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-   -   demo opinions? ~slightly long rant, sorry! (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/demo-opinions-%7Eslightly-long-rant-sorry-71897/)

digby 07-22-2005 05:35 AM

demo opinions? ~slightly long rant, sorry!
A question to the demos out there - how well do you take care of your customers? For example - I placed an order with my demo for some retired stamp sets and discontinued accessories in June. On July 7 she e-mailed me (in response to an inquiry from me) and said she was expecting the delivery within the next day and would most likely have everything sorted and bagged by that Monday. It is now two weeks later. I have e-mailed her twice this week with no response. I understand things come up but is this good business? I have been ordering from this lady for over a year. I have had two workshops with her. I have been in a club and I pay to attend the majority of the classes she offers. I feel I have been a good customer. So has my mom. I am at the point where I'm considering becoming a demonstrator myself so mom and I can receive more benefits from our spending! Here's the sticky situation - my mom and I both agreed to be in another club for this demo that's supposed to be starting soon. This was before I discovered SCS and the new demo incentive. I'm not sure I can spend enough to be in her club and meet my minimums. I hate to pass up this opportunity to become a demo now but I suppose I shouldn't go back on my word to my current demo. I'm just really irked about waiting so long for orders and getting no response. Any advice?

Wishing I had my order

basurok 07-22-2005 05:42 AM

It sounds like you've made every effort to learn status of your order and the demo (for whatever reason) is not responding.She'll probably lose customers and wonder why. It is hard to give your word and then back out...but realize that sometimes it is very necessary. My rule of thumb is to put the shoe on the other foot. Would they have a problem doing the same thing to me? The demo incentives are very tempting...I'm thinking of doing it myself. You could be in a win-win deal if you become a demo...quit the club...but sign up under your current demo. She would not be losing business then. She'd earn something from your orders I think and you'd get the discount and goodies.

mamakimberly 07-22-2005 05:52 AM

If she isn't following through on her commitment to give you your goods, you have zero commitment to HER ;)



mightymouse 07-22-2005 05:53 AM

Take the plunge I think it would be the best thing for you. Talk to your demo I was nervous about that myself . But she was fine with it I assured her I just wanted to be a hobby demo and she has been great showing me everything like how to place orders etc. Just do it, you will be glad you did.

birdbrain 07-22-2005 06:00 AM

I agree w/ Mama K...if you sign up as a demo, do NOT sign up under her. She's not taking care of her customers, which makes one wonder if she'll take care of her recruits.


AmandaCalloway 07-22-2005 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by mamakimberly
If she isn't following through on her commitment to give you your goods, you have zero commitment to HER ;)



I agree but I too would have a hard time making the decision. I think everyone here at SCS gives their honest opinion of what they would do and this is mine. Become a demo and enjoy the fun!

KountryKorners 07-22-2005 07:00 AM

Do what's best for YOU!
You are under no obligation to this demo. I had purchased an order from a demo and 3 months later I still hadn't received my stuff. Then she got irritated with me because I cancelled my order (DUH!!). I called Stampin' Up and told them about my (excuse the expression) Crappy experience. This whole experience left a sour taste in my mouth for Stampin' Up, but then SU convinced me to not blame the company for the lack of service from one person that there are many wonderful Demonstrators out there! So I found another demo in the area (well she's actually an hours drive away) and I had a completely different experience with her! She's fabulous, she loves her job and her enthusiasm is contageous! I love the stuff so much that I signed under her.
I strongly suggest you sign under someone that you like because you will be connected with that person during your time with Stampin' Up and nothing is worse than dealing with someone you don't like (trust me I know I went through that with another company I tried years ago ). Being an SU demonstrator is such an enjoyable experience and you deserve to be respected.
As for your classes... I think giving her notice that you will not be attending in advance should be sufficient.

allidee 07-22-2005 07:05 AM

You might also consider sending her a certified letter to register your complaint. I had a demo for another company (not stamping) do this to me. After a month of unreturned phone calls and emails I sent her a certified letter stating that I wanted a refund made to ALL the customers who were at my show (over 1000$.) She was at my house with the goods the same day she signed for the letter, saying what I had threatened was completely unnecessary, blah, blah, blah! Yeah, whatever lady!

ANyhow, what she is doing is considered theft by deception...she has failed to complete her end of a transaction, thus the deception.

Definitely sign up!! But not under her. Any prospective demo should interview the potential upline if it isn't their regular demo.

Good Luck!!

AshleyAnne 07-22-2005 07:20 AM

I agree with everyone. This is VERY poor customer service. We all know and understand when issues come up, but communication will go a long way in relieving hurt feelings and misunderstandings.

If I have an order delivered to me instead of the hostess I make sure to have it packaged, with a thank you card and delivered to each club member within 48hrs. I treat my customers as I would want to be treated. Remember the Golden Rule?

I would not feel bad about you and your mom backing out of the club and you becoming a demo under someone else. As another posted - if this is how she treats her customers she will probably treat her downline the same or worse.

Good luck!

JennTate 07-22-2005 07:21 AM

Not sure where you are in Ohio, but you can sign up under me if you'd like ;)

robynstamps 07-22-2005 07:46 AM

I'm just thinking out loud here but did she go to Convention? This might be a reason she has not gotten back with you yet. I understand your complaint but before we jump the gun I would give her the benefit of the doubt.

As demonstrators we should not ask people to sign up under us instead of their own demonstrator. This is violating our demo agreement by soliciting business from an Internet source. We should always refer them to the SU website at www.stampinup.com.

Good luck with your situation. Is this your first bad situation with this demo. I read that you have been with her for a year. If this is the first time this has happened I would give her another chance.

Sereikastamper 07-22-2005 07:47 AM

I too agree with the general consesus HOWEVER, take a moment and think about how you approach her when you do. Has she always had poor service? Could there be something wrong with her right now and your frustration is just clouding her stellar service previously? If not and she has not always made you feel wonderful to be her customer, then you have to decide....What will be better for you in the long run. I would personally call one last time, simply state that you would like your order delivered no later than say Monday night. Then simply state you have decided to withdraw from her club due to her inability to deliver your orders in a timely fashion and that you just really think it would benefit you more to become your own demo. And if you are NOT going to sign up with her state that you have found someone else to sign under and thank her for her time. Handling yourself professionally with her will not only eliminate you from getting emotional it will also allow you to feel confident that you did all you could as well as start off your SU career with out animosity on your end. You can't be sure she will not be upset but we can not control the emotions of others....

Best of luck. Find a demo you like, who inspires you, as well as one who is in it for the long haul and GET STAMPIN!!!!!! :)

longtimestamper 07-22-2005 09:50 AM

Can I get off the main topic for a moment to ask a question? I'm kind of new to SU so the answer may be obvious but I'm missing.. Every time I've ordered, my stamps have come directly to me. Why were yours going to the demo and needing to be sorted and delivered?

ON topic, I think that bad CS and the fact that the new group hasn't stared up yet makes it ok for you to drop out if you want to.

basurok 07-22-2005 09:54 AM


Originally Posted by stampinwyoming
I agree w/ Mama K...if you sign up as a demo, do NOT sign up under her. She's not taking care of her customers, which makes one wonder if she'll take care of her recruits.


Excellent point! I'm probably "too nice" sometimes. :smile:

jdarnall2001 07-22-2005 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by longtimestamper
Can I get off the main topic for a moment to ask a question? I'm kind of new to SU so the answer may be obvious but I'm missing.. Every time I've ordered, my stamps have come directly to me. Why were yours going to the demo and needing to be sorted and delivered?

On topic, I think that bad CS and the fact that the new group hasn't stared up yet makes it ok for you to drop out if you want to.

That is the decision of the demonstrator. When we place the order we can either choose to send it to our house or the home of the hostess. I always send to my house to ensure everything arrives properly and I bag up everything. Then I take it to the hostess for her to deliver to her guests.

As for the original question, I would talk to her and find out why it is taking so long to get your stuff. Are some things backordered and she's waiting for everything to arrive to deliver? (Not a good practice in my opinion, but some demos do this.) Is she out of town? Are there family/medical problems? There may be a logical explaination (and there may not). I would find out some more details before signing up (under her or someone else).

And personally, if someone had signed up to be in a club of mine and then opted to be a demonstrator (especially if they signed up under me) I could understand foregoing the club as you would want/need that money to go towards your own sales.

MSBetsyZ 07-22-2005 10:31 AM

Well, since Robyn said it so much better than I could, I'll just say, "What SHE said." About EVERYTHING she said.

sluman 07-22-2005 10:39 AM

I agree with Robyn too. If you haven't had problems with her before then I would give her the benefit of the doubt.

As far as who you should sign under...you need to pick a demonstrator whose personality fits with yours and, as Keri said, is in it for the long haul. I shopped around and did some research before picking my upline and I'm so glad I did.

Good luck!

digby 07-22-2005 05:09 PM

thank you
Thanks to all of you who gave me your opinions. I really appreciate the input.
I'm not sure what to do yet. My current demo is a nice lady and I really like her classes. As far as previous dealings with her my mom and I haven't really had "problems" with her it seems until these last few months. Maybe I'm expecting too much. Although the last class we took was in May and my mom returned the embossing tool she bought because it was cracked and she still hasn't received a new one. I guess if I had customers depending on me I'd want to make sure they would know when to expect thingsor I would try to let them know if I was going to be out of town, etc. I think what I will do (if I finally get a hold of her) is explain the situation: I want to become a (hobby) demo, I have a no problem with her becoming my upline so long as communication/asistance can happen in a timley manner, I'd still love to attend her classes, and I'd rather not participate in the club so I can focus on meeting my quarterly goals. We'll see what happens. Thanks again for the advice!

robynstamps 07-23-2005 06:33 AM

I think that is a great way to deal with the situation. I know it feels so much better to get it off our chest and also to find help with our problems. Good luck at your new "Stampin" job. I'm sure she will be thrilled to have you as a downline instead of as a customer. I know that I am always happy to share the business opportunity with those who could meet their own quarterly requirements. You will love the perks of being a demo!!!


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