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Chillin 12-21-2004 06:46 AM

Do I Have The Best Boss Or What?!?!?!?
I work part time for a small insurance agency near my home, and last night the Agent took the four of us out for dinner and gave us each a holiday present.

Well, I got this shirt sized box and thought, scarf, mittens, hat, etc. Boy was I wrong. I opened it and I couldn't believe what was inside:

3 technique books on rubber stamping and paper crafting
3 one pound scrap packs
3 pkgs asst. notecards and envies (1 white, 1 ivory, 1 vellum)
Asst loose papers including patterned/colored vellums, mulberry papers, handmade papers (the kind with leaves and flower petals in it)
$25 gift card to local scrap/stamp store
$100 American Express gift check to purchase whatever I want from SU!!

I about fell off my chair. I was so overwhelmed that I started to cry. I mean, I have worked here a long time, but I only work about 20 hours a week and to get such a present. My DH isn't even that generous or thoughtful.

After I got home I was up for hours just looking through the catty to decide what I wanted to get with my gift. I am thinking of waiting until Sell-A-Bration and using my "stamping funds" with it to get all 6 sets.

Just had to share the thoughtfulness of this wonderful woman!!!

Happy Holidays to you all!!!!

Shell 12-21-2004 06:54 AM

How wonderful!!!!! You not only have a great boss ... but one that knows you pretty well!

Enjoy your wonderful surprise!

Dotty 12-21-2004 06:56 AM

WOW!!! Now that really says a lot! Congrats to you!

WillStamp4Food 12-21-2004 07:00 AM

That is so thoughtful! Nice!

mamakimberly 12-21-2004 07:01 AM


What a FABULOUS BOSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

instcollector 12-21-2004 07:06 AM

You do have a very thoughtful boss!! He obviously appreciates the work that you do and wants to keep you in his office! What a sweet thing for him to do! My husband always gave his office workers nice gifts, too, and still does even though he is retired. He says that he could not be retired without the help that they gave to him in the past years!!!!!!!

tmarie 12-21-2004 07:14 AM

What an awesome gift and an awesome boss! Have a great time shopping for your new stamps! :D

Motherof6 12-21-2004 08:01 AM

That is a great boss. Not only did he take the time to get you something you could use but paid enough attention to know what it would be. Awesome!

kathleenh 12-21-2004 08:23 AM

Wow! What an incredible and thoughtful gift!

MoberKitty 12-21-2004 08:46 AM

*picture me with mouth hanging open*

Wow!!! That's fantastic!!!! :D It's so nice to know that not only are you appreciated, but that they care enough to notice what hobby you enjoy! You are truly blessed!!

cincystamper 12-21-2004 08:52 AM

Um....is your boss hiring?

Have picking your stuff!

stampcrazygirl 12-21-2004 09:00 AM

WOW...How nice! She must be familiar with stamping to be able to pick out all of that!

Have fun!

Lorstamps 12-21-2004 09:07 AM

How great is your boss! Pays to work for a small business - big corporate bosses don't usually give such nice and thoughtful gifts!

I was reading thru and kept thinking that I couldn't believe a man would be so insightful - sure enough...your boss is a woman!


Stamplady4 12-21-2004 09:20 AM

Lorstamps took the words right out of my mouth.......I knew it was a woman. No man could BE so thoughtful!!!

Stacey 12-21-2004 09:34 AM

Wow! That is great. I'd wait and get your free sets in January!

STAMPSILLY2004 12-21-2004 09:42 AM

WOW!!! That is awesome. She took the time and thought to pick something that would be a really meaningful gift to you. Enjoy your shopping! gina

TexasGrammy 12-21-2004 09:58 AM

Wow! What a considerate, generous and special gift to receive from your boss! Enjoy your goodies & your shopping anticipation! :D

JulieHRR 12-21-2004 10:25 AM

I am speechless.

YOU are very obviously highly valued by your employer, evidenced not by the size of the gift, but the THOUGHT put behind the gift.

The generosity of the gift is remarkable, but I'm most touched by the attention to detail.

How absolutely FANTASMAGORICAL of your boss.

How wonderful to work in an environment where such a relationship exists that it's a pleasure to work in, and the boss knows he has the best working for him and appreciates them so genuinely.

Wenfaye 12-21-2004 10:39 AM

That is fantastic Chillin. I started to cry just reading it... :) I am thrilled to hear that there are still great bosses and people out there. Congrats !

Kar 12-21-2004 11:06 AM

cool gift... I am so hoping that DH gets his bonus this year from his parents.... usually gets me a good $200-$300 worth of stamps. But with taking over the farm January 1st (I think he is still doing that, haven't signed any papers yet) not sure if he will be getting one or not yet :(

Michelle Laycock 12-21-2004 11:27 AM


I'm soooo jealous! Why can't I have a boss like that?!?!

My boss is like... "rubber stamping?, I didn't know you had an interest in politics"...

Arrrghhhh... I suppose that's what he would assume being that he's the editor of a newspaper... :?

stampinthyme 12-21-2004 11:44 AM

Lucky you and big congratulations.


CrabbyAbbe 12-21-2004 01:50 PM

that is so awesome! Good idea to wait and use it during selabration.

Sandybeach 12-21-2004 02:17 PM

wonderful wonderful surprise!!! I am sure you are so valued by your boss & she totally had fun choosing out all those awesome gifts !
Your great news makes me SMILE - thanks for sharing
Merry Christmas

12-21-2004 02:41 PM

Sounds like he is a keeper!

stampinhappy 12-21-2004 02:56 PM


What a fabulous boss! :lol: :lol: :lol:

I am sure that you are simply estatic on picking out things to purchase for sell-a-bration!!!!!

Happy Holidays!!!!

trburgi 12-21-2004 03:46 PM

WOW how nice of them.

qcbetty 12-21-2004 04:21 PM

Holy smokes, that would be awesome! What a thoughtful person, I agree with JulieHRR ~ the attention to detail! Obviously your boss knows you love crafting.

Lucky lucky you!!

mmmeola 12-21-2004 04:36 PM

You do have a wonderful boss. Very thoughtful....I have a funny story along the boss line. I convinced my boss that his wife would be spending at least $150 during Sell-A-Bration, so why didn't he just give her SU gift certificates (that I make up and wrap, of course) and he would actually be saving himself some money. She would have spent the money anyways, and now she can do it without feeling guilty, because he gave her the certificates...... He thought it was a great idea and I made them tonight. Now he doesn't have to go shopping or wrap anything.....A win win for both of us. :lol:

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