way old.

I'm sorry -- I don't blame you one bit. The only reason I chimed in is that I didn't want the SCS community to think that everyone thought the SAB sets were lousy! You are right. It is rude to discuss something that not everyone can see and I'll shut up about it now!

melissa73 11-14-2006 04:16 AM

Last year I saw on the SAB sets being traded away on the boards while they were still current. So I decided to leave mine unmounted and tried to sell them as soon as they reached retired status. No luck and now I'm stuck with them. This year I'll try to trade any I don't care for right away.

hedgiemama 11-14-2006 07:15 AM


Originally Posted by Joan B
I'm sorry -- I don't blame you one bit. The only reason I chimed in is that I didn't want the SCS community to think that everyone thought the SAB sets were lousy! You are right. It is rude to discuss something that not everyone can see and I'll shut up about it now!

I am sorry for asking about the sets. I see that I should not have.

kelly.sutterfield 11-14-2006 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by hedgiemama
I am sorry for asking about the sets. I see that I should not have.

No harm, no foul! :-D I think we all get a little excited about the next "big" thing. I happen to think that SAB is "the MOST wonderful time of the year!" Can you hear the music in your head now? ;)

Happystamper1962 11-14-2006 07:41 AM

Okay, not to be stupid, but what is Sell-a-bration? What am I missing?

kelly.sutterfield 11-14-2006 11:42 AM


Originally Posted by Happystamper1962
Okay, not to be stupid, but what is Sell-a-bration? What am I missing?

Sellabration is Stampin' Up!'s biggest special of the year. It happens January & February. They come out with special stamp sets that are only available during this period. You get to choose one (1) for each $50 that you spend. Hostesses earn one set on top of their regular benefits for each $300 in workshop sales. This year there are 5 stamp sets and 1 Simply Scrappin' kit that coordinates with one of the Sellabration sets.

GWTW Junkie 11-14-2006 11:53 AM

Well, now that the cat's out of the bag... they ARE fabulous :) I like them all.

People who are concerned about "spoilers" should not click on threads with SAB in the title!!!!

However, to the OP--if you don't care for most of them, then why not put in $150 of your order right now and enjoy the hostess benefits, and save the other $50 for SAB and get the one you like best?

Or get the kit... order four of those instead of four different stamp sets. ...you can always use paper and self-adhesive die-cuts. if you've never tried one of the SS kits before, you are in for a real treat.

Your demo might possibly allow you to trade a couple of new UM SAB sets for catalog merchandise--she could use them as gifts or door prizes. Or you can give them to friends and new stampers as gifts! lots of options!

Laurie FW 11-14-2006 01:36 PM

I think just a few words about the sets are not going to spoil anything! I am very excited about the scrappin' kit, those of you who haven't tried them, you really should! I just made 62 cards out of last years hostess set, Island Blossoms and they were hugely popular with my friends and family (I had to add some of my CS, a spool of ribbon and the envelopes.) They were quick and easy to make and I gave 20 of them to my son's teacher already and she loved them! (Most of them were made into thank you cards.)

Happystamper1962 11-15-2006 07:48 AM


Originally Posted by kelly.sutterfield
Sellabration is Stampin' Up!'s biggest special of the year. It happens January & February. They come out with special stamp sets that are only available during this period. You get to choose one (1) for each $50 that you spend. Hostesses earn one set on top of their regular benefits for each $300 in workshop sales. This year there are 5 stamp sets and 1 Simply Scrappin' kit that coordinates with one of the Sellabration sets.

Oh, okay, thank you so much!

pryor208 11-15-2006 08:02 AM

You can always trade them on here, too. Some people really want the sets, but can't spend the money to earn them all. Or after sellabration, you can sell them on here.

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