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-   -   Did you watch the shopat home scrapbooking segment this weekend or this morning? (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/did-you-watch-shopat-home-scrapbooking-segment-weekend-morning-72757/)

amahanes 07-25-2005 05:41 PM

Did you watch the shopat home scrapbooking segment this weekend or this morning?
My question is this,

Has anyone ever used the fiskars eyelet setter they demo'd (The springy ones) or the fiskars embossing templates?

AmandaCalloway 07-25-2005 06:08 PM

I saw the eyelet demo and that looked pretty neat. I just purchased the making memories one that you click instead of hammering. I just need to go home and try it out but I am on vacation. I keep asking myself how many eyelet setters do I need though???

newinker 07-25-2005 08:15 PM

I did not see this show, but I have the Fiskars shapeboss. I only use it occasionally but when I do I have no complants about it. You don't need a light table. You can buy different templates. :)

suchaladie 07-26-2005 07:55 AM

I saw the show twice. It came on in the morning and then @ 7:00 e/s time. I ordered the Sizzix sidekick and the AZURE sizzlits! Can't wait to get them. I thought it was a GREAT deal compared to other websites. The sidekick was $29.99 and the sizzlits were $99.99 $2.99 s/h. Whoohoo!!!!!


luvs2stamp2 07-26-2005 11:16 AM

I have the embossing templates, I didn't like them at first. Now the more I use them, the better I like them. The secret is to rub the waxpaper over the cs. I also have the eyelet/setter things. I love them to make the hole in the paper, but I'm not crazy about the setter part. It always splits the eyelet. I have a different setter that makes the eyelet look like a flower. I just love watching those shows.

StampinPixie 07-26-2005 11:21 AM

I have that set - bought it when it first came out, being the ultimate tool junkie that I am. I should have returned it, but since I had opened & used it, didn't think they'd take it back. It "jars" my finger joints and wrist joints, so I didn't care for it. I have carpal tunnel & arthritis runs in my family.

However, it did work great.

If you are young & healthy & want to try it out, I'll sell it for 1/2 price plus shipping. I only used it once & it is still in the package (thought torn open of course). I think I paid $18 for the set.

[email protected]

sunny36 07-26-2005 01:44 PM

My cousin has the Fiskars eyelet setter and is sorry she bought it, it certainly isn't quiet, and she finds she must "spring" it several times to work.

amahanes 07-26-2005 10:25 PM

Guess I'll stick to my setter and hammer. I wasn't really looking for a silent setter - those things just looked cool. Glad I didn't give in and buy one.

As for the fiskars template - I still haven't decided. I'm not sure I'd really use them much. I alreayd have several brass templates and I NEVER use them. My light box won't shine through any cardstock except white and that is boring. It won't even show through barely banana or pretty in pink - so they just sit. As does my sizzix and dozen or so dies that I "Had to have". I have to quit buying all this crap and never using it. Some of this stuff is way to expensive to just let sit on the shelf. Good thing I don't have a husband to get mad abvout it.

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