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-   -   To Demo or not to Demo (https://www.splitcoaststampers.com/forums/general-stamping-talk-17/demo-not-demo-20513/)

Hisbride 12-18-2004 08:39 PM

To Demo or not to Demo
that is the question. :?
I have been in talks with my demo about signing up in Jan but I can't seem to make a decision. I am praying about it and looking at it from all angles.
I have 200.00 to spend. I could sign up get the stuff and benefits and then need to try to meet quotas or I can use that 200.00 and get enough paper and other supplies to last me a good long time and get 4 free SAB sets. OR I can use that money on something else very worth while and just be happy with the stamps and supplies I have. :shock:

I'd like to know what everyone else's motivation in becoming a demo is besides the demo benefits. Part of me feels like it can become an obsession to posses the stamps, but to what end? I don't want a "she who dies with the most stamps wins" kinda mindset. Does anyone out there relate?
Thanks for listening. I think I just needed to get that out.
:( :? :( :? :(

CreativeDiva 12-18-2004 08:49 PM

ok, my honest opinion is that if you have $200 to spend on stamping stuff it might as well be the demo kit 'cause you get almost $400 worth of stuff that way... make your money go further... then if you decide you don't want to demo or don't meet the minimum requirements, no harm done, you just become inactive...
I say go for it and get the kit!!

lesarapp 12-18-2004 09:10 PM

It probably all depends on what you want out of it. Do you have a customer base in mind? Do you even want to sell the stuff or just play? Can you afford 300 bucks a quarter if you don't have customers? I got in to get stuff at a discount and then for a while ended up selling quite a bit. I got to go to convention in San Diego cause I made enough money to do it. Now I am more of a get the discount and sell to my Mom and Sister once in a while. They help me with the quarterly minimums, but not always. I guess it really depends on why you want to do it. The discount is great. I usually can spend the 300 bucks on myself. I buy gifts for my Mom and Sister at a discount too. Hope I helped. :D

stampinit 12-18-2004 09:11 PM

I had this exact delima a few months ago. I choose to become a demonstrator. Part of the reason I did, was because my demonstrator moved out of state. :cry: and stampin is something that I truely love to do. I havn't had an official party yet but have already sold almost $500 :D I have my first party the end of this month and two booked in January so far. I think that it is going to be easier to sell the minimum and stay active than I thought and that is what I was worried about the most. I hope this helps you and I wish you the best of luck!!!


coastal 12-18-2004 09:28 PM

I went back and forth with this issue also. I signed in August and have no regrets!!! First I made my wish list out- it was over $500.00. Subtract the discount from that and it makes a big difference. I basically signed to get the discount. I had one show in Sept and the hostess ended up with $750.00 in sales! Plus I'm signing my first downline tomorrow. One huge benefit to becoming a demo, use your commision to build your supply. The second is you can't imagine all the new friends that you will make. You can work the business as much or as little as you would like. This is my second try at a home based business and it worked out wonderfully! Hope this helps!

ScrappinAubrey 12-18-2004 09:43 PM

I may be the lone dissenter.

If you are just looking for a deal, I think you should pass and just spend your $200 on the items you want rather than the "kit". The $380 retail value of the items in the kit includes stuff that you won't use if you are just a stamper and are not into it for the business. You will get order forms, 10 current catalogs etc.

If you will spend $270 every three months, then go for it. You will get the 20% discount (but you still have to pay the 10% shipping, so in essence, you are getting a 10% discount). 10% is better than nothing, right? :D

Or if you think you might be able to get a stampers club together or have a monthly stamp camp, go for it. But if you are just looking at the $380 worth of stuff for $200, perhaps you should do something else.


JulieHRR 12-18-2004 09:52 PM

OK, for me, it wasn't JUST about acquiring all the stamps I wanted.

I am a former h.s. foreign language teacher who LOVES to teach (just got exhausted teaching h.s. kids/working mother longing to stay home syndrome).

I LOVE LOVE LOVE teaching folks about stamping--as much as I loved teaching my students to speak Spanish. BUT, I don't have to grade papers OR deal with displine issues. :D

I also enjoy that it introduces me to all sorts of people I probably would never have met otherwise who grace my life with their friendship.

I've also gotten to travel and I enjoy that a LOT. I also enjoy the comeraderie of my fellow demonstrators, and my downline, who have both become good friends and treasured friends in my life.


wendalyn 12-19-2004 08:31 AM

I am glad I am not the only one - I have been asking myself the same question for the last month. I still can't decide. But I was going to wait until January 1st to get the Sell A bration specials....

albrennick 12-19-2004 08:51 AM

Great question, Great Answers!!! :lol:

For me, I started out thinking it would be a great business opportunity but have had trouble drumming up customers. (I have quit a few, that don't spend very much) I am still my best customer. But I have to say that when I have workshops I absolutely "LOVE" it. The time spent with all the creative ladies is the best, and wether they buy or not, I am thankful for knowing them and all that is shared at these gatherings!! Couldn't have done it without Stampin'Up! A\

And of course the discount helps out a lot also!!

Good luck to you in your decision!! :lol:


duffgirl 12-19-2004 08:53 AM

Okay, let's just say that you are looking at this purely for what is in the kit, and not looking at selling it at all or are interested in being eligible to go to conventions and other SU get togethers, the monthly magazine, demonstrator only freebies, etc... Let's JUST look at the kit.

You get 5 stamp sets, no wait, if you sign up in January or February you get 7 stamp sets:

Sincere Salutations (much talked about demo Christmas present)
Any 29.95 set
Any 24.95 set, make that two of those
Any 11.95 set
Any 19.95 set
an extra free set of your choice, any price
[/i]do you have all the sets you want? Because the value of these stamp sets alone is over $165!

Plus you get over $80 worth of accessories as well. Do you have the accessories that are in the kit? Lots of goodies! Don't forget that you get free shipping on your starter kit. If you had purchased $200 worth of supplies you would be paying $20 more by buying a la carte, so you have to factor that in. Want more stuff that isn't in the kit? On top of that, if you place an order of $150 or more in your first 45 days, you will not only get hostess benefits on that order, but you will get 30% off your purchase as well.

Yes, you get business supplies, which you may or may not use. If you know people that are interested in stamping, you can sell the 8 catalogs that you get in your kit for $10 a piece. Even if you aren't interested in doing workshops you can still accept orders from others to help you keep your minimums. If that doesn't float your boat, talk to your demonstrator about possibly trading your business supplies for a catalog credit. Perhaps you can work something out between the two of you.

Talk to your demonstrator, she can help you make a decision that you will be comfortable with.

Good luck!

Hisbride 12-19-2004 10:05 AM

Wow you ladies are so great. I appreciate your help so much. I think I couldn't think past my emotions and after some sleep and reading your postings I feel much better.
My demo did say that she would buy my papers and stuff if it didn't work out for me. I have alot of what is in the kit and quite a bit of stamps already but I understand I can swap out for other sets of equal or lesser value. Yes having some of the other supplies would be great.

I think part of my concern is looking at my demo. She has worked hard to get a customer base but it just isn't happening. She has about 5 people that show up for workshops or book shows. I know there are suggestions about how to go about getting your first parties book in the starter kit but I was wondering if anyone did anything different that worked well. :?:

I do have to say I will be bummed out not to be able to get any of the SAB stamps. I had my eye on 2 for sure. :(

raestamps 12-19-2004 10:46 AM

I know exactly how you feel! I would LOVE to be a demo and tried to convince myself I could but I can't. There is no way!

I talked to my former demo (who is trying desperately to stop being a demo) the other day and she said she LOVES stamping but HATES selling. She has a couple faithful customers (me included) but decided she just wanted to get out of it.

Since I love to stamp and can't demo, I decided to try to make a go of trying to sell my cards (basically to subsidize my habit). As preparation for this, I made several sets and gave them out as gifts (to aunts, neighbors, my hairstylist, my daughter's dance teacher), all of whom oooohed and ahhhhed over the cards.

I will close by saying that demo kit is sure tempting and I'm still sad I won't be getting it!

good luck!

Laura43 12-19-2004 11:05 AM

I've been waivering back and forth myself. I love SU products, but I work full time plus overtime. Both of my sons are still home for a little while longer (ages 13 and 17), can you really meet minimums by just having a stamp camp every month? :?: :?

mjnicholas 12-19-2004 11:13 AM

I have been in exactly the same boat. I have been trying to decide if I should be a demo or not. The starter kit is soooo tempting and I like the fact that in Jan. or Feb. we would also get two additional stamp sets. I'm not sure about my customer base or people who would have parties because I hate to ask my friends to do that for me. But, my demo says that she thought that would be a problem for her too and she has never had trouble meeting her minimums. I am leaning more towards just trying it because it can't hurt since we would be getting such a good deal on all of the materials in the starter kit. I'm still going to pray about it some more, though, so I know I'm thinking clearly and not just from my heart.

kelwil 12-19-2004 11:22 AM

I signed up in Aug. after much waivering also. I decided to add up what I had spend in the last year on card making supplies, this included scrapbooking supplies, gift wrap, stamps, ink, embellishments, etc. I figured out that I was spending enough to make the quarterly sales. So I signed up. I have paid for my kit and all of my supplies and stuff for myself with the money I have made having workshops. I have had 4 workshops, but have put in many more hostess orders for friends and myself. I have gotten tonnes of things free and really enjoy the monthly Stampin' Success SU puts out for Demonstrators.
I have a good friend, and a couple of customers that order monthly and family members that buy me birthday/Christmas presents and that really helps with my sales.
You should only do it if it feels right for you.

debbiemom23cs 12-19-2004 12:41 PM

I love teaching people about stamping, too! Being a Demo for me just kind of happened. I had a party at SAB time and all my friends loved it so much plus I had a $750 party, that I just had to sign up.

For the past 6 months, I have had a Stampers 6 club. You get six people who want to purchase $25 each month and they take turns being the hostess. Now that has been super easy and all my ladies have been very happy with it!! It is a good way to promote your business but not have to pack up everything for parties. I still have a monthly stamp camp that is well attended, too!

I like the customer to come to me but that doesn't always happen! Remember, since you are the demo, you get to control how much you work and when!! It is great!

Kar 12-19-2004 12:45 PM

I can't wait to sign up in January!! :) I had an aunt today say I should do a big stampin party to teach all the "old" folks how to do it.... I just might do that too :) Maybe can get them hooked on it too ;)

amycara 12-19-2004 01:11 PM

to demo or not to demo
Just my opinion but before I signed up I was unsure of how I'd meet the minimum too. I decided to give it a try and see, worst case I'd go back to being a customer. It really was easier than I thought. My first party was a stamp camp during Sell-a-bration because I didn't like the idea of "selling." It seemed a much more low key approach and for me it was the right thing to do. My customers loved it because they all got free stamps. Several of them are now my best customers. You just never know who will like it but it sounds like you're in a win-win situation if your current demo will buy the things you already have! It sounds like a cliche but I really have made some great friends through stamping. Good luck. :D

mggoldintx 12-19-2004 01:48 PM

I've enjoyed reading everyone's feedback regarding this decision. I've been an avid stamper since 2001 and have always thought about becoming a demonstrator but didn't really take time to examine the advantages and disadvantages. For me, I'd do it mostly to support my own habit and since my demonsrator isn't nearby, it would be great to get the company support literature to help me with ideas and growing the business, if and when I decide to pursue that area.

Thanks everyone, for providing honest feedback! :D

newmom 12-19-2004 10:08 PM

I've been pondering this same question as well and enjoy reading everyone's comments. I would be doing it only as a hobby and have a couple of friends who are willing to start a Stamping Club. I guess I have just been too scared to take the plunge. I'll let you guys know after January 1st!


laura4863 12-19-2004 10:52 PM

Be A Demo
Be a demo!!! First of all, there are so many benefits not money related like meeting all these great people at stamping related events! But here is another idea to help you make your minimums that I have not seen posted! 10-15 Clubs! Ten people that agree to spend 15 a month for 10 months! Each month you can show a new technique or project and then they submit sales. Each person gets to be hostess once during this period. Each person gets a catalog and minis during these periods! That way they can be making their shopping lists every month! This can be done in your home if you would find it easier or you can require that they have it in their home the month they get their hostess benefits. I have one club that meets periodically and they email me orders!!! They are veterans and just enjoy getting the hostess benefits without having to go to the trouble of cleaning etx. This guarntees your minimum sales and then some. They don't all just spend 15 every month!
Laura Littlefield

irishjc820 12-20-2004 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by duffgirl
You get 5 stamp sets, no wait, if you sign up in January or February you get 7 stamp sets:

Sincere Salutations (much talked about demo Christmas present)
Any 29.95 set
Any 24.95 set, make that two of those
Any 11.95 set
Any 19.95 set
an extra free set of your choice, any price

I've been battling with myself over this question as well - I would love to be a demonstrator not only for the great discouints, but also for the other perks (like advance ordering!) and the comaraderie (sp?) as well. I'm just really hesitant about shelling out the money for the starter kit, as well as being able to reach the minimum. I had decided to buy the markers as a Christmas gift to myself, but this post has got me thinking - why not spend a little extra money and get the starter kit? But i really want those markers!!

Anyway, can someone tell me exactly what's in the starter kit? Thanks to duffgirl for outlining the stamp sets, but can someone tell me about the acessories I can choose from?

Thanks as always for all your help!

irishjc820 12-20-2004 12:35 PM

Actually, I have one more question - if you're unable to make the quarterly minimum, are you automatically inactivated or do you get something like a "probation" quarter to bring your sales up? Also, once you're inactivated, what happens if you decide you want to demo again a few months down the road - do you have to buy the starter kit again? (Ok, I guess that was two more questions - thanks for your help!

AmandaK 12-20-2004 12:57 PM

my input
I just want to make a follow-up comment to the suggestion about a 10 for 15 club. They are wonderful! I've been in one as a customer for over a year now and we have SUCH a good time. We all come from differing backgrounds, we're different ages, races, nationalities, different life situations. We got together because we all live near our demo and we wanted to learn more techniques! It's been such a great experience. Everyone loves getting to be the hostess at least once, we all get to learn cool advanced stamping, and mostly we love our monthly night out.

I never thought I would be signing up to be an SU demo...I'm a college professor and have been teaching part-time since my children were born. But I finally realized after feeling envious of my friend / demo for a while that I would like teaching stamping too! So I'm signing up in Jan. If it goes well, great...if it doesn't, at least I have the stamps! :lol: I'm hoping to start a 10 for 15 of my own, though--they really bring people together in a wonderful way.

Good luck to you!

TexasStampin 12-20-2004 01:10 PM

I totally agree with the poster that said sign up and start a Stamp Club. That is exactly what I did and it's been 2 years. I had no idea how long it would last but it just keeps going. I've had a few people drop but others waiting to get in, so it's worked out. I do 6 in the club with a $25 a month committment. That more than makes my minimums.

BearPawGal 12-20-2004 01:16 PM

Re: To Demo or not to Demo

Originally Posted by Hisbride
........ at is the question. :?
I have been in talks with my demo about signing up in Jan but I can't seem to make a decision. I am praying about it and looking at it from all angles.
I have 200.00 to spend. I could sign up get the stuff and benefits and then need to try to meet quotas or I can use that 200.00 and get enough paper and other supplies to last me a good long time and get 4 free SAB sets. OR I can use that money on something else very worth while and just be happy with the stamps and supplies I have. :shock:

I'd like to know what everyone else's motivation in becoming a demo is besides the demo benefits. Part of me feels like it can become an obsession to posses the stamps, but to what end? I don't want a "she who dies with the most stamps wins" kinda mindset. Does anyone out there relate?
Thanks for listening. I think I just needed to get that out.
:( :? :( :? :(

Hi there! My initial motivation was the discount. I am a new stamper (diehard scrapper tho..lol), who was just getting 'intrigued' by stamping so altho I hadn't seen a catalog yet I have heard raves about SU! stamps from some scrappers who are also stampers. Seeing SU! made cards, hearing how most everything is color co-ordinated, then seeing a catalog and the wide selection to choose from, well those helped me over the edge. lol I must admit tho I did initially sign on as a 'hobby/crafty' demo to use for my personal use...but after being a part of Stampin' Up! for almost a year now I can say I'm happy I chose to join because you are made to feel like you 'belong' no matter your reasons for joining and no matter if you do this for business or pleasure......corny as that may sound. lol
I too had that obsession feeling come over me but I have also learned to reign it in and rationalize myself on 'do I REALLY need this set, will I REALLY use it, etc etc etc' and nine times out of ten I'm able to downsize my order before it's final. Also, this being my first year I am still collecting supplies so that helps in the limiting of stamp sets I buy. I have several that I am able to use for demo'g, others for personal use, so I think it's evened out......for now! Who knows....in a month I might be talking differently! LOL
HTH... :)

mggoldintx 12-20-2004 07:28 PM

The clubs you suggest are a great idea! My demonstrator did a marker club in which four of us committed to four months and the purchase included one color group of markers, one color group of assorted papers, a handful of white, natural, and craft cardstock, which all totaled just over $40 I think (plus anything else we wanted to order at the time). Each person was a hostess each month so in the end, we had a full set of markers, cardstock, and a little bit extra with the hostess benefits! :)

I totally forgot about clubs... a perfect way for new stampers and old stampers to indulge in their habit a little at a time; and a perfect way to maintain the minimum requirement.

I think I've made up my mind. Now I have to think of the things I want in my starter kit... believe me, the list is long!

Thanks again to everyone for their honest feedback. It looks like there will be a lot of new demonstrators next month. Yay for Stampin' Up!


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